
The Heiress's Comeback

Being adored by one's parents and hoping to achieve something that could bring them happiness, a child sacrificed their carefree personality and chose the path of books and knowledge at an early age. Without looking back to see how those they thought were their parents were, in truth, only pushing them from behind. Esme, a prodigy from an early age, excelled in everything, unlike her sister, who, though adored by both parents, always lagged behind. Finally, after saving the company from debts and restoring it to its former glory, Esme looked back at her parents in hope of recognition but... "You are not even my daughter, you pathetic fool." "Hehe, Sister, how about I take your fiancé?" "Um, you see, Esme, I love your sister." "Tch, insect, how dare you reject checks whenever I, your mother, asked for money!" Those words lingered in Esme's mind before she lost consciousness and woke up inside a prison. "What are you doing here, Aron?" Esme looked at a handsome young man seated in a wheelchair, gazing at her with amusement. He was her sole business competitor, and now, he was visiting her in prison. "Nothing, just came here for a proposal, Miss Esme..." Let's see what awaits the journey of an heiress who was wrongly accused of being fake, betrayed by her fiancé, and had to seek support from her business rivals.

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138 Chs

Chapter 4- Playing mind games

Helga, ever vigilant, closed the door behind the man who had just left, ensuring no one else could enter or leave. The bodyguards stood like statues, their presence a silent reminder of the power dynamics at play.

Esme's gaze swept across the room, her eyes lingering on each face for a moment longer than was comfortable. The silence was oppressive, and the weight of her stare made it clear that she would brook no deceit.

Finally, one of the older board members, Mr. Lee, cleared his throat and tried to muster some semblance of composure.

"President Esme, I assure you, we had no knowledge of any such plans. This is all a misunderstanding," he said, his voice steady but lacking conviction.

Esme's eyes narrowed slightly, her fingers still drumming a slow, deliberate rhythm on the table.

"A misunderstanding?" she echoed, her tone icy. "Then you won't mind if we review those recordings together, will you, Mr. Lee?"

Mr. Lee blanched, his facade of calm cracking. He glanced around the table, seeking support but finding only averted gazes. "Of course not," he replied, his voice wavering slightly. "We have nothing to hide."

Esme leaned back, a small, predatory smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Good," she said softly. "Because if I find that any of you have been complicit in this treachery, the consequences will be severe."

As the weight of her words settled over the room, the door opened, and the man who had rushed out earlier returned, clutching a laptop and several documents. He hurried forward, placing them on the table in front of Esme with shaking hands.

"Here, President. These are the recordings and messages," he said, his voice trembling with fear.

Esme glanced at the laptop and documents, then back at the man. "Well done," she said coolly. "You may sit."

The man quickly found a seat, his relief evident. Esme turned her attention to the laptop, opening it and starting the playback of the recordings. The room filled with the sound of voices—some familiar, others less so—discussing plans and strategies that were clearly meant to undermine Esme's authority.

The faces of the board members grew more strained with each passing moment, their expressions a mixture of shock, fear, and anger. As the damning evidence played out, it became clear that several of them had been involved in the plot.

Esme's expression remained unreadable, her eyes fixed on the screen. When the recordings finally ended, she closed the laptop with a decisive snap and looked up at the assembled group.

"It seems," she began, her voice as cold and unforgiving as a winter's wind, "that we have some traitors among us."

The room was deathly silent, the only sound the rapid breathing of those who had been implicated. Esme's gaze was like a laser, pinning each one of them in place.

"Helga," she said quietly, not taking her eyes off the trembling board members.

"See to it that these individuals are removed from their positions immediately. They will be escorted out of the building and barred from returning. Understood?"

Helga nodded sharply. "Understood, President," she replied, stepping forward to carry out her orders.

As the bodyguards moved to escort the now-former board members from the room, Esme turned her attention to those who remained.

"Let this be a lesson," she said softly, yet her words carried the weight of a hammer. "Betrayal will not be tolerated. I expect your full cooperation and loyalty from this point forward. Do I make myself clear?"

The remaining board members nodded vigorously, their fear evident. "Yes, President Esme," they chorused, their voices a blend of relief and terror.

Esme allowed herself a small, satisfied smile.

"Good," she said, her tone lighter but no less authoritative. "Now, let's get back to work."

As the room emptied, the echo of the last footsteps faded away, leaving behind an almost tangible silence.

Esme, Helga, and the man with slightly black and red mixed hair remained, the tension between them palpable.

The man, dressed in a meticulously tailored three-piece brown suit, sat leisurely in his seat, a look of amusement dancing in his black eyes as if he were watching an enthralling drama unfold.

Esme's eyes flicked to the man , her expression a mix of incredulity and controlled disdain.

She turned her chair deliberately, the movement slow and calculated, until she faced him fully. Her gaze, sharp and unwavering, locked onto his with an intensity that could cut through steel.

"What the heck was the meaning of that?, Aron " she demanded, her voice calm yet laced with a subtle edge of disgust and a hint of playful challenge.

Aron's response was almost maddeningly casual. He smiled, a playful curve to his lips that spoke of mischief and secrets.

With an air of innocent nonchalance, he raised his hand to shoulder level, the gesture smooth and deliberate, and shrugged as if to say he was merely an innocent bystander in the chaos.

"What do you mean, President?" he replied, his tone light and teasing, the words wrapped in a playful undertone that did nothing to mask the underlying provocation.

Helga, standing beside Esme, glanced between them, her concern evident in the furrow of her brow and the tightness of her lips.

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, the subtle movement betraying her unease at the unfolding interaction.

Tap tap

Esme's fingers drummed against the armrest of her chair, the rhythmic tapping a stark contrast to the stillness in the room.

Her eyes never left Aron's, the silent battle of wills intensifying with each passing second.

"Don't play games with me, Aron," Esme's voice was a low, controlled growl, each word dripping with a mix of frustration and challenge. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Aron's smile widened, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Games? Oh, President, I thought we were just having a bit of fun." His voice was smooth, almost silk-like, the playfulness in it now edged with a subtle hint of mockery.

The atmosphere in the room grew heavier, the tension thickening as the unspoken words and emotions swirled around them.

Helga's hand moved to rest gently on Esme's shoulder, a silent gesture of support and solidarity.

Esme's gaze softened slightly at Helga's touch, but only for a moment before it hardened again as she focused back on Aron. "Fun?" she repeated, her voice dangerously calm. "I don't find it amusing when I almost lost my life ."

Aron's playful demeanor faltered for just a second, a flicker of something unreadable passing through his eyes before he masked it with another shrug.

"Well, President," he said, leaning back in his chair, "maybe it's time you learned to enjoy the game."

Hearing their words, Helga's face turned almost black with anger. Without a moment's hesitation, she strode up to Aron, her movements swift and decisive.

The room seemed to hold its breath as she reached him, her eyes blazing with fury.

With a strength that belied her stature, she grabbed Aron's collar and, with a forceful yank, slammed him onto the table.

Papers scattered, and the sound of his body hitting the surface reverberated through the room. Aron's playful smirk vanished, replaced by a flicker of shock and discomfort.