

" Well you are right but I trained harder than them and also I am very special you just cant see it and that is what makes me somewhat special. " He smiles at Timo

" I guess you are right and I am surprised by how easily you can persuade the three who is much more older than you. " He was getting more curious since Lucky was answering his questions and he wanted to ask more.

" Well, I am the youngest and I have the cutest face of them all you know. " He smiles giddily.

" You are right about being the youngest of them but I know that your not the cutest. " He looked outside the window.

"Hmm, then who is the cutest for you? If I am not the one it must be someone else and I think its a girl is it not " He pouts for a few seconds then stops and laughs about it.

He blushed and when he starts to speak he suddenly starts to stutter but when he regained his composure he starts to speak what should have been said a while ago " I really don't know her name since I saw her at the show where I was going when I bumped into you guys I guess its what you call Love at First Sight. " He sighs.

" My,my Timo is in love with a person he never talked to before. What is this love at first sight? " He was giggling,

" Wait what?! Well what you said is kinda true but its still embarrassing to say it okay. " He was fiddling with his fingers and was obviously flustered.

" Okay then I'll stop teasing you now. " He looks outside the window again his eyes gazing at the setting sun " The flame of the sun gives us life but will soon give us death when the time comes. Oh that's me being poetic. " He ruffles his hair a bit.

" Well its becoming night time already I should cook dinner. " He stands up ready to leave.

" Timo don't bother Zin will cook and she knows how to cook I promise you she won't let you down. " He reassures Timo.

" Well she doesn't know where the ingredients are I have to help her. " He was now leaving the room.

" Timi, Zinnia looked everywhere when you got up to go here right? And I will come down with you Timo. " He stands up and goes to Timo.

Timo was somewhat scared. When Lucky said his name not his nickname he sent off a warning to him.

" Okay lets come down now Lucky. " He went downstairs with Lucky.

Instantly the both of their noses was filled by a wonderful aroma. It smelled like flowers was everywhere.

" It smells like we're in the middle of a flower bed. It smells so fragrant and soothing. " Timo was smiling because of the aroma.

" See I told you her cooking is delicious just by the smell. " Lucky was drawn to the smell running to where it came from Timo followed after him.

When they stopped they were met with Hyacinth, Zin, and Prim sitting on a table with a steak on the middle waiting for Lucky and Timo.

" Why does steak smells like flowers? " Lucky was genuinely confused but he didn't question it.

" Well what took you guys so long? " Hyacinth was somewhat annoyed because he wants to eat the steak already.

" Oh, I am sorry I was just talking about random things with Lucky, so lets eat. " Timo finds a seat and sits down.

Lucky does the same thing. They start to eat at the same time. Their faces filled with delight with each bite from their meal


" Well that was a good meal and why don't we pass time until all of us are sleepy? " Prim was thinking of something to pass their time.

" Why don't we exchange stories of what happened to us? " Prim suggested.

"Oh, I will prepare some food for us while telling stories this is going to be fun. " Zin quickly went to the kitchen and started cooking.

" Well I will start and lets do this in the living room shall we? " Lucky stands up and heads for the living room.

They all soon followed after Lucky except for Zin who was cooking snacks. They all sit down in a circle formation waiting for Zin.

As soon as Zin brought the snacks they started talking.

" Well for my story I will tell you the time I accidentally killed my plants. " Lucky sighs remembering what happened.

" So when I was in my garden I was watering my plants as usual. " He started.

" Then I remember I had something to do so I left and only watered few of the plants. The thing that I had to do took one day so when I went back all the plants died and the only living plants was the one I watered. " He sighs.

" And Lucky just cried and cried and told us his plants were dead. " Hyacinth quickly added.

" Why did you say that its embarrassing. So if you said that I will say equally embarrassing. " Lucky smiled.

" Oh, no don't you tell about that thing. " Hyacinth was trying to stop Lucky but it was too late for him to stop Lucky since Lucky was already starting to tell everyone.

" So one time I went after Hyacinth who went to the forest. When I got there for some reason he was kissing a tree and saying 'I will never let you go.'" Lucky was laughing.

After that was said everyone laughed except Hyacinth who was mortally embarrassed.

" Why did you say that Lucky?! I said to never let anyone know. " Hyacinth was still embarrassed.

" Let me ask you did I say yes Hyacinth did I? " Lucky quickly answered.

" Well, no but still why would you say that? " He was still flustered even at this point.

" Because you said something equally embarrassing about me. " Lucky said and smirks.

" What do you mean equally the one you said was more embarrassing but whatever. " Hyacinth calmed down and didn't care anymore.

" Now who wants to say their story next? " Lucky asked everyone.


After minutes of story telling. They were finally finished and the last story was told by Lucky. It was about how the world started according to religion.

" Well that was fun I feel like we became closer. " Timo said before looking outside the window. " I think we should sleep now its night-time already. "

" Well I am already sleepy so I am gonna sleep in the couch. " Hyacinth stands up, lays down on the couch and sleeps.

" Yeah I'll go upstairs I should already sleep. And if you want to you can come with me there will be a show . " Timo stands up.

" Is that the place you where your going to meet the love of your life Timo? " Lucky asked.

" Don't say anything about it. " He said before going upstairs and sleeps.

" Fu-fu-fu- I will now see the person. Well where are you guys sleeping? I will sleep at the guest room. " He stays in the living room waiting until everyone leaves.

" So Prim are you going to sleep with me in the room of Timo's mother? " Zin stands up and she sees Lucky " Hey are you not going to sleep? "

" Do you know how the world was created? I know since I was personally told by you know who. " Lucky smiles and sits down again.

Prim flinched when Lucky mentioned the words You know who since he knew who he meant and it was the one they call God " He never told us. "

Zin nods her head " Yeah so why would he tell you? I know you were especially picked by God himself but why would he tell you such an important story?

" Once there was a world more advanced than this world by centuries. This world lacked magic very much but Star Shards still existed. One day someone found one and accidentally breaks it open. The magic that came put of it was more than the earth could handle and anyone could handle but there was a person who managed to trap all that magic inside of him and that is God of course. For many years he given life to the world that was destroyed. " Lucky smiles " And that is how the world was created. "

After a while of silence they went to sleep not going to talk about it again.
