
The Hand Of The Damned

Novel that takes place in a fantasy world called Oshio which has 5 continents called Zantessa,Sincarsa,Tiberon,Enteria and Galvia. The story begins in Galvia about a main character called Aisuru Kre, A Kind empathetic boy who as a child witnesses the murder of his mother and father.

raheem_Blake · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Betrayal

Kre settled into the logging house he found, wearing the mask he had purchased from the merchant. He didn't want to take any chances with the wanted poster of him as an assassin still circulating in the city. He decided to visit a local bar to inquire about any news in the city.

As he spoke with the bartender, he was suddenly approached by a red-haired woman with striking green eyes. She introduced herself as Lucia Rosavell and offered to be his guide through the city for a fee. Kre accepted, intrigued by her beauty and confident demeanor.

As they explored the city together, Kre found himself drawn to Lucia. They talked about their past experiences and shared their hopes for the future. He couldn't help but feel a strong connection to her.

On the night they expressed their love and passion for each other, Kre was caught off guard when Lucia suddenly slit his throat while they were in bed. He gasped for air as he clutched his neck, unable to comprehend what was happening.

As he lay dying, he heard Lucia's furious voice. "You killed my father," she said. "He was a cult leader, but to me, he was the most important person in my life."

Kre's vision grew dim as he realized the truth. Lucia had been plotting her revenge on him all along. He had never suspected that she was the daughter of one of his targets.

With a final breath, Kre's life came to an end. He plunged into the darkness of the afterlife, consumed by the agony of his betrayal.

Meanwhile, Lucia calmly left the logging house, her mission accomplished. She had avenged her father's death, and Kre's death would be just another name on her list of conquests.