A princess with a twisted past. When her fate takes an unfortunate turn, she is thrown off her pedestal and into the web of marriage with the bloodthirsty king of the enemy kingdom. Faced with life and death choices, Delaney must decide whether to side with the enemy—her new husband—or her family who betrayed her. __ As the son of the sun goddess, Darius finds his life unnecessarily long and boring. Until he meets his bride, Delaney, the feisty, fiery princess who is rumored to have rejected suitors by the dozen, the only female descendant of his arch nemesis, and a demon princess. When they get married, will he use her in his quest for revenge, or fall in the trap of her charm like every other male does?
Having snuck out of the castle several times before, Delaney knew how to evade the guards and she was out faster than she expected. She thought about Kyrah's route and decided to try it out. She knew that it might end in her losing a day of her time but if she were to succeed, she would be in Ivrasea nearly three days earlier than she thought. So she took deep, calming breaths, took out Kyrah's map and headed to the north.
The moon was bright which made it easier for her to move. She ran for a while and walked when she was tired, and once she caught her breath, she resumed running until she heard the galloping of a horse from afar.
"No, not now." She hid behind the largest tree she could find, hoping the horse had nothing to do with Darius.
If he knew about the short part, they wouldn't have spend three days to get here after her wedding, right?
She convinced herself that it was a random stranger but didn't want to be seen so she kept herself hidden. However, the horse stopped near the tree. Her heart stopped.
"Princess Delaney? I know you are there."
Delaney startled at the voice. Kyrah?
"I'm alone. It's safe to come out." She assured her, so Delaney peeked to make sure she was telling the truth before finally getting out from behind the tree.
Kyrah hugged her gently. "I saw you sneaking out. I can't believe the king didn't relent."
"I didn't try." She confessed. "Please don't tell anyone you saw me."
Kyrah laughed. "Don't worry. No one knows about me. You, on the other hand, will get caught if the king were to find out that you are missing. So I brought you some food and this horse."
Delaney was grateful as she had been unable to get any from the kitchen. She looked into the food trunk that held enough food and water to last her three days. "Thank you."
"You don't need to thank me. Get going." Kyrah urged her before her expression darkened. "I'll go have a word with my son."
"You have a son?" Delaney was surprised.
Kyrah smiled with a shrug. "And he infuriates me sometimes. Sons aren't easy to raise. See you on our rock when you get back."
Delaney mounted the horse and waved at Kyrah, then rode off into the night.
At dawn, Delaney checked the map again to confirm where she was, but she didn't need to because she saw the Ivrasean castle in the distance. Kyrah was right! She still didn't know why the woman was helping her but she would thank her again when she went back if ever,
There were only two possible outcomes to the attack in a few days. If Ivrasea didn't win and conquer Itrusia, they would be wiped out and as the spy and traitor, she would face the most painful death. She didn't care. It was worth a try if there was a chance for her people to be saved. What she didn't anticipate was her parents' reception of her.
King Reginald had just woken up when he received the news that his daughter was back, and he rushed to the gates to meet her. The gossip reached Queen Penelope's ears as well, as she arrived nearly at the same time as her husband just as Delaney got down from the horse.
"Father, mother!" She ran forward to hug them but stopped in her tracks when she saw how angry they looked.
"Father?" She hesitated.
"What are you doing here?" Asked Queen Penelope.
Her eyes went wide with shock. "What?"
"You are the wife of a king now. Yet not even a week after your marriage, you come back here on your own? Where are your manners?" She continued to chastise her.
"Does King Darius know you are back?" Was all King Reginald asked.
She blinked away the tears threatening to spill. "No."
"So you can't wait for the whole kingdom to talk about us, to gossip how our daughter ran away from her marital home, huh." Queen Penelope scoffed. "Or do you hate us so much that you want your husband to take his rage out on us? Do you want the whole kingdom to perish with you?"
She was in disbelief. They had not even asked her how she was doing.
"I came here to let you know that Ivrasea will be attacked in a few days." She spilled, only for the sake of the kingdom.
King Reginald was enraged. "Of course we will be attacked. Do you think King Darius will be happy after what you did?"
"He planned this all along!" She insisted and immediately realized they would never believe her. After all, they had an agreement with Darius. She gave up trying. She should have directly told the general about it but he would disregard her for the same reason that her father was. She was not a prince.
"I would like to take something from my room. May I come in?" She asked, realizing that they had no intention of welcoming her into her old home.
Queen Penelope looked impatient. "What do you need? The maids will get it for you."
She ignored the stab of pain in her heart. "All my jewelry and a quill."
The Queen and King left but not before instructing the knights to block her entry. She was not allowed back into her kingdom unless her husband agreed to it. They may as well have sold her to him as a slave. What was the difference?
Soon, Ylvia came to the castle gates with everything she had asked for in a trunk.
"Ylvia!" her face lit up in excitement.
"Your highness, these are the things you asked for. Please excuse me." She turned to leave immediately after giving it to her.
"Wait." Delaney called after her. "Why are you so distant?"
Ylvia didn't look up at her. "I only answer to the queen now, your highness."
Her subtle message was clear. Queen Penelope didn't permit her to even smile at Delaney anymore. Delaney promptly looked around for anyone watching, and saw her mother standing at the large window overlooking the gates.
The window was open and they both had a clear view of each other. Although it was far off, Delaney couldn't miss the provoking gaze.
She watched helplessly as Ylvia went back and couldn't do anything about it. The maid had not even taken many steps away when the head maid handed her a bucket of water and threw a small piece of cloth at her.
"The floor has to be flawless! Not even a speck of dust must be left behind." Ordered the head maid, who then added in disdain, "Did you think you were special just because you took care of the princess? You are just a harlot who failed at using her highness as a stepping stone to gain His Majesty's favor. Clean faster!"
For the first time, Delaney wished her hearing wasn't so good.
She could take being treated like she didn't exist but Ylvia was more than just a handmaiden to her. She was her most special friend.
She wiped the tears she hadn't been able to stop and mounted the horse. "I'll get you out of here even if it's the last thing I do." She swore.
After a restless night, Darius' mood couldn't be any worse. He kicked out all the concubines at the dining table and banished Bernadette from the castle for remarking that Delaney was lazy.
Then he called for Jessica who trembled in his presence.
"Your Majesty-"
"Get Delaney ready for breakfast." He ordered.
"Your Majesty," She stuttered. "Her highness was very tired last night and is still asleep."
He glared at her. "Wake my wife up and bring her here. Did you not hear what I said?' He roared, making all the maids tremble in fear.
Jessica was on the verge of tears as she bowed. "Right away, your Majesty."
She was unable to hold in her tears as she walked hurriedly to Delaney's room. Earlier when she came to wake her up, she was met with an empty room and a cold bed. Delaney had definitely been gone for a while.
"What will I do?" She cried. Would she be able to buy some time for Delaney to return if she lied and said that she was unwell? But then Darius would want to see her and it would be over.
She paced the room restlessly in tears. When the door opened, her spine went cold.
"She isn't here is she?" Darius demanded. "You deceived me, Jessica."