
The Handsome Prince From Hell

In a mythical tale of rebellion and unexpected love, the legendary Prince of Hell, Beelzebub, known to humans as Prince Nimrod, dares to challenge God's divine authority. Under the cunning guidance of his father, King Lucifer, Beelzebub plots to darken human history by uniting a demon with a human princess from Earth's mightiest empire. However, as destiny unfolds, Prince Nimrod's heart is ensnared by the virtuous Princess Helena, devoted to her faith. Caught in the throes of forbidden affection, Nimrod makes a fateful plea to God, seeking transformation into a complete human. This decision ignites King Lucifer's fury, triggering a merciless rampage across the Earth in retribution for his cherished heir's treachery. As chaos looms, questions abound: What fate awaits King Nimrod and Queen Helena? How will King Lucifer respond to his beloved child's betrayal? And can the world survive the aftermath of Nimrod's defiance?

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35 Chs

Chapter 13

The transactional marriage had been sealed with an unsettling success, and the weight of the occasion bore heavily on Queen Sofia. Her tears, once contained, now flowed freely, a silent testament to the sorrow etched in her heart. She didn't look back as she made her hurried exit from the room. Her departure went unnoticed by those humans and demon incarnations who had borne witness to this peculiar union. Instead, they remained captivated by King Lucifer's discourse, where he explained to King Alexander the intricate plan that would see the kingdom handed over to his son, Prince Beelzebub, and the newly minted daughter-in-law, Princess Helena. They would reside on Earth, far removed from the realm of Vertox, but still tethered to the terrestrial plane.