

"The Heart" In "The Heart" by J.G Arquen , readers are plunged into a world of mystery, danger, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and daughter. Veronica Niellis is a devoted single mother who works tirelessly to provide for her daughter, Myra, despite the absence of Myra's father. Veronica's life takes a tragic turn when she is brutally murdered, leaving Myra devastated and searching for answers. As Myra struggles to come to terms with her mother's death, she discovers a shocking secret hidden within her family's past: her mother's heart has been transplanted into a robotic body, keeping her alive in a new form. Determined to uncover the truth behind her mother's murder and the secrets surrounding her family, Myra takes over her family's secret research lab. But as Myra delves deeper into the mysteries of her family's past, she is confronted with dangers lurking around every corner. Dark secrets come to light, revealing a web of deceit and betrayal that threatens to destroy everything Myra holds dear. With the help of her mother's heart, now residing in the robotic body, Myra navigates the treacherous waters of her family's legacy. But as she uncovers the truth, she realizes that some secrets are best left buried, and that the true cost of seeking vengeance may be higher than she ever imagined. "The Heart" is a gripping tale of love, loss, and the lengths we will go to protect those we hold dear. With its thrilling plot twists, richly drawn characters, and heart-pounding suspense, this novel will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

J_GArquen1991 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

The Family's Gambit

As Myra embarked on her journey to Africa, her mind buzzed with anticipation and fear. She was headed to a place shrouded in mystery, a hidden gem known as Menyka, a state that had long been erased from maps and forgotten by the outside world. 


Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Africa, Menyka was a land of untold riches and ancient secrets. Its people, rumored to be descendants of an ancient civilization, were said to possess knowledge and wisdom beyond their years, their lives stretching far beyond the bounds of mortal existence. 


For centuries, Menyka had remained hidden from the prying eyes of the world, its borders sealed off from outsiders and its secrets guarded by those who called it home. But now, Myra found herself on a journey to uncover the truth behind her family's legacy, and Menyka held the key to unlocking the mysteries that lay buried beneath the sands of time. 


As her plane touched down in a nearby state, Myra was met by a private driver who would escort her to the elusive land of Menyka. Along the way, she marveled at the beauty of the African landscape, the vibrant colors and rich textures a stark contrast to the concrete jungle she had left behind. 


As they neared their destination, Myra's excitement mingled with a sense of apprehension. She knew that she was about to step into a world unlike any she had ever known, a world where time seemed to stand still and the past and present coexisted in harmony. 


Finally, they arrived at the outskirts of Menyka, the air thick with anticipation and possibility. As they passed through the imposing crystal-like gates that marked the entrance to the state, Myra felt a sense of deep respect wash over her, as if she were stepping into a sacred sanctuary. 


As they journeyed deeper into Menyka, Myra couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and serenity that surrounded her. The people she passed greeted her with warm smiles and curious glances, their eyes betraying a hint of recognition as if they sensed the significance of her presence. 


But amidst the beauty and tranquility of Menyka, Myra sensed a tension lingering beneath the surface, a silent struggle for power and control that threatened to disrupt the fragile balance of their world. And as she delved deeper into the heart of Menyka, Myra knew that she would have to tread carefully if she hoped to uncover the truth behind her family's gambit and unlock the secrets that lay hidden within the land of Menyka. 

As Myra stepped into the Neillis Curative Research Laboratory, she was greeted by a sense of wonder and curiosity. The air was alive with the hum of machinery and the scent of chemicals, a testament to the groundbreaking work being done within its walls. 


Her guide, Mydare Cosin, exuded an air of wisdom and authority as he welcomed her with open arms. His deep, calming voice washed over her like a soothing balm, and Myra felt a rush of conflicting emotions welling up inside her. 


"Welcome, my dear Myra," Mydare spoke, his words sending a shiver down her spine. "I am the head scientist of the Neillis Laboratory, as well as your father. Hello, my child." 


Myra's heart skipped a beat as the weight of his words settled upon her. She stood frozen, her mind reeling with shock and disbelief. Tears welled up in her eyes, mingling with the tumult of emotions that churned within her. 


Mydare placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, guiding her gently into the lab as he offered his condolences for the loss of her mother. His words were laced with genuine warmth and affection, and Myra found herself drawn to him despite the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. 


As they walked through the lab, Mydare shared fond memories of her mother, speaking of their time together with a sense of longing and nostalgia. He spoke of his love for her mother and his deep regret at not being able to be a part of their lives for reasons he could not disclose. 


Myra listened intently, her heart heavy with sorrow and longing. But amidst the sadness, she felt a glimmer of hope stirring within her. Perhaps, with Mydare's guidance, she would not have to face the challenges ahead alone. 


As Myra's conversation with Mydare continued, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. Despite his warm welcome and comforting presence, there was a distinct air of evasion in his demeanor, a reluctance to address certain topics that left her feeling unsettled. 


When Myra pressed him for answers about her family, her inheritance, and the circumstances surrounding her mother's passing, Mydare deflected her questions with vague promises and half-truths. He spoke of the company she would inherit, the wealth she would accrue from the medicines produced by the facility, and the family that still resided in Menyka, but his words rang hollow in her ears. 


As Myra grew increasingly frustrated with his evasiveness, she turned her attention to the anonymous phone call that had led her to the laboratory. But to her surprise, Mydare looked genuinely puzzled, denying any knowledge of the call or the person who had informed him of her arrival and her mother's death. 


For a moment, Myra's emotions wavered as she struggled to reconcile the image of the father she had imagined with the reality of the man standing before her. She had hoped for answers, for closure, but instead, she found herself faced with even more questions and uncertainties. 


As the weight of her disappointment settled upon her, Myra couldn't help but feel a pang of resentment towards Mydare. It seemed as though he had been keeping secrets from her all along, secrets that now threatened to unravel the fragile bond between them. 


But amidst the turmoil of her emotions, Myra knew that she couldn't afford to dwell on her disappointment. She had come to Menyka in search of the truth, and she was determined to uncover it, no matter the cost. And as she looked into her father's eyes, she resolved to confront the secrets that lay hidden within the Neillis Curative Research Laboratory and unlock the mysteries that surrounded her family's past. 


As Mydare explained the subject of the heart transfer, Myra felt a surge of mixed emotions coursing through her veins. She clutched the cooler containing her mother's heart tightly to her chest, the weight of her decision bearing down upon her. 


As Mydare explained the procedure, Myra listened intently, her mind spinning with disbelief at the idea of transferring memories through the heart for, Mydare stated that's where the soul lies and it stays there for a short period of time. She had never heard of such a concept before, and yet, there was a glimmer of hope stirring within her at the thought of bringing her mother back. 


Though hesitant, Myra agreed to proceed with the transfer, her desperation to reunite with her mother outweighing her doubts. She followed Mydare to the lab's café, where they shared a meal and attempted to reconnect as father and daughter amidst the chaos of their circumstances. 


Afterwards, Mydare introduced Myra to the scientist who would be overseeing the heart transfer, assuring her that her mother's heart would be in good hands. Reluctantly, Myra handed over the cooler, her heart heavy with uncertainty as she watched it disappear into the depths of the laboratory. 


As they made their way to Myra's new home within the lab compound, she couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of her surroundings. The home was a sanctuary amidst the turmoil of her emotions, its pristine surroundings offering a sense of peace and tranquility. 


As the servants welcomed her with open arms, Myra felt a glimmer of hope stirring within her. Despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, she knew that she was surrounded by people who cared for her, and for the first time since her mother's passing, she allowed herself to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, there was a chance for her mother to return to her once more. 


As Myra woke from her dream of her mother holding her in her warm hug, Myra's heart was heavy with longing for her mother, she was abruptly shaken awake by the ringing of the phone. Tears still streaked her cheeks as she reached for the receiver, her heart racing with anticipation and dread as she saw the caller id say Uncle Moses. 


To her surprise, it wasn't her uncle Moses on the other end of the line, but her Aunt Shante, her voice filled with anger and accusation. Myra listened in disbelief as her aunt berated her for not allowing the rest of her mother's siblings to say their final goodbyes and for choosing to cremate her mother. 


Anger flared within Myra as she defended her decision, her voice shaking with emotion as she lashed out at her aunt for questioning her mother's wishes. She could not believe how her Aunt was acting for, she nor her siblings remotely acted as if they loved her Mother. Well, except two siblings did seem to hold love in their hearts for her mother, but they kept quiet. The exchange left Myra feeling raw and vulnerable, her emotions spiraling out of control as she struggled to make sense of the tumultuous relationship she had with her extended family. 


As Myra angrily ended the call with her Aunt, Myra sank back onto her bed, her thoughts swirling with confusion and frustration. She couldn't understand why her aunt had called from her uncle Moses' number, or why she had chosen to lash out at her in such a manner. 


But as she took a deep breath and composed herself, Myra pushed aside the lingering doubts and focused on the task at hand. She had a meeting with her father, Mydare, to begin the first steps of the heart transfer, and she couldn't afford to let anything distract her from her mission. 

 As Myra entered the laboratory, her eyes fell upon the sight of her mother's brain suspended on a metal stem, submerged in a clear solution within a glass containment. The sight sent a shiver down her spine, a stark reminder of the surreal reality she found herself in. 


Before she could fully process the sight before her, Mydare approached, his warm smile attempting to offer comfort amidst the sea of uncertainty that engulfed her. He inquired about her well-being and whether she had enjoyed breakfast, but Myra's mind was elsewhere, consumed by thoughts of her mother and the daunting task ahead. 


As Mydare attempted to soothe her nerves and reassure her of the success of the procedure, Myra couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settling over her. The gesture of his outstretched arms, a silent invitation for a hug, left her feeling conflicted, her heart torn between longing for the comfort of her mother's embrace and the awkwardness of embracing a man she barely knew. 


Reluctantly, Myra leaned in for the hug, her body stiff with discomfort as she struggled to reconcile the unfamiliarity of the embrace with the desperate longing for her mother's touch. 


After an uncomfortable hug with her father, Myra settled into a chair in the laboratory, as she watched intently as the scientists meticulously controlled the flow of donated blood through the complex network of false veins and arteries. The rhythmic pulsing of her mother's heart echoed in the quiet room, a haunting reminder of the life that once coursed through her mother's veins. 


With each beat, Myra felt a surge of hope and apprehension coursing through her veins. The sight of the heart responding to the commands of the scientists filled her with a sense of wonder and awe, yet it also served as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the desperate longing she felt to bring her mother back. 


As the hours passed, Myra remained glued to her seat, her eyes never leaving the mesmerizing spectacle before her. She listened intently as the scientists discussed their progress, their voices a soothing melody amidst the backdrop of the lab's hum. 


As Myra retreated to her temporary home within the lab compound, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within her. The incessant calls from her aunts and uncles, their voices laced with suspicion and hostility, weighed heavily on her mind, casting a shadow over her already deafening emotions. 


With each call, Myra's suspicions grew, her frustration mounting as her relatives continued to pry into her affairs and question her every move. Their sudden interest in her well-being felt disingenuous, their words ringing hollow amidst the backdrop of their previous indifference. 


As the calls persisted throughout the day, Myra's frustration reached a boiling point, her patience wearing thin as she struggled to maintain her composure in the face of their relentless scrutiny. She couldn't understand why they were suddenly so concerned about her whereabouts and activities, nor could she shake the feeling that they were hiding something from her. 


With a heavy heart, Myra began to distance herself from her relatives, her trust in them eroding with each passing moment. She couldn't afford to let their negativity and hostility distract her from her mission to uncover the truth about her mother's death, nor could she allow their doubts to undermine her determination to bring her back. 


And so, as the calls continued to pour in, Myra resolved to steel herself against their scrutiny and focus on the task at hand. She knew that she couldn't afford to let their suspicions derail her quest for answers, for in the heart of their bond lay the key to unlocking the secrets that threatened to tear her family apart. 

As Myra's aunts and uncles gathered at Aunt Shante's house, the atmosphere crackled with tension and unease. They huddled together, their voices hushed as they exchanged worried glances and whispered speculations. 


The news of Myra's sudden involvement in the family's affairs had sent shockwaves through their tight-knit circle, leaving them scrambling to make sense of the situation. With each passing moment, their anxiety mounted, their minds racing with questions and uncertainties. 


Did Myra uncover something? Had she gained control over the family's affairs? The whispers grew louder as they debated the possible implications of her newfound involvement in the lab, their fears and suspicions spiraling out of control. 


But amidst the chaos of their speculation, one thing remained clear: they needed answers, and they needed them fast. The mysterious call they had received a week before their mother's funeral had left them shaken and confused, their curiosity piqued by the tantalizing possibility of secrets yet to be uncovered. 


As they mulled over the implications of Myra's sudden ascent to power, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, that someone was pulling the strings behind the scenes, manipulating events to their advantage. 


With each passing moment, the tension in the room grew thicker, their nerves fraying at the edges as they awaited news of Myra's next move. Little did they know, their worst fears were about to be realized, and the secrets they had worked so hard to bury would soon come crashing down around them. 


In the midst of her relatives' distress, Myra stood on the brink of receiving promising news. As the days stretched into weeks, Myra found herself grappling with doubt and despair as she watched the heart transfer process encounter setback after setback. The constant failures weighed heavily on her, threatening to extinguish the flicker of hope that had kept her going thus far. 


Despite her initial enthusiasm, Myra couldn't help but feel disheartened by the seemingly insurmountable challenges that lay before her. With each passing day, she questioned whether she had made the right decision to embark on this journey, whether her efforts were all in vain. 


But just when she was on the brink of giving up, Myra received a late-night call from her father, Mydare, that would change everything. As the clock struck midnight, her heart racing with anticipation, Myra made her way to the lab, her mind buzzing with curiosity and apprehension.