
The Heavenly demon sect

In 220 B.C a sect was created known as Heavenly Demon Sect. It was created by seven martial grand masters. As the time goes the sect become stronger and stronger. By seeing their growth the other sect gets jealous, envious and afraid of them. And this leads to other sects joining hands and creating an alliance to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Devil_Yagami · Fantasi
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24 Chs

chapter-4: Body Refinement

"It's says Asura Body Forming"

"It may written in another ancient language but it is emanating the same aura like the Demonic Qi Breathing. Then I will choose this technique"

I return to the living room and grandpa is waiting for me.

He see me coming and he said "You came out really fast this time. Did anything catches your eyes"

"Yes, here see this technique. Is it good?"

'Huh! This technique is the Asura Body Forming Technique'

The old man is looking at the book seriously.

"Grandpa is there anything wrong?"

"Huh! Oh! No-nothing. You really choose a great technique"

'Indeed a great technique since it is the strongest Demonic External martial art technique. But this book is hidden on the top of book shelf. How did he get this?'

"Hey tell me how did you get this manual"

I started explaining him as he hear more about how I get this manual he become more surprised.

"Then, when are you going to teach me this technique"

"You are going to learn this technique tomorrow and since you have free time why don't you go and practice the Breathing technique"

After he said this I went to the water fall and practice the Breathing technique. After sometime I return home. Then I ate my dinner and went to sleep but I am soo excited to learn the new technique that I can't sleep.

Next day in the training field,

"Before learning this technique let me tell you the details of this technique.

It will improve your tolerance and endurance from pain it will also slightly enhance your healing rate and will make significantly stronger'

"If that's all then let's start training and how many months will it take to make the first Breakthrough"

'Months? Any martial art practitioner would not dare to think something like that but if it's with that talent of yours it's a piece of cake'

"Ahem! This external martial art is special. To make the first Breakthrough you need complete the body refinement. The body refinement has three stages Skin refinement, Muscle refinement, Bone refinement. After completing the body refinement you will be able to first Breakthrough"

"So are you ready"

"I am always read" I say with full of energy.

"Then wait here I have to bring something from the armory"

He went to the armory and came back in one minute.

"First you will do the skin refinement. For skin refinement you only have to do some basic training like running, push-up and squats but there's a twist. You have to wear these bracers"

He give two bracers but they were too heavy that they slipped out from my hand it fell to ground and it make the ground shake.

"Grandpa how much does it weighs!"

"A single one weighs ten kilogram. I know it is hard for you to handle so you can use Qi to reinforce yourself but only for one week"

I start circulating the Qi and reinforce myself and now I can atleast stand after wearing the bracers "so now what I have to do"



"Start running and run until you can't"

I start running but after some minute I run out of Qi and I fell to ground.

"Thats impressive for the first time, you run for eight minutes straight" he says looking at the stop watch.

"Then start recovering Qi but don't take off the bracers"

"Can't I rest for some time atleast" I say while taking deep breath.

After I completed recovering the Qi he tells me to do push-up and after doing some push-ups the Qi run out one more time. He tells me recover the Qi for one more time and tell me do squats.

When I completed today's training it's already evening and after I reach home I wash myself and start recovering the Qi while grandpa made the dinner. I cannot believe that I recover Qi for three times in a single day.

I recover my Qi and ask grandpa is the food ready.

"Yes it's almost ready come sit on the chair"

After eating the dinner I went straight to the bed and when I wake up my whole body is hurting from the yesterday's training and same thing will happen today until I end my training.

Four months later,

Kuo Fang continue the practice for two months between these days he have lose weight and looks weak but he have more strength then anyone around his age.

"You can rest for today"

"But the training didn't end"

'I know i shouldn't be saying this since my body need rest but my grandpa is someone who very strict about training and to say something like that himself there's something wrong'

"It's because you have completed the skin refinement and from tomorrow you start doing the muscle refinement"

"Oh! Okay" I feel a sudden joy in my heart.

The entire day goes without any training I went to the forest and it's look new to me since I haven't come here for two months. There have grown some new plants and some have died.

Today is like a dream to me. These two months was like I am living in hell. Only for the first week I can use Qi after that I have to do the training with only my pure strength.

soon my body can carry the weight and When that happens grandpa give two more bracers to wear and when my body can also carry that weight he gave two more bracers. Now I am wearing six bracers two on my forearm and one on my bicep and I am also not allowed to take them off

But this training have make me stronger and I can also see that I have gain muscle.

"From today you will start doing muscle refinement"

After hearing those words i scared. Scared of what kind of training do i have to go through. Scared of my life becoming hell for one more time.

"Before starting the training give you me your bracers and put these new one instead. Every one of them weighs fifteen kilogram"

I didn't say anything and put on the new bracers silently.

"Ahem! This time you have to climb the mountain, then swimming and rope skipping"

After hearing those training methods I can easily tell that this training is going to be much more hellish.

All this time I was so focused that the time so fast that I didn't notice. It's already seven months.

Seven months later,

The training is similar to the skin refinement except the training methods and between these months grandpa changed my bracers weight from fifteen kilogram to twenty Kilogram. But in total my body is carrying One hundred twenty Kilogram.

But in these seven months I have gained some height and my body become much more stronger and harder.

"Grandpa *haa* my body can easily *haa* carry the weight of the *haa* new bracers. Are you not going to change it" I say while being exhausted from the training and taking deep breath.

"First sit down and take some rest before talking and no I am not going to change the weight"

"Huh! why?"

"Because you have complete the muscle refinement. From tomorrow we will start bone refinement"

"Then can I take off my bracers"

"Hmm, ok you can take them off but only for today"

"Yahoo" I am jumping with joy.

"Hey before you go let me check your body"

I take my bracers off and stand in front of my grandpa. My body become soo light that I can jump easily jump three met.

He check my body and said that I am good and don't have any type of illness. After that I went to the forest to play.

'He is improving rapidly and I think I know why he have such a fast growth speed. He have 'that' body but I am not fully confident if he really have 'that' body'

Meanwhile at the forest,

Kuo fan is now facing the big tree.

"I wasn't able to climb you last time for the bracers"

I jump to caught the branch without using any Qi but I went past the branch and caught the next branch. I cannot believe that I jump more than three meters.

When I first came here I have to use Qi to climb this tree but this time I did not use any Qi and I am climbing faster than the last time.

At the top of the tree the soft winds are hitting my face and all the fatigue are disappearing from my body. I enjoy the view for some time.

On my way to the home I sense that something is following me and grandpa told me that there are many dangerous animals in forest so I run all the way home.

Without the bracers it took me no more than two minutes to reach home.

After reaching the home I tell everything to my grandpa.

"Don't think too much it may be a rabbit or squirrel and I here protect you everytime"

"But you have become old"

"Are telling me that I have become weak. You may not know but I am the strongest when I was young"

"Yeah-yeah, anyway I am going to practice the breathing technique"

"Do you think I am lying? Hey brat come here!" He shout

I went to my room and start practicing the Breath of Dragon .

The next day,

"Today you will start the bone refinement. I this training you only have to circulate your Qi in reverse direction"

"Reverse direction! But how can I do that"

"Thats why I am here for. But before starting the training let me tell you that when you circulate the Qi in reverse direction you will feel immense amount of pain. It will fell like your bones are breaking and your veins are exploding. And if you lose your confidence you will die"

I was scared from what grandpa told but regain my confidence since I don't want my all hardwork to go in vain.

I start the training and grandpa teach me how to circulate the Qi in reverse direction. And soon I feel an immense amount of pain in my whole body.

I can feel that blood are coming from my nose and suddenly I vomit blood.

"Don't lose focus on your training. This blood is the impurities that was in your body"

Kou fang continue his training. There's blood coming out of his nose and mouth. The training end when he run out of Qi. His eyes are bloodshot.

This training will rapidly improve his endurance from pain. And he get free time to practice his breathing technique and since he was circulating his all the time while training the breathing technique improves indirectly.

After three months he was able to Breakthrough the second level of Breath of Dragon technique from the day he start the bone refining training.

Kuo Fang's grandfather told him to practice the Demonic Qi Breathing but he refuses. He said that he still wants to breakthrough so when he learn the Demonic Qi Breathing he will become even more stronger and for now he wants to focus on the bone refinement. And two months later his hard work pays off.

Two months later,

Kuo Fang was doing the bone refinement training like everyday but suddenly he feels a sheer force building up in his body.

'Is this the Qi devastation grandpa was talking about. Is my dantian will explode am I really going to die after all the hard work' Then suddenly the sheer force that was building in his body explode. He become unconscious.

A huge amount of Qi was surrounding his body. When his grandpa feel the Qi he rush to his grandson. He saw his grandson lying on the floor but what make him shocked is that his grandson's body is surrounded with a thin layer of purplish aura.

"Thats the Demonic body. He have already made the first Breakthrough"

He says looking at the body of his grandson from head to toe

"I thought it would take him more five months to made the first Breakthrough"

He get closer to his grandson's body and check the body with his divine sense. Then he sense something powerful even more than him

"Now it's clear why he have that rapid growth speed. He really has legendary body of the Ancient Demon king Satan"

He pick Kuo Fang and bring him home and let him rest in his bed.

Ten or so minutes later he wake up his grandfather told what happened to him.

"So I made a breakthrough. I thought that fell into Qi devastation"

"Hey activate the Asura Body Forming technique and wear the bracers"

"How do I activate the Asura Body Forming"

"First circulating the Qi in you whole body and think that something is covering your body"

I was surprised that my body is being covered with a purplish aura. Then wear the bracers

"Now tell me how it feels"

Then I suddenly realised that I am not feeling any weight.

"Now end the Asura Body Forming and follow me we are going to the forest"

"But it's already dark"

"Just follow me"

I stop the Qi Circulation and follow him to the forest. After sometime thime there was some rustling in a bush and he stopped.

"It's here"

"Huh! What's here"

"Your enemy" And suddenly a wolf come out from the bush. I was scared. He was like hadn't eaten for many days. And I was shocked after hearing the words my grandpa said.

He said " You are going to fight it with all the power you have gained from the training" then there was some more rustling in the nearby bushes.

"Or should I say them"

[Author's disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based on fictional characters and events. It is unrelated to any real people, organization, Locations and events.]