
The Harbinger of Nothingness ( New version coming in the future)

Devas, superior beings who wielded Dharmas that gave them access to a myriad of superabilities. The six paragons had finally made their appearances again, and the millions of years of peace that the five multiverses enjoyed were drifting to an end, chaos shall reign and reality would shatter for what was brewing in its cauldron. Zeralf, a clueless kid who had everything going well for him suddenly found his life upturning when he witnessed his whole clan being massacred by his biological father on a dreadful night. Fueled by vengeance, he vowed to become the strongest Deva in existence, strong enough to kill his father, however, would he be able to complete his revenge when the mysterious organization in the shadow threatened to bring doomsday to the giant Omniverse? Who are the six paragons, and what heavenly power hid inside Zeralf? --- Check out my new book, ascension of the strongest warlock.

MKmanyr · Fantasi
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44 Chs


The Damon clan was feared throughout the five cosmic nations because of their menacing bloodline traits. Bloodline traits were different from Dharma abilities in the sense that the former gave unique traits to people which could be passed down through heredity hence every member of a family or clan would carry the unique bloodline of their progenitors which can be awakened when they meet certain requirements. Dharma on the other hand is unique to every individual and one can only awaken their Dharma when they reach fifteen mortal years. Failing to awaken one's Dharma at fifteen would render that person a mortal and stop them from becoming a Deva, the superior being.

The mortal calendar was what mortals used due to their very short lifespan of two hundred years. It consisted of three hundred and sixty days in a year and twelve months each containing thirty days, seven and half days a week, twenty-four hours a day, sixty minutes in each hour, and sixty seconds in each minute. This was the standard time and date but depending on the astronomical regions, there might be little to vast deviations which was why a device that showed the standard time and date was usually carried by people regardless of the time of their locations.

The bloodline of the Damon clan was the infinite Ki bloodline which granted the members of this clan infinite Ki irrespective of their Deva ranks.

Ki is the basic energy that existed everywhere and it's the energy that was consumed when Devas used their abilities. So what did it imply if one had an infinite amount of energy? it meant the person would never tire out and they could spam their enemies with powerful attacks without fearing the probability to run out of Ki.

This was the very reason everyone feared the Damon clan as they were just too powerful with their endless Ki.

The clan though was very reclusive and they seldom interact with others. They had very low fertility and they only inhabited one planet on the far edge of the northern cluster, Planet Mia, which also served as protection for Ezgard against the unruly Demons and Undead races from the dark north where the Helgard multiverse was situated.

Due to Devas' long lifespan which could go as long as billions of years for the high-ranking ones, the Deva calendar was designed and each year in the calendar contained ten thousand mortal years and was usually reset after grand events like the cosmic wars.

In the year 567 of the Deva calendar, a kid was born to the Damon clan and he was named Zeralf Damon, son of Lulach and Xena.

Zeralf being the son of the patriarch always had attention around him and everybody fawned over him. Since he was three he had shown his very chatty and peaceful attitude and all he cared about was reading and playing. He had always hated combat training which was the norm in the clan when a kid approached the age of five but being the son of the clan's head, no one really bothered him.

Zeralf might be bad at combat training but he had vast knowledge of many things across the Omniverse, so vast some adults would look stupid since his position granted him many benefits and one of them was access to books containing both general and classified information.

it was late in the evening around 9:00 pm and Zeralf's excited look was portrayed by the bright light in the clan's library. The book he was reading currently would mark the end of the books in the whole library that he had yet to read and finishing it would leave nothing for him to read until the library was further updated, he had been on this reading spree since he was three and thanks to his eidetic memory every information remained fresh as ever.

His long white hair was gently blown by the breeze and his innocent golden eyes felt as if they would swallow the book, he was reading the last page when he felt a soft and familiar hand ruffle his hair.

'' You just recovered from fever boy'' a soft voice said '' you should be having enough rest''

'' Momma '' Zeralf happily exclaimed when he heard his mother's voice and jumped into her embrace

'' Tomorrow is your birthday, you should sleep early '' she said while patting his back

'' um is pappy coming? ''

Xena was briefly silent before she nodded '' let's go to bed ''

Zeralf who was still in his mother's embrace nodded cheerfully and they got out of the library heading straight for his room. It wasn't even up to five minutes after he was dropped in bed that he dozed off.

'' Zoooom! '' a great reverberation threw Zeralf off the bed in the middle of the night and he woke up his eyes sleepily looking at different corners of his room in confusion.

'' Swoosh ''

'' Clang ''

'' Argghh ''

These were the sounds Zeralf was hearing and they only added to his confused state.

'' What on Mia is happening'' he thought.

He climbed the yellow stood near his window and dragged the brown wooly curtain to see what the strange commotion was all about but immediately he opened the window, his whole body tensed up, his heart started beating heavily and he was shivering in shock and disbelief.

His clansmen were being slaughtered like livestock, and the slaughterer was none but his father.

He fell from where he stood and crashed on the dark smooth floor heavily and it was at that moment he saw his mother enter in her night robes with a sombre expression

'' Momma.. pa...ppy '' his breathing was irregular as he spoke. ''Illusion, yes someone is casting an illusion on me right Momma? '' he quickly said in reassurance but his mother only held him in a tight embrace without clearing his doubt.

Not long after his mother came in, the door opened and a man whom he thought he knew too well entered.

'' Pa..ppy '' his hand shook as he stuttered

There was a brief silence in the room before the man close in on his mother and stabbed her. Zeralf gasped at that scene and he felt gut content rush up to his throat before he could throw up though, he passed out because his mental state can't endure it anymore.


Genzo entered Mia's atmosphere and what greeted him was carnage. The shattered moon covered a third of the planet and its base was leaking with blood and gory human features, the moon had long lost its red luster and it is left with dull grey rocky remains.

Some parts of the planet featured children's corpses wasted on the ground while some deceased have turned into dust.

'' This is gorier than I thought'' He spat in disgust. '' But why are there the corpses of six...''

'' Damnit '' Genzo sped out of the planet at full speed when he sensed a destructive force raging from the epicenter of the planet.

'' Bloodline awakening ?''

It seemed that someone was currently awakening the infinite Ki bloodline and the sudden gust of energy had covered the whole planet. This usually happened whenever a member of the Damon clan was about to awaken their bloodline but it was mostly together with the awakening of their Dharma.

Genzo was sure that only Zeralf was left on this planet which meant that he was currently awakening his bloodline.

'' From the report, he is only five? he is not even close to the age of Dharma awakening. '' He thought as he watched the whole planet get covered by a golden energy wave.

The energy started spreading to the void and it travelled at super lightning speed.

'' No wonder only Mia and the red moon existed in this Galaxy. ''

Genzo had reached the edge of the Galaxy where Mia was and he could see the energy wave returning to its source which he cautiously followed. He was not going to miss the awakening of the last member of the renowned Damon clan. Of course, no one knows of Lulach's whereabouts.