
Chapter 25

Chapter 25


The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms sat in her chambers, thinking about the changes happening in the capital. Changes were taking place at an extremely rapid pace. The winds of the capital had changed, and she could feel tension simmering in the court.

It felt as if there were vultures circling, waiting patiently, getting ready to pounce. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't get rid of the sense of unease.

She thought of her daughter and the predicament her little dragon was in. The court wished to see her wed quickly to ensure the succession, yet she wasn't blind to their hungry gazes. They wished to bind her and then control her. It wasn't only the court, though. She hadn't missed the lingering gaze of Daemon on Rhaenyra and the way he tried to win her favor.

The Court was filled with vultures, and she knew she needed someone she could trust to look after her daughter. Viserys, as much as she loved him, wasn't the most astute in tackling the machinations of the court. Someone like Aenys, yet for all her wish to have him at court. Aemma knew she was in no position to call him back


She was broken out of her reverie by a sudden knock on the door, and she looked towards the door and spoke quietly.

"Come in," and the doors swung open. One of her maids entered the room and bowed slowly.

"The Maester is here. Should I let him in, your grace," Aemma nodded.

She had been feeling slightly nauseous over the last couple of days and could feel herself growing weaker. She had blamed it all on the stress, yet despite rest and tonics, her condition refused to improve, and now she had been forced to call over the Grandmaester to see her.

The Grandmaester entered her room and bowed respectfully.

"You summoned me, my Queen," said Melos, and Aemma had the maid close the door as she moved to her bed.

"I have been feeling nauseous and lethargic for some days now. The usual tonics have failed to provide any relief," she said and the man nodded. His chains clanked as he moved towards her. And then he reached into the various hidden pockets of his grey robes and took out a series of instruments.

She lay there on the bed as he examined her with his various instruments. And the frown on his face deepened making her dread pool in her gut. After completing his examination Melos stood straight once more and smiled at her.

"Though I cannot confirm it yet, I believe that you may be with child, your grace," and she stilled at that. She was with a child. Again.

But hadn't Aenys told her that she could bear no children? Her mind raced as she tried to remember what exactly Aenys had said. Yet she failed to recall his exact words.

"But how can that be possible Grandmaester, didn't Aenys say that I was barren," she questioned the Grandmaester who just shrugged his shoulders and replied slowly.

"I cannot say, your grace. Though I will caution you that while Prince Aenys is extremely talented one cannot truly be sure in such matters," said the man, and she nodded, still trying to recall Aenys's words.

"Are you certain that I am with child Granmaester?" she questioned with a frown and the man shook his head.

"At this point, I cannot say it with certainty, though I believe it is highly likely that you are with child, your grace," and her heart swelled with a torrent of emotions. There was hope, anxiety, and, most of all there was fear.

"Don't inform the King of this yet. We can speak up when we can confirm that I am with child," she ordered. Both Melos and her maid nodded, and then Both sauntered out of his room. Leaving her alone as she tried to recall exactly what Aenys had said.

And then suddenly, she remembered his whisper.

'If she gets pregnant once again, then it is highly likely that she would die!' he had cautioned, and her heart stilled as soon as she remembered those words. Breathing became hard, and she felt the walls of the room tighten as her heart thumped in her chest.

Death! What was she to do? Perhaps she could take moon tea, yet as soon as the thought appeared, she quashed it. Her hand went to her belly, and she caressed it lovingly as tears dripped out of her eyes.

"What am I to do now?" she whispered as she raked her mind to think of a solution. Her mind went to her daughter, the brightest star in her life, and the very thought of leaving her alone made her heart scream in pain.

How could she do this? How could she choose between her children? How could she forsake one for the other?

She was a bundle of emotions as she simply sobbed in her chambers, and only after she had gotten them under some control did she turn towards the door and speak up.

"Call Rhaenyra, tell her I want to see her."



The Crown's army had taken control of one of the smaller islands near the coast of Dorne and was about to plan their initial attack against the wretched crew of pirates that now controlled the Stepstones, suddenly one of the naval commanders, Corlys Velaryon, the King's master of Ships and contributor of the largest fleet for this crusade had called for a sudden meeting.

Daemon's brows furrowed in anger and frustration as he heard the words coming from Corlys's mouth.

"What?" he spoke up in frustration despite having heard him clearly when he had spoken earlier. Viserys' master of Ships sighed before he began once more.

"I said that Cragas Drahar is dead," spoke Corlys, and Daemon saw how all the men standing there froze at those words. Cragas Drahas had been controlling the Stepstones for quite some time and was by no means a simple individual. Then, just how had he died so suddenly?

"How?" Daemon questioned, frustration lacing his words, as his chances to achieve a magnificent triumph against the wretched pirate blew up in smoke.

"We are not sure, but there are rumors that he was betrayed by his backers from the Triarchy, and his head was presented as compensation so the relationship could be mended between the Triarchy and the famed Healer of Bravos," spoke Corlys slowly, the soft sea breeze carrying his words far. Daemon noticed the commanders stiffen and send cursory glances his way at the mention of his younger brother, and it took all his control to not just crush them all like insects.

Internally Daemon was seething with rage at Aenys who had once again stolen his chance of glory and vindication from him. Daemon had promised Viserys Drahar's head in return for a massive boon yet now he had lost such a massive opportunity.

Corlys broke the silence permeating through the lands and spoke up once again. "There are reports that his second in command, a man named Fedro Sarkin, has taken control of the pirates, though there are reports of some infighting," and Daemon growled at that.

Drahar was a man feared by every other captain and pirate at Sea. Killing such a man and presenting his head to Viserys would have been a glorious prize. Yet this second in command was a no one, and so his head would mean nothing.

"Then are the Triarchy still backing the pirates?" questioned Ormund Hightower, and Daemon's eyes narrowed at the heir of Old Town. Ormund was the son of Horbert Hightower, Otto's brother, and had been at the capital for quite some days. Daemon wasn't blind to the reasons for his arrival, yet he would be damned if he would let this little green bastard steal away his prize.

"No, they are not. Or at least the support isn't what it used to be, and that is why the pirates are fractured. I believe they will make easy pickings. Especially with the arrival of the fleet from Bravos," spoke Corlys making his head snap towards him.

"The Fleet from Bravos?" questioned Daemon exasperatedly, a plan forming in his mind.

"Yes, as I reported to the King Bravos has hired the Sealord has hired the company of the Rose to get rid of the pirates himself. We are still engaged in negotiation with them about the fate of these islands but have agreed to begin our campaigns on opposite sides," spoke Corlys as the rest of the assembled men nodded.

"Have they begun their attack yet?" Daemon quickly questioned his plan taking form in his mind, and Corlys' eyes narrowed as the man slowly replied.

"Not yet, my Prince. But they are about a day away from the island. So, we can expect them to begin their attack within a week," replied Corlys, and Daemon nodded as he glanced at the map. With Drahar gone, he needed a bigger prize, and what would be a greater prize than the islands that controlled the trade of the whole world?

"Then I believe we have a dilemma on our hands," he began loudly and saw the eyes of everyone narrow at him.

"With Drahar and the support from the Triarchy gone, these islands represent an opportunity," he spoke loudly putting emphasis on the word opportunity as he looked around at the people standing around the table.

And he noticed Corlys stiffen at his words. Daemon wasn't oblivious to the man's attempt at marrying off the Sealord's child to his daughter to expand his influence. And Viserys had been very clear about whom he had selected to lead this campaign.

"The Crown has always maintained that these islands belong to them, and I believe it is the time to enforce this decision," he said as he leaned forward.

"I say screw the pirates and those Bravosi cunts! These lands belong to us, and it is time we bring them under our control!" he shouted and saw that he had the backing of at least half of these men. The Crown had not been to war in quite some time, and all of these men were young and hungry for glory.

"But, my prince, the King's orders were very clear. There are negotiations going on with Bravos, and even if we ignore that, if we try and conquer all of the Stepstones with our current forces, we will be stretched too thin," retorted Ormund Hightower. Daemon scoffed at that.

"The King appointed me as the commander Hightower!" Daemon shouted, shutting up the Hightower heir. Ormund eyes flared, and the man became silent.

"Ormund is right! This will mess with the negotiations with Bravos, and then our army isn't sufficient to pull off such a feat Daemon," Corlys argued, and Daemon scoffed.

"You underestimate me! These islands are nothing in front of the might of a true dragon! We shall conquer these islands and show the world a glimpse of why the Dragonlords once ruled over them all!" Daemon shouted, and a few of the men roared with him.

"Glory awaits us! Now will you cower behind like fools or join and claim it all for yourself and have songs and legends written about you!" he shouted and all of the men standing in front of him roared with him.

All except two, both were silent for very different reasons, yet silent they were.



The air in the manse in Bravos had changed a lot over the last few days. The calm and monotonous serenity was gone, now replaced by a healthy hustle and bustle of people. Designers, jewelers, mummers, and various other people would continuously visit the manse which itself was undergoing extensive renovations.

Marriages in Bravos were supposed to be a festive occasion and were used to show one's power and influence and she had come to understand that there were few in the city that boasted any more influence or wealth than her husband-to-be.

Their relationship had changed a lot since that fateful day, the invisible wall that she often thought hanging between them was now gone much like her own room. Most nights she would be found in his room, sharing his bed, and that was one reason she was acutely aware of just how busy he was.

From dawn till dusk, he would often be embroiled in one matter or another, ranging from matters about the college to the production of medicine or his trading fleet. Another thing she had become acutely aware of was the sheer amount of wealth he possessed. She had known that he was rich, but she had not imagined that he was this rich. From the ledgers she had looked at, his income nearly came equal to the income her family derived from the city of Old Town.

As the workers worked around the Hall, replacing the chandeliers and lamps, repainted the walls. Her eyes landed on quite an intriguing object. At the edge of the room, protected by a glass box, there lay quite a breathtaking object.

It was a harp. A gold-plated harp. She walked towards it and was awed by the sheer intricate details etched into it. Alicent herself didn't know how to play it, though she had a pretty good idea that Aenys used to play the harp. She was so engrossed in the object placed in front of her that she missed the sound of faint footsteps coming from behind, and only when a pair of very familiar hands wrapped themselves around her was she broken out of her trance.

"Ah so you were here, I was searching for you down the Hall because Anya told me that the designer had come," came the light whisper as she felt a gentle breath tingle her ears. She smiled as Aenys swung her to face him.

"Yes, she came today and I came down here to send her off," she replied. Antonie was amongst the best designers in Bravos and had been in charge of her wardrobe since the day she arrived here. The woman was a magician in the way she designed and stitched clothes and was her exclusive designer.

She had come today to get her fittings for her gown, which she was designing, and had also brought in some other formal dresses that had been ordered for earlier.

"That's okay," said Aenys as he glanced up and stilled for a moment as his eyes landed on the harp.

"When did they bring this out," he spoke slowly as he walked towards the harp.

"I think they were just clearing the room and checking if any repairs needed to be done," she replied as she joined him. She then looked up at him as she spoke again.

"You used to play the harp before, right," she questioned, and he nodded.

"I did. Learned it from grandmother herself," he replied.

"Why did you stop?" she questioned suddenly and he just shrugged.

"I don't know, I think it was probably because I couldn't find the time anymore," he replied, and she nodded, remembering that all that she saw in front of her was all the wealth and influence. It had all been built by him on his own. She held his hand, as she gently picked up the harp and placed it in his hand.

"What about now? We have got a bit of time," she said as he held his harp and looked it over. She saw him look up and she felt her body heat up as he spoke with a soft smile.

"Why don't we do it together?"

And as the castle and its workers got lost in the melodious tune produced by the couple. They missed the treachery of a few workers that would later change the landscape of Bravos itself.



Rhaeneyra Targaryen paced nervously in the Godswood as she waited for the arrival of a secret someone. The very same secret someone had slipped her a couple of letters from across the Narrow Sea. She glanced around nervously when suddenly the sound of cracking of leaves made her look to the side and her heart as she saw Gwayne Hightower coming there.

Her brows furrowed as she stomped angrily.

"What were you doing? You are late!" she spoke in an exasperated tone, and Alicent's brother seemed rather abash at by rage.

"My lady, it took more time than I expected to come here covertly, and I was bust making certain arrangements," he whispered, and she shook her head, already aware of the kind of arrangements he was making.

"No matter, take these," she said as she handed him two letters, written by herself addressed to her dear friend and uncle. Due to the mysterious disruption, there wasn't any other way of contacting them both.

Gwayne took the letter and the small box that accompanied them and gave her a nod. Rhaenyra's heart longed to see her friend. They had both dreamt of the day they would get married yet there now stood a river of politics and connivers between them. Though she hoped that one day all this would end.

"Will that be all Princess?" he remarked and she nodded, chewing her lips, and just as Gwayne was about to turn back, she spoke up.

"Wait!" she shouted a little louder than she probably should have. Alicent's brother stopped and looked back. She struggled a bit before she finally spoke up.

"If you meet her, tell her that I miss her greatly and that no matter the distance between us, she will always have a friend in me." And her voice shook slightly as she said those words. Gwayne Hightower simply nodded.

"I will, Princess."

And with that, the man left the Godswood, leaving her alone once more to face the mounting pressure from the court and her father about choosing a husband. A pressure that had become nearly suffocating. Yet a part of her felt rather comforted for her friend, despite the massive distance between them.

And the heir to the seven kingdoms left the room, leaving behind only a small murmur.

"May you have all the happiness in the world, Alicent."


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