
The Hidden Disciple

Samuel Lestrange was trained to kill from an early age, raised to be a Death Eater, the perfect pureblood. Kept hidden for most of his younger life because of who his mother and father are. However, when Samuel turns eleven, he comes out of hiding and makes his debut in the magical world. What will happen to Samuel, when, against expectations, he is sorted into Gryffindor? AU!

TheRealestWangLin · Derivasi dari karya
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12 Chs

Ch. 4

(Samuel Lestrange Pov)


Samuel looked on in awe as the bright red Hogwarts Express rolled into the station. It was truly magical, however his heart was not in it. He could not be impressed by the majesty of the train. He knew what awaited him now, and it was the cold dark cells of Azkaban.

"I hope the Dark Lord comes quickly." He thought to himself sighing

He had been lost in thought since he met his mother. He couldn't get the fact she didn't even care about him out of his head. Why couldn't she love him, why couldn't she have cared he was there in front of him. He didn't even want to think of his father, he was too pathetic, too weak.

"Whose fault is this, was it the Dark Lord or was it the Longbottom's?" He wondered as he stared at the crowds of children hugging and saying goodbye to their parents.

He watched Draco kiss his mother goodbye and hug his father.

"I suppose this is my family, I shall do right by them. Those people in the cells didn't raise me, the Malfoy's did. I am with them, Narcissa is my mother." He thought to himself, his heart filling with resolve.

My real parents are beyond saving, I should just kill them in my heart.

He flashed back to Snape telling him, "Anything that gets in the way of you serving the Dark Lord must be discarded. Any emotional ties they all must die."

He went and gave Narcissa and Lucius a big hug, and flashed a bright smile at them.

"Thank you for taking me in, guys. I will make you proud." He said smiling at Lucius and Narcissa

"Oh baby you already have." Narcissa said with a smile on her face

Lucius merely nodded at the handsome boy with a white streak in his hair.

"Indeed, remember your training. Hogwarts can be an unforgiving place if you aren't careful." Lucius said

"I will sir." Samuel said

Samuel left and followed behind Draco to the train who had already met up with Crabbe and Goyle. The three were both laughing and chatting, but Samuel wasn't in the mood. He couldn't bring himself out of his thoughts.

"Do I even really want to serve the Dark Lord?" He wondered to himself as he followed behind Draco.

"I mean really, he was killed by an infant. Agh! What should I do? I'm sure Severus will be helpful, he always has good advice." He wondered following the trio feeling like he wanted to rip his hair out.

"This is driving me crazy, I suppose I'll just focus on getting stronger for now. Much stronger, hone my transfiguration skills and figure things out later. I will discuss this with Severus though." He thought, feeling depressed and trying to cheer himself up with the thought of Hogwarts.

Samuel stepped onto the train and continued to follow behind Crabbe and Goyle in silence. He heard kids laughing and shouting. Saw the older students reuniting with their friends, and lovers.

Samuel rolled his eyes at that. He was certain he'd have an arranged marriage. He didn't care too much about romance right now. All he needed to focus on was power.

Obtaining it and getting more and more of it, he craved it badly. Only with power could he be safe, only with power could he truly be free. Only with power could he torture Fenrir Grayback to the point of insanity.

Fenrir's Wolfish smile flashed through his mind and he felt a wave of fear wash over him. He couldn't help but be afraid of the man, not once was he able to beat him. He needed to get stronger and fast, lest he be used to death by those bastards.

"It seems for now the only people I can count on are the Malfoy's and Severus."

Samuel stared at the back of Draco's head, if he stared any he might have burned a hole in it. Lucius holding him under the Cruciatus curse once again flashed through his mind. The feeling of every inch of your body, every cell, every molecule screaming in pain.

Samuel shivered as he walked down the hallway.

That's what my parents did to Neville's family. Whatever, Filthy Blood Traitors anyways. He thought while biting his lip, not convinced.

Suddenly he was snapped out of his reverie by a girl with bushy brown hair and two big front teeth who slammed face first into him.

"Ah!" she screamed

The toad she was carrying flew from her arms, onto the floor along with the girl

"Are you okay?" He asked curiously

He whipped out his wand and said, "Accio!" Samuel poured his magic into the wand, willing the toad to fly into his hand.

The toad that was trying to run away quickly flew up into his hand.

Then he proceeded to help up the bushy haired girl. When she looked up at him, she froze and her face turned bright red.

"You alright?" Samuel asked, holding the toad in his hand.

She dusted herself off and said, "Oh um yes I am, I'm Hermione Granger." She said

"Well Mrs. Granger, here is your toad. Be more careful next time alright." He said cursing himself in his head.

She was a mudblood.

She quickly reached out and snatched the toad from him.

"Ah thanks, it's not my toad, though. It's a boy named Neville's." She said nervously

Samuel raised an eye at that, and then thought, Maybe I could settle this for now and get the

boy to lower his guard. When the time comes I shall avenge my parents… A knife in the dark.

A shark toothed grin spread over the boy's face, and he let out a hearty laugh.

"As in Longbottom?" He asked

"Yes, that's the one, do you know him?" She asked

"Indeed I do Mrs. Granger, perhaps I could escort you?" He asked politely

"Sam what are you doing come on!" Draco yelled impatiently from further down the train realizing he had left Sam behind.

"Go on ahead Draco, this is Longbottom's toad. I'm going to… help give it back." He said looking Draco in the eyes

Draco immediately understood he was up to something, "Ah I see, well don't take too long. You've been way too quiet today." He said before he turned back and began walking further down the train, with Crabbe and Goyle trailing behind him.

"So Mrs. Granger, what do your parents do?" He asked

"Well neither of my parents are a Witch or Wizard, I was quite surprised to get my Hogwarts letter." She said

"Ah I see, welcome to the magical world." He said

"Anyways, what was that spell you did? It was amazing!" She said excitedly

"Oh that was Accio, the summoning charm." He said simply

"Do you think you could teach me?" She asked

Then she proceeded to ask a barrage of questions so fast Samuel was hardly able to keep up.

"Whoa calm down Mrs. Granger. Let's worry about that after we get the boy his toad." He said

Not a chance, mudblood!

He quickly followed her in the opposite direction. The two simply chatted about their lives and dodged students. Her bushy brown head bobbed up and down, then finally she came to a stop outside of a compartment with four people inside; Harry, Ron, Alyssum, and Neville.

Samuel stepped behind her, as she slid the glass door open and stepped inside.

Once Samuel stepped inside he saw the smiling faces of everyone drop.

"What's this Slimy Death Eater doing here!" Ron said loudly

Neville's hands were clenched into fists and so were Alyssum's. Harry simply sat calmly with his hand on top of his wand, ready to pull it out at a moment's notice.

Samuel placed his hand on his wand as well and stared down Harry.

"What's going on?" Hermione asked with a confused expression on her face.

"This Bastard is here to cause trouble, that's what." Alyssum said

"Don't even think about it." Ron said, standing up and cracking his knuckles.

Samuel snorted, "If I did what would a Weasley be able to do about it. The only one in here that even remotely seems like a threat is Harry."

"Don't do it Ron." Harry said, sticking his hand out to prevent his friend from losing control. Harry stood up, he was a few inches shorter than Samuel, but Sam could tell he was trained and trained very well.

They locked eyes," Why are you here, Samuel?" He asked with a serious edge to his voice.

"Well, when I found out this was Neville's toad, I felt I should help bring it to him. I wanted to clear up any bad blood between us. Tensions were high in Diagon Alley, and I didn't want to make an enemy before we even made it to Hogwarts. Though if you want to fight, feel free, you will regret it though." He said calmly, his eyes not leaving Harry's bright green.

Harry and everyone but Ron seemed to relax, "You guys can't be buying that can you. His mother is Bellatrix Lestrange. He was born a snake and always will be!" Ron screamed

Samuel rolled his eyes and looked at Neville. He put on his most compassionate expression,

"Neville, I'm sorry for hitting you in Diagon Alley. Please don't hold the sins of the father against the son. I don't know if we can be friends, but at the very least let us not be enemies." he said bowing his head slightly.

Though he said this out loud, Neville was already a deadman to him.

Just gain his trust for now. He will be easier to manipulate later. Swallow Your Pride.

Neville seemed surprised, as did Alyssum, who looked at him with a strange light in her eyes.

"What brought this on?" Alyssum asked skeptically

Samuel looked deep into her beautiful green eyes. His face turned a bit red.

Wow, her eyes are beautiful, just like a killing curse.

A memory of Severus' cold gaze flashed through his mind, "The best lies are those with a small amount of truth mixed in them."

"Um, well I actually met my parents after we met in Diagon Alley. I just don't know what to think anymore." he said, feigning an embarrassed look on his face, running his hand through the dark chocolate curls on his head.

"Oh, uh I don't know what to say to that honestly." She said, relaxing more along with everyone else.

"You don't need to say anything. It's him I want to hear from." he said, looking straight at the chubby boy in the back of the compartment."

"I suppose, I'm sorry for pushing you as well, I lost my cool." Neville said

Samuel nodded, "Thanks Neville, I'll see you around." Samuel said, flashing a bright smile before sliding out of the compartment and making his way back to Draco.

Samuel and a group of purebloods stood in a circle outside of the majestic doors of the great hall. They were all discussing what houses they wanted to be in, where they thought they might get sorted, and how the process worked.

"I think I'll probably end up in Ravenclaw or Slytherin." Goyle said

"Goyle, if your dense arse ends up in Ravenclaw, I'll blow myself." Samuel said

Everyone laughed, especially Draco.

Goyle's face turned bright pink, "Oh please, Lestrange like you'd end up in Slytherin." Goyle said saliva flying everywhere as he spoke.

Samuel snorted, "I'm more likely to end up there than you. I think you'd do well with the Hufflepuffs, or better yet don't go to Hogwarts at all. Is there a "Special" house you can go to?" he said

Crabbe pointed and laughed at Goyle, and Goyle slapped his hand away giving Crabbe a nasty look.

"Oh shut it, Crabbe, you're not much better. It's thick and thicker with you lot." Samuel said with a smirk on his face

Draco had his hands on his knees from laughing so hard.

"Oh, man." Draco said

Pansy Parkinson said, "Oh Sam, give them a break. They can't help being so dense." she said laughing with her friends at Crabbe and Goyle's expense.

"Shut it you two." Crabbe and Goyle said at the same time, cracking their knuckles

"Oh? Are we gonna get scrappy? Let's see it then." Samuel said, tilting his head and waiting for one of the two hulking idiots to make the first move.

Then the two massive oak doors opened and a stern-faced older woman dressed in emerald robes stepped out into the hall, and everyone's heads snapped to her.

"Everybody line up in two lines, single file, and prepare to be sorted into your houses." She said

Everyone quickly lined up in two single file lines and were led into the massive room. The Great Hall was simply majestic, the ceiling reflected back the image of the night sky, and countless candles floated above the heads of the massive sea of older students clad in the robes of their prospective houses. The hall was quiet except for a few whispers, and everyone looked as if they were expecting someone.

Samuel scanned the people in line behind him, they were squirming slightly, and everyone seemed nervous.

Once everyone was in line, the Emerald Robed Witch said, "Alright please follow me."

I will need to speak with Severus as soon as possible, he will help me clear up my doubt about which path to follow.

The line began moving and they slid in between the incredibly long rows of tables that each house was divided into.

Eventually, they all came to a stop at the front of the hall, the two lines stretched all the way back to the massive wooden doors of the great hall.

Samuel noticed something in front of the teachers' table, it was a stool with a ratty old hat on it.

Is this how we get sorted? A ratty old hat?

Suddenly, a face appeared on the hat, and it began to sing.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve and chivalry,

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin,

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means,

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!" The hat sang

"Abbot, Hannah" the stern woman said.

A blonde-haired girl in pigtails ran forward and sat down on the wobbly stool. She looked absolutely terrified as the hat was lowered onto her head.

After a moment of quiet deliberation, the hat shouted, "Hufflepuff!"

"Bones, Susan!"— "Hufflepuff!".

"Brown, Lavender!"— "Gryffindor!".

The names continued,

"Weasley, Ron" — A pasty red-haired boy with a bit of dirt on his nose made his way to the stool. "A Weasley, I know just where to put you— Gryffindor!"

"Longbottom, Neville" — The timid chubby boy with dark hair made his way up to the stool. After a moment of deliberation, the ratty hat screamed— "Gryffindor!"

"Malfoy, Draco" the hat barely touched the platinum blonde hair on his head before it screamed "Slytherin!"

"Granger, Hermione"— the bushy haired girl from the train hopped up onto the stool. "Gryffindor!"

"Potter, Alyssum" the pretty red haired girl with bright green eyes skipped up to the chair and sat down with a nervous expression on her face.—- "Gryffindor!"

"Potter, Harry"

The entire room was filled with an eerie silence, as if everyone had suddenly taken a deep breath. Harry separated from the other First Years. He made his way forward, confident and proud as he sat on the stool with his head held high. The hat was quiet for a very long time, and then suddenly it shouted: "Gryffindor!"

Every student both large and small, man and woman cheered at the fact their precious boy who lived was in their house.

Thank God I won't have to deal with him In Slytherin.

Students continued to be sorted one by one. Finally, the stern woman called out, "Lestrange, Samuel."

Suddenly the entire room went quiet, Samuel looked around and could feel countless gazes burning holes into him. He acted indifferent to the stares, he knew why he was getting them. It was nothing new to him. He locked eyes with the headmaster for a moment who was staring at him with an unreadable expression, then he continued further down the table and locked eyes with a man in a bright purple turban.

Samuel felt the hair on the back of his head stand up under the headmaster and the man with a purple turban on his head's gaze

DANGEROUS! The headmaster is truly something else. I can feel how dangerous he is from over here! Also, something else, there is something strange going on with the man in the Turban. I don't know what it is, but after growing up with Grayback, I know what it looks like when a predator stalks its prey. I need to be wary of him.

Samuel confidently walked up among the sea of gazes and sat on the chair with his head held high. He scanned the crowd and saw both of the Potter twins watching intently. He scanned the Slytherin table and nodded lightly at Draco's platinum head.

He felt the hat cover his head, and as soon as it sat down he felt his mental shields get breached instantly. Normally, it would be painful, but for some reason it didn't hurt even a little bit.

"Well, Well, Well, what do we have here? A boy, a killer, a monster, or perhaps something more? "The hat asked.

I hope you didn't just say that out loud.

"I did not this is all in your head," the hat said.

Samuel began to relax and closed his eyes, so he could converse with the hat.

Good, I have a job to do. You can't out me yet.

"I can see it's power that you seek, but for what purpose…..hmmmmm yes." The hat said

It doesn't matter what the purpose is now, I will get strong enough to earn my freedom. To kill Greyback, Yaxley, and whoever deems it necessary to get in my way.

"Are you sure that's the best strategy?" the hat asked

I… do not know.

" So much confusion young one…. I hope you eventually find the answers you seek."

Yeah, I've discovered recently things have not exactly been as I was told.

"Hmm let's see… loyal to people rather than ideas. Brave, Loyal, a good fighter. There seems to be a small seed of goodness in you despite the darkness you were raised in." The hat said calmly.

Samuel felt pride at the compliment to his battle prowess.

"Not really arrogance, but you have a boldness and daring hidden deep within you. You are very cunning as well, but don't seem to value it as much as you were taught to. Surprisingly insightful…hmmm You might do well in Slytherin, but I say it better be…"

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted out loud.

Samuel opened his eyes and was filled with dread. Nobody cheered.

This could not be happening, please tell me it's a joke. This is the worst thing that could have happened, after all that I am stuck in Gryffindor! Truly life was too cruel and unforgiving!

Samuel looked over at Draco with an unreadable expression watching the surprised look flash across his face.

Samuel sighed and made his way down to the Gryffindor table.

(Alyssum Potter Pov)


Alyssum sat next to her brother Harry at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. She looked over at Neville whose face seemed pale white, despite the "Public Apology" he gave them on the train. Ally still wasn't a hundred percent sold on that.

Ally watched the devilishly handsome young boy with that strange streak of white that ran through his hair hop off the stool, with an unreadable expression. He looked as if there were no emotions in him. As if he had never known love or friendship, he looked dangerous and dark. In a weirdly beautiful kind of way, she wondered what his life had been up to this point. Something about him was wrong to her. Something seemed off about him, she just didn't know what. She watched him glide down the stone steps and sit at the end of the Gryffindor dining table in silence, unable to take her eyes off him.

I can't believe he is in the same house as me. He's supposed to be a slimy Death Eater, at least according to what everyone had told her. I can't trust him, no matter how handsome he is. He has to be up to something, I just don't know what, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it. I swear to it.