In a mythical tale of rebellion and unexpected love, the legendary Prince of Hell, Beelzebub, known to humans as Prince Nimrod, dares to challenge God's divine authority. Under the cunning guidance of his father, King Lucifer, Beelzebub plots to darken human history by uniting a demon with a human princess from Earth's mightiest empire. However, as destiny unfolds, Prince Nimrod's heart is ensnared by the virtuous Princess Helena, devoted to her faith. Caught in the throes of forbidden affection, Nimrod makes a fateful plea to God, seeking transformation into a complete human. This decision ignites King Lucifer's fury, triggering a merciless rampage across the Earth in retribution for his cherished heir's treachery. As chaos looms, questions abound: What fate awaits King Nimrod and Queen Helena? How will King Lucifer respond to his beloved child's betrayal? And can the world survive the aftermath of Nimrod's defiance?
Prince Henry was in a hurry as he left the eastern wing of the palace, heading back towards the royal center where King Alexander's study was nestled. The urgency of his purpose was palpable as he approached the entrance guarded by four solemn sentinels.
"Your Majesty, I apologize. Prince -" began George, the head of the king's bodyguard, who now stood behind Prince Henry.
Without waiting for George to finish his sentence, King Alexander raised his hand, signaling the dismissal of the guards, leaving him alone with his Crown Prince. George obeyed, swiftly exiting the room and closing the door behind him, creating an atmosphere of secrecy.
"My son," King Alexander greeted Prince Henry warmly, gesturing for him to take a seat in the chair opposite him. He already knew why his eldest son had come, and the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on his shoulders.
"My Father, The King of Vertox," Prince Henry replied as he moved to sit in the offered chair, his eyes fixed on his father's with unwavering determination.
King Alexander patiently awaited his son's words, allowing him the space to express his concerns.
Prince Henry met his father's unwavering gaze and began, "Father, I witnessed something that troubled me deeply. I found my sister, Helena, in tears, her distress breaking my heart. Her words to me made no sense. Please, Father, Lord of the people of Vertox, tell me what has transpired?"
King Alexander took a deep breath, resting his left hand on the armrest of his chair. He knew he had to reveal a painful truth to his son. "My son, Henry, I made a grave mistake in the past."
Henry sighed, bracing himself for the shocking revelation he anticipated. He could only speculate about the dark secret his father was about to unveil – one that might involve sacrificing his beloved sister to some malevolent force.
King Alexander's face lowered, his gaze shrouded by the weight of his memories. "When you were just two years old, and your mother was pregnant with Helena, our kingdom faced not one, but two formidable foes in Europe. I was leading our forces in the war, and I personally witnessed the beheading of my father, your grandfather, on the battlefield. In that instant, the responsibility of our kingdom fell squarely on my shoulders, and I had no choice but to secure the future of our family and the people of Vertox."
Prince Henry listened in silence, his face composed as he absorbed his father's words, neither reacting nor interrupting.
"As I overheard the wearied soldiers discussing the toll of the prolonged war – 37 years of battle, friends and family lost – I returned to our tent. There, I saw your pregnant mother, and you, so small and full of joy. I yearned for a better life for my family and an end to the seemingly endless war."
King Alexander continued, his voice heavy with regret, "In my darkest moment, beneath a starless sky, a presence approached me, offering strength and victory in the war. He promised me everything I desired: peace, triumph, power, a secure kingdom, and enduring prosperity for Vertox. I didn't hesitate, for I felt I had nothing to lose at that point. I remained silent, thinking that..."
"What were the conditions?" Prince Henry interjected, his curiosity piqued.
King Alexander hesitated briefly, then replied, "The condition was the child growing in your mother's womb."
Prince Henry raised an eyebrow and drew a deep breath, absorbing the shocking revelation.
"That child was Helena, my sister!" Prince Henry declared with a stern expression, fixing his gaze on his father, who had retreated into his own remorseful world. "And who is this 'someone' you speak of?"
King Alexander lowered his hands to his lap, his fingers trembling under the weight of his son's relentless questions. After a pause, he finally replied, "Lucifer."
"Lucifer? As in Lucifer from the Bible?" Prince Henry asked in disbelief.
King Alexander nodded slowly, his vacant eyes fixed on the wall behind his son.
"So you intended to give Helena to Lucifer, to be wed to a demon?" Prince Henry's voice trembled with a mix of anger and disbelief.
King Alexander met his son's gaze without words, struggling to find an adequate response to his piercing questions.
"Why now? Why not when she was a baby, sparing anyone but you and Mother, of course?"
"The pact we made stipulated that the child would be offered at the age of 17," King Alexander explained, his voice heavy with regret.
"Does Mother know of this as well?" Prince Henry inquired, his eyes searching for answers.
King Alexander nodded in confirmation.
Prince Henry's frustration and disappointment were evident. "What kind of parents do I have? Oh, Lord! Please protect Helena and me!"
King Alexander was stung by his son's words, recognizing that he deserved this condemnation. Prince Henry, at the very least, had every right to criticize him.
For a moment, silence enveloped them both as they grappled with the weight of the truth. King Alexander seemed lost in thought, as did Prince Henry.
"Take me instead, Father!" Prince Henry suddenly declared, his face reddening with determination.
"What?" King Alexander was taken aback.
"Take me instead! Offer me to Lucifer. I cannot bear to see Helena suffer in hell for all eternity. I can endure whatever torment your friend, Lucifer, has in store for me. But please, spare Helena. Let her remain the Crown Princess!"
Tears streamed down King Alexander's face. He explained that breaking the pact made with a being like Lucifer was not a simple matter; it was a bond written in hell, not easily replaced or betrayed.
A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. George entered and informed King Alexander that Mason, whom Prince Henry had never heard of before, wished to meet with them. The king's expression shifted at the mention of Mason's name, though Prince Henry remained in the dark about who this newcomer was.
King Alexander nodded to George, granting permission for Mason to enter and meet with the King and his Crown Prince.