

" Nature is really great. It's beautiful, It smells great, and everything you want to see. " Timo was running around near them examining plant life. Timo sees a particular flower.

" Lucky what's the name of this flower? It has a nice color. " Timo shows a white flower to Lucky.

" That is a Trillium it means purity or was it something else? " Lucky answered after that he looked at the bright blue sky.

" Hey Lucky how long do we still need to go until we reach Zenia? " Prim whispered to Lucky as he looked around since he was looking for lions or anything that would attack them.

" If I'm right we just need a day to reach Zenia but when we sleep we need someone to guard since she or it may attack. " Lucky whispered back while following Prim's gaze.

Lucky looked at Prim and smiled at him as he ran to Ly and told him something and Ly suddenly exclaimed " So that's the technique you told me about. I am an idiot to not think about it that way "

" Exactly why didn't you think about it before? Well looking at it that way is not that easy. " Lucky laughs.

" I never thought about it like that. " Ly nods his head.

" I wonder what Lucky said for Ly to be that amazed. " Timo muttered to himself while continuing to walk.

" The day seems good, we shouldn't be attacked today. " Hyacinth told everyone but as if the world said no a Wolf and a Lion starts to run to them.

" Why did you say that Hyacinth? " Zin readied a weapon she brought.

The wolf and lion just went by them and Zin was confused.

" The real danger is not them Zin it's the one chasing them. " Prim told Zin who looked forward again and saw a bear rushing towards them.

Ly puts out his sword " Well this could kill it."

" Can I have that? " Lucky takes it and runs to the bear.

" Well I'll just watch what he will do. " Ly just jumped back to watch Lucky.

Lucky was already near the bear. He jumped forward and slashed the bear. It injured the bear but not enough to kill it. He jumps up in a tree branch and jumps down and stabs the bear. He kills it after that and washes the sword on a nearby lake and gives it back to Ly.

" Well that was faster than I thought. " Prim shrugs.

Ly was surprised at how Lucky killed the bear. He thought that he would need help. Ly was surprised by the reactions of the others; they were very calm.

" Why do you look so surprised Ly? " Lucky looked at Ly.

" How can you kill that bear that fast? " Ly then looked at the bear and a bright orange sphere went outside its mouth.

Timo was confused about it " What is that orange sphere? "

" Nothing to worry about at all. " Prim laughed awkwardly and decided to change the topic "Where should we set up camp? " The sun was already setting so they had to make camp quickly.

" How about there? " Zin points to a spot where there is nothing there but just ground.

" What a perfect spot to have a camp, yes. " Hyacinth said before rushing towards it.

" It's too perfect but whatever. " Lucky runs with Hyacinth and gets there first " Aha! I win."

" Actually I was first. " Ly was behind Lucky and he pokes Lucky's head

He turns around and looks at Ly and smiles at him " Interesting how did you get here?"

" When Zin pointed here I quickly ran here why? " Ly had a smirk on his face.

Lucky suddenly pokes Ly on the forehead " Stop making yourself vulnerable. You looked so easy to kill when you do something like that. "

The moment Lucky poked him Ly flinched and just listened to Lucky " I'll try to remember that. "

" I didn't even hear him go there and see him. " Prim was shocked " How did he improve so fast? I wonder what Lucky taught him. "

" The world may never know. " Zin then walked to them.

" I know. Well we need to set up camp fast its getting dark. " Prim runs after Zin who was already with the others.

After a few hours they finished setting camp. They all had individual tasks to do so it was pretty quick but Hyacinth accidentally angered a Grizzly bear and it took them awhile since the Bear was unusually pretty quick and Lucky was asleep the entire entire time it happened.

Lucky wakes up " Good to see you guys and what happened while I was asleep? "

" Another bear attack since Hyacinth can't resist touching the Bear Cubs! " Prim complained.

" They were too cute and I couldn't help myself but to touch them! " Hyacinth said back.

Lucky's eyes for a second glinted white and only Hyacinth and Prim saw it " Can you please quiet down. " He looked at Prim and Hyacinth almost glaring at the two of them.

All of them felt a shudder.

" Yes Lucky. " Hyacinth answered. They were all quiet after what Lucky said.

Zin decides to break the silence " So are we guys having dinner or not? "

" What are we going to have for dinner? " Timo asked.

" Some fish I caught a while ago when we were finding materials to make a fire. " Zin shows them some salmon.

" Let's fry them over the fire. " Timo suggested and they did just that.

" Well who is going to be the guard for the night? " Timo questioned.

Lucky raised his hand " Since I'm still full of energy and just woke up I can do the shift I'l just wake Ly up to switch with me when I'm sleepy. "

" But why me you could have chosen Hyacinth as his punishment. " Ly spoke but realized he shouldn't have.

" What did you say Ly? " Lucky smiled at him and it felt like a mountain was on Ly's shoulders but the feeling quickly disappeared.

" Nothing you should worry about. " Ly laughed Awkwardly.

" Well you guys should sleep now I'll just be outside the tent. " He sits outside the tent while everyone walks inside and sleeps.

The moment he knew that they were all sleeping he threw knives at the two birds that was following them.


" The kid already killed the birds. How could he even notice it? " A female's voice said.

" Don't worry we'll take care of them soon but are our allies ready? " A Male voice responded.

" Of course we were preparing them and about the girl? " The Female voice laughed.

" She is ready of course. " The Male voice laughed as well.


" Why did it start to rain? " Lucky sighs and goes inside the tent and just opens the entrance so he can see what was happening outside.

Lucky closes the entrance and accidentally sleeps.

They all wake up looking at Lucky who was asleep and was the person that was supposed to guard them.

Timo wakes Lucky up " Why did you sleep without telling anyone? "

" I accidentally fell asleep. I'm sorry. " He wakes up and rubs his eyes and he looks around.

" Where is Ly? " Lucky asked everyone and he looked around.
