
The Heavenly demon sect

In 220 B.C a sect was created known as Heavenly Demon Sect. It was created by seven martial grand masters. As the time goes the sect become stronger and stronger. By seeing their growth the other sect gets jealous, envious and afraid of them. And this leads to other sects joining hands and creating an alliance to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Devil_Yagami · Fantasi
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24 Chs

chapter 23: Heavenly Demon Sect VS Blood Fist sect (1)

Both Sect's members stands face to face waiting for the command from their leader.

On one side there are men's who has killed and fought many battles while on the other side this battle is their first battle.

The whole field is silent. A warm wind blew away. A leaf is slowly falling towards ground and when it hit the ground both Sect's members ran towards each other.

Kuo Fang's team divided in three groups. One in the middle and two from both sides for support.

Seeing the strategy of the Heavenly Demon Sect Blood fist sect also use a counter strategy.

To reduce the number from Heavenly Demon Sect Blood Fist sect sent their strongest fighters to fight the support group of Heavenly Demon Sect.

Kuo Fang already expected this and for this he was already prepared. He sent the strongest team as support

The teams led by the sword and Blade Demon.

While the weakest team that was attacking from the middle has the weakest members but that team has two Guardians the Spear Demon and the Sheild Demon.

Both of them are more than enough to destroy their enemy team.

Sheild Demon led his troops and create a Sheild to take the first attack head on.

The team led by an elder of Blood Fist sect attacked the shield demon's troops to breach their defence.

A huge Impact was created on the hit

Five days ago after everyone was divided in groups,

The sheild group.

"Everyone we are the sheild of our leader and the Sect. No matter who attack us we will take it head on. There are ranks in our group and those are Group leader, Vice leader, captain core disciple and inner disciple"

Someone from the group then asked,

"Can I ask a question?"

"Yes. tell me what is it?"

"Is this rank system and the rank system leader told us about are different?"

"No but also yes"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know about the level of your origin technique. Right?"


"That level is original rank inside our sect but we use this rank system because it's more understandable to you also the Captain and Vice leader rank are Instructor and Elder rank in our sect"

"Then why did we change the rank name"

"Well the changing of rank means the job you do. A captain is affiliated to a group while an instructor is not and because of that Instructor get to teach outer disciple while a captain teach Inner disciple."

"And why is that?"

"Since a Captain is a part of a group he knows about the way we work so he could teach new Inner disciple member of our group and while an instructor does not so he get to teach the Outer disciple. Oh! And one more thing everyone can enter a group after becoming an Inner disciple and reaching the requirement"

"Thank you Leader for answering my questions "

"It's ok. Let me tell you that I May be younger than you but none here can defeat me and that is true so stop thinking that what can I teach you. since I am stronger than you and also I am the most Kind leader you can get"

"Yes leader" Everyone said at once

"Then as per rule on every rank you get to learn a martial art and since you have unofficially became an Inner disciple you will get learn a technique. It is Weapon body creation Technique (Incomplete)"

"Leader what is the meaning of Incomplete?"

"Well this technique is divided in Five level and with this manual you can learn upto the third level and after reaching core disciple rank you will get the complete manual"

"Sir why is that?"

"Really? *sigh* Ok! Everyone one out of hundred thousand people have Weapon body and this technique can turn your Ordinary body to a weapon grade and you think you can get this technique just after becoming a Inner disciple"

After that Sheild Demon started the training of the Incomplete Weapon body creation Technique.

Present day,

Sheild Demon and his group defend against the Blood Fist sect's members attack with their sheilds

Everyone from the group of sheild Demon is at the first stage of the Weapon body creation Technique.

The Completed Weapon body creation Technique is divided in Five level. Those are Rock body, Iron body, Jade body, Titanium body and Weapon body.

The attack was deflected and then sheild Demon and his member returns backwards and Spear demon and his member went forward to fight.

Those who were In the first row they were cut down by sudden attack after that impact.

This group's leader ordered his members to activate their martial soul.

The leader was an Intermediate martial artist with a yellow grade martial soul while two or three of them were in Novice grade and everyone else is in Beginner grade and all of them had white martial soul.

In this group there is total of twenty fighter

and four of them were killed. so this fight is now seven versus sixteen.

Spear Demon is fighting the other team's leader and his member is also assisting him defeating the enemy members.

Spear Demon has taught them a common grade spear technique. The floating wind spear technique and this technique can be merged by the Five coloured sword flame technique.

The Five coloured sword flame technique is a martial art to control the flame and use it to reinforce your weapon but this technique is best when used with a sword.

The Floating Wind spear technique is very fast but it doesn't have good attack power and after merging it with the Five coloured sword flame technique It now has both speed and attack Power.

Spear Demon team's member is attacking the enemy with fast speed and even if their attack don't do any damages because of the fire they are still getting burnt and if the spear were to Peirce any limb or body that part will burn to ashes.

It may not happen if the difference between power level would be very big but for now that is enough.

Soon their were only six members left from this team of the blood Fist sect and others were on the ground dead with their body still burning .

"You fucking piece of a shit. How dare you kill this many members of my team. I am going to that mask of your face then rip you face and made a mask out of it"

Huang Jian Yu is wearing a demon mask with a single horn coming out of it.

Not just Huang Jian Yu but everyone from the Heavenly Demon Sect was wearing mask. It's type of a tradition in the Heavenly Demon Sect that you are prohibited from letting anyone see your face.

Since the Heavenly Demon Sect is not so famous so for now they do not have to wear it all the times.

Cheng Qiang is wearing a creepy laughing demonic mask. and inner disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sect is wearing a normal white mask with only two holes for seeing.

Meanwhile at the Liu Yichen's Side,

Liu Yichen's team has already won their fight.

thirty minutes ago,

"Hey you bastard do you know that your leader make a mistake by dividing the troops because we are the second strongest team in our sect"


"What And? you are the support group your many attack force is at the middle so you are weak than them while we are the second strongest team and the strongest team in our sect is fighting with the other support team"

"Wait wait wait! Did I fucking went to your dream to tell you that we are the weakest?"


Liu Yichen slowly started to move forward.

"So tell me why the fuck did you thought that we are the weakest"

"I -ah Isn't that wait isn't you " While he was stuttering from the fearful aura of Liu Yichen. He closed the distance between them is some second and cut his head down with a single hit.

Liu Yichen's body and sword is covered in blood and the enemies were in shocked and one out of them shout.

"Leader! Vice leader has been cut"

Then a person with huge build like Cheng Qiang appeared.

"Who killed my brother?"

"It was me. He was calling me weak so I just... umm you know.. killed him"

"You fucker"

That person then punched Liu Yichen but he blocked it with his Blade and that Blade also went half inside of his fist.

"You just like your brother a total dumbass. Bro I have a blade you are attack me with your fist. See what happened.*sigh*"


He then started pushing that fist but this time the blade isn't going any deeper but Liu Yichen is being pushed back. Then suddenly the sword shattered and Liu Yichen took the hit and he was thrown away.

"Everyone attack"

After commanding his team to attack he went towards Liu Yichen.

Liu Yichen slowly stood up and started cleaning the dust from his dress and adjusted the mask. He was wearing a mask of a red Demon with many cut marks.

Vice leader of the blood Fist sect's group lifted his hand and punched Liu Yichen but he stopped it by catching it.

"Big boy wait for a minute. I am a blade user. let me draw my blade and then we can continue our fight"

Then Liu Yichen softly pushed him and he was pushed back.

'What the.... What did just happened. How did he gained this much strength. No this should me my Imagination. I didn't used my full strength. Yes that should be case'

"Sorry for the waiting. We can continue it. By the way what is your name"

"Hmph! Remember the name of the person who killed you. It's Duan Jian."

Without wasting anymore time Liu Yichen rushed towards Duan Jian but this time he didn't attacked head on but attack from the back.

Duan Jian he has strong power because of the physique but his speed is very slow.

Liu Yichen exploited this disadvantage and started attacking him from every direction.

And after a barrage of attack when Duan Jian was at his limit he activated his Martial soul.

"Martial soul Holy Minotaur activate. Martial soul second skill- Gaia's Blessing."

Duan Jian is an intermediate grade martial artist and his second skill give him a tremendous regen power and defence but it will last until he is fully recovered.

"Martial soul third skill- Earth Fist. Martial soul first skill- Giant's strength"

Duan Jian consecutively uses three skill. It looks like he wants to finish this fight fast.

Liu Yichen also answered this request of him by activating his martial soul.

"Martial soul Cemetery of blade activate. Martial soul First skill- Blade of slicing. second skill- Blade of ripping"

One blade that can slice through any kind of flesh and the other one that can rip apart any kind of armour. Truly a deadly combination.

"Blood blade technique second move- harmony of blood and Qi"

Unlike Kuo Fang or Wu Haoran, Liu Yichen can't materialize his Qi but with his blood blade technique's Second move he can materialize the Qi upto an extent by merging it with his blood.

Duan Jian attacked first. Liu Yichen dodged his punched but he wasn't his target his fist land on the ground.

Ground started shaking and spike came out from the ground targeting liu Yichen.

Liu Yichen destroyed all those spikes.

"It looks like those spike can't do anything"

"Oh! Really"


one spike came out and pierced liu Yichen from the back

Luckily it didn't pierced any vital organs.


Blood came out of Liu Yichen's mouth.

Out of rage Liu Yichen started attacking him with any form. Screaming because of his pain. The more he attack the more he moves and because of that he was bleeding from the wound more.

A storm of blood encircled around Duan Jian. Liu Yichen started to attack rapidly with his Blade.

Duan Jian's skin is sliced and blood started to come out from those cuts. Even his defence can't save him from the destructive attack from Liu Yichen.

After a few minutes later Liu Yichen's Barrage of attacks stopped and Duan Jian fell on his knees.

"I wanted to enjoy this fight but because of your sneak attack I was unable to control my anger and started to attack....."

"Then finish it"

Liu Yichen used one last move and cut his head and it dropped on the ground.

Liu Yichen put his hand on the wound and sit there because he is out of energy.

He saw that his group is stills fighting. He commanded his troops to come back and with all his Qi left he merged it with the blood and swing it towards the enemy group.

The whole group ended with that single attack and Liu Yichen Fall on the ground out of Energy and Qi.

"Everyone let's fall back. Our work has ended"

At the camp.

"Medic come here our leader is injured"

Two persons came running inside the tent where liu Yichen was staying.

They started treating him.

after that Wang Junjie entered the tent.

"We greet the second Guardian"

He nods "How is he ?"

"Just out of energy and qi"

"Are you the first to come second Guardian"


"Then what about the Leader and the other Guardians"

"Cheng Qiang and Huang Jianyu is at the middle and Leader and Wu Haoran is fighting with the leader of Blood Fist sect and Li Zirui is dealing with remaining force that is shattered on the battlefield"