
i told them to stop

this program was sending people down to the Heflo world and killing them with weapons iv'e always liked action movies and such but drafting people to a miniature world with at least a population of 10 billion really? we know that there weaker than your average human being but still they are smarter so its basically murder and ever since there world fell apart and they're governments bombed each other the global super powers of they're world began a war against humanity with giant bomb i am being sent there with a platoon. i was just really not looking forward to being told what to do by some military lieutenant. so when i got there i learned i had to wear a gas mask because of the bombs at all times i also had to have a scoped assault rifle on me. now due to the heavy radiation because of the bombs the Heflo had been mutated they're bones had been misshaped and they had to crawl on all fours backwards! time went by normally for us because the only reason time went by faster for them was because they're world was kept in a machine made for that they took them out of that machine so that we could go in.they were promised by they're government freedom if they were to kill any human that they could find well for people crawling backwards on all fours they were fast they also had special dentistry to sharpen they're teeth to bite since they couldn't use guns anymore.