
The Harbinger of Nothingness ( New version coming in the future)

Devas, superior beings who wielded Dharmas that gave them access to a myriad of superabilities. The six paragons had finally made their appearances again, and the millions of years of peace that the five multiverses enjoyed were drifting to an end, chaos shall reign and reality would shatter for what was brewing in its cauldron. Zeralf, a clueless kid who had everything going well for him suddenly found his life upturning when he witnessed his whole clan being massacred by his biological father on a dreadful night. Fueled by vengeance, he vowed to become the strongest Deva in existence, strong enough to kill his father, however, would he be able to complete his revenge when the mysterious organization in the shadow threatened to bring doomsday to the giant Omniverse? Who are the six paragons, and what heavenly power hid inside Zeralf? --- Check out my new book, ascension of the strongest warlock.

MKmanyr · Fantasi
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44 Chs

Getting An Agent Involved

'' So my clothes? '' Zeralf questioned Endra already feeling uncomfortable with just his brief on.

'' Oh, that... '' Endra trailed off and went to one corner of the room where a wooden wardrobe filled with disheveled cloths stood erect. His hands haphazardly went through the clothes and he picked two pieces giving them a few stares, feeling satisfied with what he chose, he turned to face Zeralf and threw the two pieces in his direction.

Zeralf instinctively grabbed the oncoming clothes as it was too sudden. He checked what he was holding, a red T-shirt and blue shorts, his face darkened while gazing at Endra with a furrowed eyebrow wondering if he cared to explain what that was all about

'' Ah about that, your clothes were ruined so I already sold them for some cash, you see I was taking care of your poor health with the money. '' Endra didn't even bother to hide his sheepish face as he explained as if he was saying something very normal.

' Health my ass ' was what Zeralf wanted to say but he held back. He knew how much his whole outfit was worth even if it was ruined, this damn prig was clearly scamming him in broad daylight but he was too lazy to start another meaningless argument. He leaned on the wall since he was still tired from the whole Endra's drama even though his aloof face wasn't showing it.

Half an hour later, Endra was done parking the things he needed inside a small brown box leaving the house even emptier than it already was.

Zeralf stepped out first in his new clothing feeling slightly uneasy because they were slightly oversized but he decided not to complain. This was probably the best the prig could get him, he consoled himself.

It was mid-day but the cloud was hiding the sun's radiance and the temperature was pretty cool with the wind howling occasionally. The first thing Zeralf felt was the low temperature, he had a mortal body so he was still prone to weather changes and the light pieces he wore were not helping the situation.

His eyes gazed through the forested surroundings and he was really wondering what a boy around his age was doing all alone in an isolated house inside the forest.

Endra followed Zeralf and when he was a couple of meters away from the house, he turned and bowed three times before bringing out from his pocket a dark blue neck chain with a black pendant that had weird engravings which Zeralf was unable to do decipher carved beautifully on it. Antique aura spread from the chain and Zeralf felt as if he went back to the old ages.

Endra wore the chain whose pendant rested on his bare lower chest. He had a satisfied expression with a mix of nostalgia as he rubbed the pendant gently. He revealed a smile and turned walking hurriedly to catch up with Zeralf who was already creating a meaningful distance between them.

The walk to the forest edge was filled with awkward silence and Endra would try bringing up a topic but Zeralf would simply ignore him. The silence was killing him and he finally decided to drop the bomb.

'' So why did you kill that lady? '' He asked with a curious tone expecting a defensive answer but Zeralf only briefly paused and continued walking not caring to explain himself.

'' C'mon white haired don't tell me you're a psychopath who enjoys killing. '' Endra grumbled but he never imagined that he was almost close to crossing the line with what he just said.

'' Gratitude and grudges...'' Zeralf muttered in a slow and low voice that only Endra could hear with a brief pause in his steps while turning his head to face Endra, his golden eyes gazing intently at the latter. '' Shall all be repaid in million folds. '' He subconsciously released some of his bloodlusts in a remindful tone.

Endra felt chills making his heart palpitate and cold sweat trickled down his spine. He took a mental note to not trifle with this dangerous boy unless absolutely necessary but instead of fear, his curiosity was killing him and he took it as a personal thing to get to know who in hell this person was.

An hour later, the duo could see the forest edge and the bustling sound of life hit them. EDF agents were there as usual with their lazy and unhappy attitude checking every soul that entered or left the forest and frequently snapping at the inhabitants of this backwater place.

Most of the population were mortals in hunting gears, hunting being the prominent job here. They all looked shabbily giving the agents reverent stares and did not dare talk back when the agents addressed some of them with displeasure.

'' Even though I can get you the residence, both of us are still not of legal age and we will need an adult for the papers. '' Zeralf spoke while moving toward a direction not concerned with what Endra was going to say.

The agent that checked Zeralf a couple of days back when he wanted to enter the forest was busy doing his job, as usual, he just finished checking one man who appeared to be in his mid forties and after nodding signalling that the man could proceed, he happened to catch the outline of a figure and his dull face brightened up.

He started walking toward the duos' direction and other agents threw him questioning looks but he ignored them.

'' Young sir. '' He greeted with a courteous smile amidst slight confusion. The attire the kid was wearing was less eye-catching than before almost in a one eighty degree contrast, and the kid beside him? He's definitely someone from this region judging from his rough appearance.

'' Um. '' Zeralf nodded walking closer to the man.

'' I want a new resident in the central region and as you can see I need an adult for the papers. '' He went straight to the point a bit with a blunt tone.

The agent was even more perplexed when he heard this. What happened to the adults in his family? For him to hold that card, getting hundreds of residences would not even require any effort, perhaps he stole it? He shook his head inwardly, the card won't allow others to use it, only those who are authorized could so there was no point in stealing it.

Zeralf signalled that he wanted to whisper something to him. The latter was a bit hesitant and wary but he bent down afterward, what could a little brat do to him anyway.

A few seconds later, the agent which Zeralf now knew to be Cyle froze, his brown eyes almost popping out. He was stuttering and excitement almost choked him.

'' Young sir don't worry, give me an hour I'll be done here and join you. '' If he was being polite before, now he was obviously bootlicking.

Zeralf nodded not expecting a lesser reaction from him knowing what he had told him. He headed for one of the nearby cabins where mortals used to take breaks when they were done with hunting.

The wooden building had many compartments that people booked and rested in before continuing with their daily struggles.

'' So what did you tell him that made him act so puppy? '' Endra asked immediately after they got to their compartment. The wooden wall was waist length and they could see others in their compartments too. Some were taking a nap, some were drinking alcohol and others were just discussing.

'' Two years income. '' Zeralf answered in an unbothered manner. He could have just used Genzo's name but he hated having to rely on others directly all the time when there were still alternatives for him.

'' Holy shit. '' Endra facepalmed. '' You are a fucking spender. '' He almost yelled and people in nearby compartments threw him looks of displeasure.

Zeralf ignored him as usual but Endra kept pestering him which he found annoying.

'' Let me just get this done and avoid this pest already. '' He muttered silently

Almost an hour later, the figure of Cyle could be seen entering their compartment and he folded his wet mint umbrella before turning to greet the duos. It was pouring heavily at the moment so the trio had to wait for it to finish raining amidst chatter mostly between Cyle and Endra but the former would regularly glance at Zeralf with a worshipping look.

Zeralf noticed him but he left the two to their loud chatter not feeling comfortable with their idle talks.