
The Hero Does not want to be a Hero

Kail, a 23-year-old customer support agent, found himself in an unexpected predicament – he was somehow transported into the world of his beloved RPG game, "Stopping Ragnarok." To his astonishment, he wasn't alone in this bizarre adventure. Eight other players, supposedly the chosen ones destined to rescue the world within the game, joined him on this quest. Their mission? To thwart the sinister forces threatening to eradicate humanity in Terra Mercuria. It all sounded quite epic, at least in theory. However, as they delved into their adventure, reality quickly dispelled any grandiose expectations. The warrior turned out to be rather, well, twinkish, not exactly the imposing figure Kail had imagined. The mage had an odd fascination with dark magic, which was more intriguing than practical. The healer, a girl, had an unexpected twist – she possessed an anatomical surprise that defied convention. The Rogue, meant to be stealthy and ruthless, was far too polite and kind-hearted to fit the bill. The Ranger, whose title suggested environmental awareness, displayed a conspicuous disregard for nature's well-being. The Paladin, expected to be virtuous and noble, seemed more interested in flirting than righteousness. The Necromancer, a master of the undead, harbored a comical fear of his own creations. And then there was the Hero, the one designated to lead this motley crew. To Kail's surprise, the Hero vehemently rejected his role and instead clung to Kail, the Bard, as if he were a lifeline in this absurd world. So, while their mission to save Terra Mercuria remained a noble pursuit in theory, the reality of their adventure was shaping up to be quite the comedic spectacle.

Cheene_Basa · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Mismatch Personality and Job Class

"Is this for real!" I hissed in disbelief. Why a Bard!?  not to undermine this job class but I was never good at support and I don't like it when I have limited resources such as in mana or energy. Hero has always been my job class in this game, Paladin and Warrior would have been a close bet too since I am used to tanking. I looked at the elfin lady Idril, a protest at the tip of my mouth when someone beat me to it.

"Excuse, Madaam and Mr. Sorcerer but I think there is a problem with the Job--i mean the destiny that was given to me by...the water...uh..fate..." It was Deidre, that spoke up.

"Ah but there can never be wrong with the fate, What the God of Fate has given you is what you truly are and what your destiny is supposed to be..." Idril explained but Deidre gave her a disgruntled, poker face at her answer.

"Well, I'm pretty sure whatever was chosen for me is not what I really want and does not reflect on who I am." She said so surely and argumentative.

The other chosen ones just listened attentively, just like I am. Indeed, I would agree with  Deidre, I also think the job class that was chosen for me is wrong. As I look around I have this idea that the Bard Job class would fit with youngsters like Jin-ho, Alexis, and Megumi, I mean if I base it on physical appearance, a twink--I mean a slender figure would fit a bard. Not someone like me who despite not looking it, is packed with some muscles and abs.

"I don't quite grasp the source of your discontent, Lady Deidre," Lady Idril spoke calmly. "Receiving your destiny directly from the God of Fate is an uncommon honor, one not typically granted to ordinary folks. Most people usually make their own choices, unlike the nine of you, who were personally chosen by the God Valamir. This comes with an added blessing, signifying that the Gods will be closely watching your battles and adventures."Lady Idril explains and The Master Sorcerer Aluxio nodded in agreement.

"What does that have to do with what I want?" Ms. Deidre murmured just enough for us chosen ones to hear but not to Lady Idril and Master Aluxio.

Indeed, much like Ms. Deidre, I don't necessarily agree with the path that's been laid out for me. Although I understood that having the God of Fate choose a job class for us implies their watchful eye and help in battles, at least that's what I gathered from Lady Idril's explanation.

"Very well, chosen ones," began the master sorcerer Aluxio, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "I understand you must be filled with countless questions. After all, you've been summoned here without warning. Just as your minds are brimming with questions, we too have important information to share about the formidable adversaries you'll encounter and the responsibilities you will shoulder."

Everyone became serious as the old man explained. Although everything felt so surreal but I have read too many isekai manga's and I should not really take this lightly. If I will regard this the same as the game then probably I would die, I mean, some of the isekai webtoons I've read had dumbasses MC or secondary characters who ended up almost dying just to change their perspective with the new world they transpoted to. Hell no I'm gonna experience that. 

I was zoning out while the old man was explaining that I didn't quite hear what he was saying until the last words...

"But fret not, It will fall upon the Hero to guide you through these battles. All you have to do is to follow his lead for his sword shall be the key to sealing the void whenever it threatens to open."

"And where's this hero, old man?"  Shinji inquired rudely, earning himself a raised brow from the master sorcerer.

"Isn't the Hero among you at this very moment?" the master sorcerer replied.

That had our mouths open, gaping stupidly at the two individuals who had brought us here. I haven't been listening until this last bit but whoever this Hero is, will have most of the work and kinda made me somewhat glad I wasn't it. I wonder who was given the Hero job class among us? As I briefly looked at my companions, I began to think how the Hero would lead these people, oh, that includes me. I mean I haven't had a grasp of the other's personality but the guy, Shinji will be a handful, I am sure. He had the look of someone you might find in a mafia or yakuza, that much was certain.

"Anyhow, two hours have passed. May we find out the destiny that Fate has chosen for you, so we can guide you in your future battles?" Master Aluxio began, motioning toward Shinji, who responded with a fierce, unfriendly gaze.

"Well?" the master sorcerer prompted again, and Shinji looked as if he wanted to eat the old man alive. Then, he shifted his attention, moving closer...to Megumi... What's up with him? Does he want revenge from earlier?

"Oi kid, how am I supposed to find out?"  he asked, seemingly reluctant and irritated at the same time while looking at the young boy.

Megumi regarded him with a blank expression for a moment before murmuring, "Do you see that 3rd bar after Stats and Skills and obviously has the word the job class? Click on that, and you'll see it." 

Oh! he's asking about the system...Seriously, doesn't he know how to navigate it? It's as simple as using Google search bar...

"I see..." Shinji responded and turned away, seemingly examining his system. I couldn't help but be curious about what he had obtained.

"Ranger?" he exclaimed in question and confusion, as though he didn't know what a ranger was. Does he not play Stopping Ragnarok?

"Ah Ranger, the one that communes with nature, walking the path of the wilderness."  the master sorcerer said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "That's not what I had expected from you though." 

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean, old man?" Shinji asked with a touch of annoyance.

"Nothing," Master Aluxio brushed him off quickly.

Even I have to agree with Master Aluxio on this.

"Rangers have an affinity for nature and animals but he looked like someone who would set fire to birds or kick a cat in an alley,"  I mumbled without much thought. Alexis, Lucas and Kanikka, who were nearby and overheard me, started snickering and giggling. But of course, just my luck, Shinji heard my comment as well.

"What did you say, asshole!?" he stepped menacingly toward me, clearly looking for a fight.  I didn't mind; I was itching to give him a piece of my mind too, his attitude irks me. However, Megumi, acting swiftly, stepped between us and placed his hand over Shinji's mouth to silence him.

Lady Idril clapped her hands once to regain our attention. "Let us proceed, chosen ones," she announced. Shinji clicked his tongue in annoyance and moved to stand behind us, his glare burning into me. Master Aluxio made a throaty noise, urging us to continue.

"And you?" The old master sorcerer gestured toward Lucas, who wore a smug smile and proudly answered, "A Paladin."

"A holy knight, dedicated to justice and righteousness. I hold high expectations for you, Sir Lucas," the master sorcerer remarked.

Lucas smiled, glanced at Lady Idril, and playfully winked at her before nodding respectfully to the sorcerer. It was clear this guy enjoyed flirting with others, and he seemed like a troublemaker. Leaving that aside, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy that he had become a Paladin.

Next up was Alexis, who proudly declared himself a Mage. the master of arcane secrets, weaving spells and incantations with a mere flick of their staff.  Master Aluxio seems to look favorably at Alexis after knowing his Job class.

Kanikka followed, stating that she was a Healer. the guardian of life, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. They mend wounds, cure ailments, and stand as pillars of support for their adventuring companions.

Ilya, the quietest and tallest member of our group, surprised me by revealing that he had been chosen as a Rogue - the one who dances in the shadows, wielding daggers and sneaking past enemies with finesse. They are the masters of stealth, picking locks, disarming traps, and striking from the darkness with deadly precision.

Given his towering stature and muscular build like Shinji, I had expected him to become a Paladin. 

When it came to Jin Ho's turn, the young boy seemed hesitant to share, but eventually admitted, "I'm a Warrior." the embodiment of strength and valor, wielding mighty swords, axes, or hammers. Clad in armor that gleams like polished steel, they are the frontline defenders, the bulwarks against chaos.

"Seriously, that's what you got?" Alexis questioned, to which Jin Ho let out a resigned "Yes."

This confession caught me off guard because Jin Ho didn't have the build of a typical warrior. He was lanky and didn't seem to have muscles at all. Plus Warriors tend to be bulky and muscular since they usually use heavy swords, axes, and maces. I can hear Lucas and Kanikka trying to stifle a laugh behind the bashful Jin-Ho as the latter pokes his gangly arm.

After Jin Ho, Deidre stepped forward with a hint of hesitation and confessed to being a Necromancer— a practitioner of forbidden arts, one who summoned the undead and wielded the power of death itself. they walk a perilous path, wielding dark magic with a heavy price. Master Aluxio recited every word slowly and somewhat reluctantly.

I suddenly understood why she had complained earlier. A necromancer commanded the undead, and while it might seem like a great job class but in the game, it required delving into dark magic to gain power. I am not sure if the others are thinking the same as me but Deidre must have contemplated this and started to feel uneasy about it. After all, we aren't playing the game, but is now existing in the world of the game itself. Not to mention, the moment Deidre declared her Job Class, Master Aluxio and Lady Idril's expressions were skeptical.

"Wow, that's actually a cool job class, big sis," Alexis chimed in, seemingly genuinely happy for her and his eyes sparkled as he said that to Deidre. "Man, I wish I got that job class," he added, his disappointment evident. The long-haired lady smiled kindly.

I waited for the next revelation, but when I glanced at young Megumi, he was merely pouting. Did he dislike his job class this much to look so bothered, just like Deidre? Oh, could it be? Before I could complete my thoughts, I looked ahead and declared, "Bard."

Master Aluxio, the teller of our job classes, explained that I was the minstrel of tales, spinning stories and songs that could sway the hearts of both friends and foes.

"FOR REAL!" Alexis's voice echoed with disbelief, and I noticed the same expression on everyone's faces except Shinji. I sighed in defeat and replied, "Yes, unfortunately."

"That's... unexpected," Kanikka commented, eyeing me up and down. "I mean, with your physique, you look like you could be the Hero," she added.

I frowned unhappily and retorted, "Jin-ho's a warrior. Does it not make sense for me to be a Bard?"

"Oh yeah, you're right," Kanikka awkwardly replied, scratching her jaw while I saw Jin Ho clearly reddening from embarrassment.

"Then that leaves..." Lucas began and turned to Megumi. We all followed his gaze, and Megumi's brow furrowed in response to our collective attention. He folded his arms and regarded us as if talking to us were a chore. "HERO..."

There was a moment of silence.

This 16-year-old, the youngest among us, would be leading us into battle against monsters...



"Hero" a mythical and formidable archetype that embodies the pinnacle of heroism, valor, and versatility. Regarded as the ultimate champions, revered for their exceptional combat prowess and their ability to adapt to a wide range of situations. They are not bound to a single traditional class but instead draw from a diverse array of skills and abilities, making them formidable forces on the battlefield.


The Warrior is the embodiment of strength and valor, wielding mighty swords, axes, or hammers. Clad in armor that gleams like polished steel, they are the frontline defenders, the bulwarks against chaos.

The Mage is the master of arcane secrets, weaving spells and incantations with a mere flick of their staff. They can summon firestorms, freeze foes in their tracks, or mend wounds with the gentle touch of magic.

The Rogue dances in the shadows, wielding daggers and sneaking past enemies with finesse. They are the masters of stealth, picking locks, disarming traps, and striking from the darkness with deadly precision.

The Healer is the guardian of life, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. They mend wounds, cure ailments, and stand as pillars of support for their adventuring companions.

The Ranger communes with nature, walking the path of the wilderness. Armed with bow and arrow, they have an affinity for animals and can track prey through the densest forests.

The Bard is the minstrel of tales, spinning stories and songs that can sway the hearts of both friend and foe. They are skilled in a wide range of talents, from musical prowess to a keen sense of diplomacy.

The Paladin is the holy knight, sworn to uphold justice and righteousness. They wield the power of both sword and divine magic, smiting evil with unwavering determination.

The Necromancer specializes in raising and commanding undead minions and manipulating death-related magic. They walk a perilous path, wielding dark magic with a heavy price.