Welcome to the DHG library, a collection dedicated to tracking and protecting entities across dimensions and realities, spanning from Earth to the realm of fiction. Our presence permeates every aspect of existence, whether in the shadows or as part of the civilian population. Our ultimate objective is to ensure the safety and stability of all worlds and dimensions under our protection. "We shall die with honor if it comes to that, but we are never gone forever." – The Dragon "Shall we dance once again?" – The Heretic
PE9562-C1: Isabella I of Castile
Background Information:
PE9849321-C1: Natalia Aurelius
Background Information: The chief technology officer of Borealis Innovations Incorporated is spearheading the research and development department, which is focused on generating innovative solutions that enhance the quality of life. The primary objective is facilitating access to necessities while promoting health and fitness. The ultimate goal is to improve longevity and overall well-being for all. Other projects include accelerating advancements beyond current human comprehension.