
the understanding

Haru and satsuke they become high school last year student and they give charge of library and slowly grow closer with each other. They are the same age, so their friendship is a little complicated but it is strong. When Haru starts to get tired of his old habits of reading in library he goes for some new fun and meets satsuke. He's kind of a nice guy and when satsuke sees Haru's determination he agrees to come to some parties that his friends drag him too.

Satsuke has always liked books and the more Haru shows him all the books there are the more he gets into them and he finds himself enjoying those times.

When Haru and satsuke go out on dates they talk about their lives and what's they like. Haru is happy and content. Satsuke makes sure to be the one to ask Haru out and everytime Haru goes along with it. The relationship continues until they move to Iwatobi where Haru attends the academy and Satsuke joins swim team as a coach.

It's not much different from how things were at the beginning but Haru doesn't really mind because even if he does he doesn't let it show. There are times when satsuke will look at Haru with soft eyes and Haru wonders if satsuke feels the same way about him. Maybe he should have done something to tell satsuke and maybe then everything would have been different.was late one night when satsuke had fallen asleep on Haru lap. Haru was reading some book about astronomy he bought at the library. He was going through the pages slowly when he came across an article about aliens. He kept looking at it till he fell asleep too.

The next morning Satsuke was already at school early. It was almost 9:00am when Satsuke woke up and went straight to the bathroom. He took his usual time washing and getting ready.

Haruki was already in class when Satsuke arrived. Satsuke didn't pay attention to him and sat at the back of the class. Haruki looked back at Satsuke but just smiled and turned around.

As soon as Haruki turned back around Satsuke asked, "How did your date go?"

Haru was surprised and blushed slightly. He turned redder than before and stuttered for a few seconds before answering, "Oh you know, it was good."

"Are you two still together?" Haruki asked curiously and tilted his head towards the board. 'Class, please take notes and pay attention' said the teacher who was talking about the stars and planets. Satsuke smiled widely and replied, "Yeah we are. We're together."

"Oh I'm glad to hear," Haruki said shyly and looked down at his desk again.

At lunch Haru saw satsuke with his friends. Haruki was sitting near a window and watching them eat while drinking his milk. Haruki sighed and continued drinking his drink. He felt someone sit beside him and turned his head.

He saw satsuke smiling widely and holding a sandwich. He raised it in front of Haruki's face. Haruki's eyes widened in surprise and he blushed a little bit.

"I thought since you're hungry you might want this sandwich." Satsuke said and gave the sandwich to Haruki. Haruki blushed and put down his glass of milk. He took the sandwich from satsuke's hand and thanked him with a smile.

Haru took a bite of the sandwich and his eyes lit up at the taste. 'It's so good!' Haruki thought to himself. He smiled to himself and ate another bite.

After lunch Haruki decided to go home. He got up and put his empty tray and glass on the sink. He grabbed his bag and started walking out when satsuke stopped him, "Wait! Let me take you home."