
the Harem Queen and King

Summary: What if Chaos gave Percy Jackson a advice and the power to force the gods to follow without loopholes seven wishes and Chaos gave Percy Jackson those wishes. This is a long story following the wishes and the War that was to come instead of Giants its bigger it will be the Greek/ Roman, Norse, Egyptian and Hindu, Chirstian Gods against their Enemies all banded together along with Chaos being one of 1000s of Gods like him and a few of them decide to conquer the world.

Jason_Kelly_9462 · Derivasi dari karya
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Chaos's binding

Summary: What if Chaos gave Percy Jackson a advice and the power to force the gods to follow without loopholes seven wishes and Chaos gave Percy Jackson those wishes. This is a long story following the wishes and the War that was to come instead of Giants its bigger it will be the Greek/ Roman, Norse, Egyptian and Hindu, Chirstian Gods against their Enemies all banded together along with Chaos being one of 1000s of Gods like him and a few of them decide to conquer the world.

Looking at the gods I open my mouth to speak when a power filled me stunned the Gods pale as a voice speaks '' I lord Chaos hereby gift the boy the Power to ask for eight Wishes that will be bound to me that all gods must follow anyone who attempts to disobey will fade ''.

Pale the Gods stare at me as they realize they had to do nine Wishes as they swore to grant one wish and Chaos only added eight wishes then a voice speaks in my head '' Boy, I as you know am Chaos and you will wish for this ''.

Having my mind filled with my wishes I gulp knowing that I had no choice I start '' My first wish is I want every God no matter Minor or Major to have a Cabin and a Shine at Camp and for those Cabin to be big enough for 100 people to live comfortably with each one able to use Modern Technology with their own private rooms big enough for a bathroom and hot tub with Massage Nymphs and a King sized Bed with a Desk and Book shelf in the room with the Head Counselor to have a Room as big as this room using expanded Space to keep the Cabins from taking so much space, I want the Cabins to have a Living room with A TV for 100 Demigods with An Infinite Channels, Infinite storage and for the cabin to have every Game/ System and Movie ever made, Wardrobe room made by Aphrodite and her children ( Aphrodite grins in excitement), Museum for Demigods of those who came before and a Armory full of Weapons and Armor made for that Cabin and I want every Half-blood brought to camp by the time they are 12 and claim and for them and their parents to be protect and Support them before they get to camp until they are 21 and No big Three Pact that didn't work''.

The Sky rumbles as Chaos forces the gods to understand that it is now law.

Licking their lips, the gods look at Percy who can ask for anything taking a breath Percy speaks '' Second I want all Peaceful titans to be freed and forgiven plus all Curses and Punishments Gods made either Remove or Change meaning Calypso will be free but still Immortal but she will have to serve as a Handmaiden of Demeter for example ''.

Excited Demeter nods

Taking a breath, I continue '' I want the Ancient Laws review and remade by the council and for them to be remade once a century by the council but the biggest one that will change is that Gods may spend a hour a month with their children and aid them on Quest by that I mean they can offer them anything except Direct help beside healing and they must allow their children to do the quest and fight the monsters you can only step in if they are about to die or they give you a big enough sacrifice.''.

Seeing the gods smile but Hermes flinch I sigh then I say '' For my fourth wish I want it possible for all gods to make their children Partial Immortal like the Hunters but they must aid their Godly Parents in their duties but No god can make a demigod a God without their Children doing a big quest to earn it also every God must patron Minor Gods who will work for them but that major god will also be responsible for the actions of the Minor Gods and accountably ''.

Looking at the gods I see all but Zeus and Hera were pleased with what I just asked pleased with them I say '' Fifth I want Hermes to work with my Mother and Create Safehouses in every city and town no matter how small which will have supplies, Clothes, Doctors, food whatever a Demigod Needs or wants including money, and second I want you to Work with Adult Demigods and have them Make shops around the world for only Demigods and Monsters with the bodies of Criminals to be used to feed Monsters exchange for the Monsters to aid and protect us also I want My Mother and her Husband Paul Biofis to be Immortal with My Mom Sally Biofis made the Goddess of Safety and Protection and her to be trained and protect the Homes and camp of Demigods while Paul will be the Immortal Teacher of the mortal world to Demigods and Monsters ''.

Seeing Hades Grimace I ask '' What ''?

Hades sighs '' Paul Biofis was a terrorist hiding from the government outrage ''.

Outrage I say '' Let everything be the same except my wish on Paul ''.

Nodding the gods agreed with my wish.

Excited Poseidon grins grimacing I see Poseidon was going to go after my mom again making me smile a little.

Stopping I take a breath and Continue '' Sixth I want you all to work together to create Cities in the sky and sea like Mount Olympus which Zeus and Poseidon must rule so that they can see how hard Hades has it to rule the underworld, I want Poseidon to Create an Island as Big as Sicily hidden in the Mist that only Demigods and Monsters in service of the gods along with the Parents of Demigods can enter, find and stay on and Allow Annabeth chase to build a City for us to live in when we turn 21 but exchange Demigods must go to Camp Half Blood by the time they are 12 where they will learn from Chiron until they are 21 where they must serve in the Army for 10 Years defending the City but that City must have Temples for the Olympians and Shrines for the Minors plus that city will be Rule by a Council of Demigods 21 in all and they will be headed by one child from the Olympians and those seated will be selected by the Olympians except for four seats which will be chosen by the Minor Gods, and you can only seat for 20 Years that Council will be led by a President for up to 20 Years then they must take a 5-year break and then if they wish they can be placed back on the council and made President and I want my mom to become the goddess in charge of protecting the Island''.

Stunned I heard a Gasp from behind me telling me that Annabeth was stunned at what I ask excited the Gods look at each and only Zeus was upset but he was also excited at what power he could gain from this.

Taking breath I look at Hades then I speak '' My seventh wish is I wish for Hades, Hestia, Morpheus, Hecate and Nemesis to all be made Olympians the 13,14, 15, 16, Plus I wish for the Wives/ Husband of the Olympian members to be made Olympians as well, Along with 3 Children of each God Living or Dead except Zeus and for 4 Justice Gods to join the Council too, Plus I want it made law that Zeus can no longer Close Olympus or order a god to ignore an issue nor can any god Ignore any Threats to Olympus and any threat as Big as the Titans must be discuss and decided by the Council before it can be ignored and Zeus nor Hera can make any law or Punishment if it's a decision that can affect the world except in times of War or when the Situation demands it but on the flip side of this Zeus I wish you to be allowed to create a Olympus Task force and enforcement force of the best of best who will enforce the laws for every member of this world and act as a Link to the mortal world that will be run by Athena and Ares members must be 21 and older ''.

Eyes tight Zeus and Hera just realize how weaken they just became while the Gods were excited at Zeus being forced to be a Good King while Hera was outrage at the insult.

Smirking I continue '' For my Eighth wish I want the magical creatures and magic of the Harry Potter to be real and I want Lord Chaos to create Pocket dimensions inside which are private worlds inside them are like Dungeons in video Games in others the Pocket dimensions can be used to grow Resources such as A World of only Corn and I want a Hundred of each world with the Gods controlling those worlds, I want Hades to set up a bank with the Goblins but for Gods, Monsters and Demigods also I want everyone who fought in this battle to Have Harry Potter Magic with Knowledge of their Magic and for each of us to have Magic family magic base on our Gifts, Oh and for the Planets in the solar system to be 8x times as big. Part 2 of this wish is I want you to bring the faded gods of the remaining Pantheons back and give the faded gods and those not faded enough power to last 3000 years before they need someone to pray to them and with the world being so much bigger, I want the Nature Spirits repopulated and for you to place a layer over the world allowing two layers of the world to exist one where Mortals can cut down the world and build and the other for the nature spirits to live and it will keep the earth from being damaged ''.

Smirking the Gods were excited and amused at that wish while they hear '' Nicely done you realized I was bound to the wish too plus this will take a lot of the load off, and this actually will take care of the problems you been having with the other pantheons''.

Hermes was happy as Pan will be remade while a few gods were pleased at all the aid they will soon receive.

Feeling Chaos leave the Gods all shudder as they felt Bindings take hold binding them to my wishes shaking with both outrage and respect Zeus asks '' What is your Last wish''?

Thinking I remember Chaos advice enter my head I say '' I wish for two things first that the Cabin Heads for every Cabin to be offered Godhood when they die including me in case you're wandering and for every Demigod to be allowed to visit their parents once every 3 months and they can stay for 4 Days and for all Mortal parents of Demigods to be able to see through the Mist with the Power to protect their kids through Training and a few weapons but I want Artemis, Apollo and Hecate to watch over all children of Gods and mortals for abuse and they can get involve personally to aid the child. For my second Wish I wish for a Minor Council to be Created and they deal with the everyday problems with a guest seat to be made for the chosen speaker to bring reports or if needed speak to the Olympians during these meetings. Also have the Muses select the music for the entrance to Olympus ''.

Snickering at my last request the gods look at Zeus while Apollo looks upset at the music being changed.

Eyes tight Zeus grips his Master Bolt and says tightly '' Accepted ''.

Pleased Percy turns to leave when Poseidon yells '' Honored Guard ''!

Stunned I watch the Cyclops line up in a position of Respect as I walk down the middle as I do I hear Annabeth muttering to herself '' I need Pencils and Paper a lot of paper oh god this will be a lot of work ''.

Feeling excited I look up to Percy who smiles causing me to grin then together we walk out meanwhile the Gods were all starting to work on Percy's Wishes fearful that Chaos was involve for once and afraid at how bad the world would have become that Chaos felt he had to get involve.

Stepping out of the palace we hear the massive cheers as the various Minor Gods, Nature Spirits, Satyrs, etc. all cheer my name at what I had just done for them.

Face turning red I start thinking that the thanks belong to Chaos not me

'' OW ''!

Rubbing my shoulder, I look over mad that Annabeth hit me seeing Annabeth frowning at me I stopped pretending to feel the pain seeing it she nods and she says firmly '' Perseus listen well Chaos may have given you the power but you didn't have to follow it so yes you are a hero ''.

Frowning in my mind I couldn't argue with her nodding I grin as I stood straighter and we walk to the elevator.

(Same as Canon with Athena and Hermes)

Standing in the Elevator I hear Broken dreams playing from the speakers making me grin.

As I see Annabeth didn't hear what I was listening to.


Sitting on her throne Aphrodite blazed with desire and lust using her power she shifted the bond between Perseus Jackson and Annabeth changing the way their minds and body works before the two were okay with only each other her shift will cause Perseus to have a ton of stamina and Annabeth to love women.

Feeling the shift Artemis sighs in sadness at how one of the few men was forced to changed watching him she waits for him to turn into every other man but as she does, she didn't notice Aphrodite feeling a small bond between her and the boy smirking she drew on her belt's power and asks for the aid of Eros the Primodrial of Love who agrees combined they placed a feeling of lust and love in Artemis for the boy and girl.

Excited Eros found his father's champion and his lover and sent them a gift the gift of a need for a Harem with an aura that will draw in women worthy to join.

Watching it Chaos smiles in amusement at her Son turning the Boy from a future King into a god more powerful than all other gods.

Smiling she sees her chances grow from 45% to 60% putting her power into the aura she made it where Women are drawn to Perseus and the moment Percy and Annabeth decide on one woman the power of Primodrial is forced on to the woman.

Elevator shifting Annabeth and Percy gulp in desire as they step out.

(Same as Canon Rachel becomes Oracle)

Staring at her Annabeth and Percy feel a heat in her heart causing an aura unseen by any god or man to appear and with full force it surrounds Rachel who grunts as Chiron led her to her room.

Feeling a change in their hearts the two walks to their cabin and sleep not seeing a glow expand from them not Knowing a destiny being changed not Knowing the Fates lose Annabeth's and Percy Strings and not knowing that all the Gods literally became powerless against the two. Not knowing that the two absorb the essence of the defeated titans with Percy gaining the Essence of Kronos, Hyperion, Oceanus, Tethys, Krois while Annabeth gained Themis, Theia, Mnemosyne as that happens a Mist appears over them as the two grow to their prime self-Percy looking two inches bigger than his father with a Warrior body, Sea Green eyes that glow, 10 Inch Dick, Long Hair and a Face that Chaos herself created.

The Harem Queen and King.


Sitting in his room Apollo's eyes glow as he says

The world save by the Elder half Blood

Rewarded above all

With essence of the Titans beaten

Now the Harem King and Queen

The True King and Queen led

Against Forces beyond the more

Humming Apollo blinks for a moment and starts working not remembering the Prophecy.

As an Aura slips into Olympus sliding into Artemis, Aphrodite and Hestia creating a bond and link in their hearts and souls.

Each of them asleep to recharge their power so they weren't able to fight the aura.

For a moment the health turns pink then back to normal with the health turning pink normal lust became a need for repopulate suddenly across the world every God and Goddess would wake up in the morning with a deep need for more children only the three wouldn't go out instead their minds will be full of Dreams and intense need for the two.

Deep in space

Chaos changed two domains Artemis was the Goddess of Maidens waiting for her true mates the same for Hestia.

Sally's Apartment

Sally and Poseidon were going at it what was once Poseidon being a shoulder for Sally to cry on became overwhelming lust and love in front of Sally Amphitrite Poseidon's wife was having her clit sucked on by Sally the three's eyes glaze over as the overwhelming power of the Health, Eros and Predator the Entity of Love hard at work turning the two to three.

As that happens Chaos was changing the worlds deep in the sea Mer people were changed with Human bodies when dry and their regular features when in sea and their counterparts the Siren Mermaids creatures of softness who can only be born through humans preferably children (A mermaid's Promise).

Hearing Sally and Amphitrite scream Poseidon groans as he comes again as Poseidon cum enters it merges with Amphitrite creating a child of both Amphitrite and Poseidon as the King and Queen of the seas can emulate any sea creature biology as a God the two can shapeshift with the Power of the new Siren Mermaids the two merged Eggs with Sally creating a child 85% God and 15% Human as Sally is Part Oceanid, Part Demigod child of a River god and Part Human unknown to her.

(Percy can gain power from all forms of water as he took on his Mother's River god nature and his Father's Nature and he can command all water thanks to that second to Poseidon)

(Sally is Phoenix Marie with Megan fox face and Brunette and D++ Cup breast. Amphitrite is Merilyn Sekova with wider hips and fatter ass and a F-cup breast)


As the shockwave of power ends the world was forever changed.