
The Hand Cannon

On the planet titan there is a killer going around killing people with no remorse and Vlad has to stop the killer before the person he love gets hurt in the cross-fire so he has to make a choice kill or have a love one killed.

Francisco_Herrera_5763 · Fantasi
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The Start

The Mangled Brain case have been turning up all over Titan and the inhabitants are scared. Ten murders in three weeks, all committed with a enchanted Hand-cannon, and still nobody has a clue who the cold-blooded killer is.

Mad Vlad, Vlad Johnson is a Very Lean and incredible swordsman with an incredible will. He doesn't know it yet but he is the only one who can stop the sinister killer.

When his Lover, Alexandra Mendoza, is kidnapped, Mad Vlad finds himself thrown into the center of the investigation. His only clue is a enchanted Blade named Cutlass the Great.

He enlists the help of a grateful Imp named Alex Mendoza. Alexandra's adopted brother.

Can Mendoza help Johnson overcome his heroin addiction and find the answers before the ruthless killer and his deadly Hand-cannon can strike again?

ok so this just the beging and i will try to stay costant and not have to many mistakes and if you are just rude i will not care because this is just for fun

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