
Married to the helio (3)

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Your Highness." The Fox greeted her jovially as though he had not predicted her doom just a week ago.

"I can't say the same." She admitted, wondering if she should simply turn and leave.

"Your Highness, there is something you should know." He spoke up to stop her.

She could have ignored his words. She wanted to, but at the same time she knew that they might be important. So she dismissed her new maid and braced herself for whatever the fox had to say. "What is it?"

"His Majesty is planning to attack Ivrasea." He said, and then he was gone in a flash without waiting for her response.

She continued standing there, perplexed. Why would he do that?

"Fancy seeing you here. Are you here to pay me a special visit?" Bernadette was on her way when she saw the stunned Delaney and took it as a change to ruffle her feathers.

Delaney cast a glance at the expensively dressed concubine and her entourage of four maids—it was baffling just how much the king spoiled her—and ignored her. She had far more important things to do that involve herself in a cat fight with a concubine.

As it turned out, whispers filled the castle of how Delaney couldn't even stand her ground when faced with the most favored concubine, and how Darius should have made Bernadette his wife instead of grabbing a spineless princess from nowhere.

"Your Highness, should I teach Bernadette a lesson?" Asked Jessica as soon as she caught wind of the matter.

"It's a waste of your time." Delaney was on her way to the king's room with Jessica hot on her trail.

"But those rumors started with her and her maids. She is using your name to create a status for herself." Jessica lamented, finding it unfair. When her lament went unanswered, she clamped her mouth shut.

Felix was no longer at the door to the king's room, replaced with two guards who crossed their swords in front of the door to deny her entry.

"What's the meaning of this?" She demanded an explanation from the stone-faced guards.

"His Majesty does not allow anyone to enter his room." One of them responded coldly.

"Not even his wife?" Jessica gritted her teeth.

Delaney raised a hand to stop her from speaking and asked, "Is he in there?"

"He is in his gallery. But no one is allowed to enter the gallery either."

She was already on her way to the said gallery and as expected, guards hovered at the door like a pair of flies.

"Let the king know that I'm here." She spoke before they made a move to stop her. Darius must be messing with her head. Why was he so off-limits when just the day before, a concubine was allowed in his room? He must know that she was going to confront him and was avoiding her so she wouldn't have the chance.


They made her wait until she almost lost her patience and went back before they finally lifted their swords and opened the door for her.

"I'll call you if I need anything." She said to Jessica and let her leave, before she set foot into the gallery.

It was larger than she would ever expect—thrice as big as her room—and the walls were adorned with portraits and paintings and Darius was running his fingers along the side of a roof-to-floor painting.

She slowed down her steps to take in all the decor. She might never have the chance to see them again. Her eyes took in the painting he was so focused on. At the front of it was Itrusia in all its beautiful, hypnotizing glory, and a lake separated it from another kingdom. She couldn't recognize it but it was the most charming place she had ever seen. Maybe it was imaginary—there wasn't any kingdom beyond Itrusia on any of the maps.

"Do you like it?" His voice pulled her out of her daze.

"It's beautiful. The artist is very talented." She gushed.

"Is he now?" He turned to face her, a sinister smile on his face.

She wanted to continue exploring the gallery but her reason for coming here was way more important.

"Why do you want to attack Ivrasea?" She asked boldly, earning a scoff.

"Should I assume you have formidable spies or that you can see the future?"

So it was true. She gritted her teeth.

"Why? We have not done anything to displease you." She demanded.

"We?" He took a seat on one of the chairs surrounding a table near the wall, expecting her to sit as well. She remained standing.

"I expect you to take that back. You no longer belong to Ivrasea. You are Itrusian now, and if a war ever happens between us and them, you live and die for Itrusia. Do you understand?"

"No." She defied. "I live for Ivrasea with every breath in me."

He rubbed his temples, troubled by her. "This is what happens when you marry a defiant princess."

"Tell me what we did wrong." She stalked to him, not getting too close. "If it's something we can negotiate peacefully-"

"No. I just hate the sound of Ivrasea and want it in ashes." He looked up at her shocked eyes, finding pleasure in scaring her. "Are you worried that your mama and papa will be hurt?"

She was only worried for her innocent people but he didn't need to know that.

"I'm in the mood for some tea. Pour me a cup." He cast a glance at the kettle and cups on a tray on the table.

She gritted her teeth. She had never had to serve anyone all her life, and she hated that she had to do as she was told by this arrogant prick. Nonetheless, she poured him a cup of tea just as he wanted.

He took a gentle sip and placed it on the table. "It's sweeter and more fragrant than it was earlier."

Was he done teasing her? She wanted a real conversation.

As if sensing her impatience, he finally stopped joking around. "I might consider taking your parents—and maids—to safety, if you serve me well tonight."

"What?" Her jaw dropped.

He looked at her like she was an idiot. "Do you need me to elaborate? If you serve me well in bed tonight…" His words were cut off by the warm liquid that was thrown to his face, trickling down his body. She slammed the empty tea cup onto the table.

"I would rather set my privates on fire than let you touch me!" She roared.

"Protect His Majesty!" Soldiers charged into the gallery and when they saw their king soaked in liquid, they surrounded Delaney.

To their surprise, he merely laughed and waved them off. Seeing them hesitate, he narrowed his eyes. "It's alright. You may leave."

He then closed in on his trembling wife and touched a strand of her hair that had fallen out of her bun. "You don't want to do what I want. Why do I have to do what you want?"

She took a step back, trying to hide her nervousness as she stood her ground despite wanting to bolt out of the gallery. "Because I asked nicely."

He twirled the long strand of her hair around his forefinger, stepping even closer into her personal space. "Asking nicely does not get you what you want. Taking it does."

Her heartbeat quickened. She was no longer certain that they were talking about the same thing.

Her lips parted and she resisted the urge to bite them. "I cannot simply take peace, so I demand you to put this plan to an end."

His lips parted in a smile. He didn't look displeased but he asked, "Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I'm your wife." She spat out before she could stop herself. Crap. This man was making her talk nonsense without thinking. She shook her head to clear her mind. "And because if you don't, I'll…"

She sucked in a breath at the feeling of his finger tracing down her neck.

"Mmh?" He probed, his hand wrapping around her waist.

"I'll join sides with Ivrasea and bring dishonor to you."

He laughed against her neck and she shivered.

"Would you actually do that?"

"I… don't come closer!" She warned.

He raised his eyebrows in amusement. He was already as close to her as he could possibly be. His body was pressed against hers and while she squirmed under his touch, she didn't mind it. He placed his thumb under her chin to raise it, taking in her beauty.

He had to admit that she was stunningly beautiful. She was trying hard not to close her eyes and ended up looking into his eyes, her emerald ones captivating him. He lowered his face to hers and her eyelids fluttered, then he saw the dark specks in her eyes that jogged his memory. She was still a demoness.

He let go of her and took two steps back, frowning as she grabbed her skirt and bolted out of the gallery.