
The Habitat

Tired of living in the old society, Alex, together with his classmates, were transported into another world after the mysterious poisoning of their classroom. A world full of natural beauty and fresh air, they considered it a dream. Only to find out that weird monsters they haven't seen before have been living in it where they treated humans as alienated beings. Alex, with his classmates, fought the creatures and noticed that upon death, they found a mysterious syringe that, when injected, would transform themselves into one. Embarking on a dangerous but mystical journey, Alex and his classmates set their foot on acquiring powers from the monsters in the new world for them to survive.

Josh_Baudelaire · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Fast Relaxation

Sleeping on a bed, made by his fellow classmates, Alex woke up late. The best must have done the job well, giving comfort to Alex's tired physical body and even mind. But still, he still has a job to do, and that's to find someone that he doesn't know where to find in the first place – Rabi, one of the eight from the Roceiae tribe who long guarded the marshland for centuries.

Alex decided to stand as he opened the wooden door from his room. They used wood for doors since using the hardened nectar would be trivial for a simple reason that it is not suited for it because of its texture.

Walking on a gold-plated floor, barefoot Alex was guided by the golden lights towards the main hall where they eat. "I see that you're awake now." Darline said, eating her lunch.

Alex approached her slowly and sat beside her, "Yeah must have been really tired."

"We all are. You deserve a good rest too." Darline said while she continues to put food in her mouth with a golden spoon.

Alex looked at the foods on the table as he set his eyes on what to eat. The sweet aroma of fresh fishes was dined abundantly at the center as those who wanted to eat would just grab something if they are hungry. With side dishes like fruits common in the place, and even poultry who you can see just roaming around in the marshes were all prepared by these people who love to cook.

"Can everyone finish this?" Alex asked, grabbing his plate and went to grab something to eat – fish and some meat.

Darline chuckled, "Dude, there's so many of us, of course! Lyka said earlier that even with the abudance this place has given us, they are still putting limitations on how many we should cook and eat. They are also talking about agriculture and such, so that we can reproduce enough for years to come by." Darline said.

Alex couldn't believe how everyone adapted to their new lives. They built rooms, parts of a typical house – kitchen, comfort rooms, utensils and even the plan for agriculture were all followed and prepared accordingly. They really must have thought a lot on this new life we were in.

"I see, that's good to hear. The only thing we should be concerned of is the— "Alex stopped, not finishing his sentence as Darline interrupted. "Clothes." Alex nodded. "Yeah, we couldn't produce any since silk does not exist here.

Alex and Darline both looked at themselves, their school uniforms were all looking junk as different holes came from almost everywhere, but one would consider it is also a remnant of the past.

They both laughed, "Well, at least we have something to wear." Alex said. "I wouldn't dare myself to wear something like what they usually draw in books – clothes made from tree leaves. You will be like, one wind away and all your insides would be revealed, ughh!" Darline grossed out, exaggerating.

"No one would do that either, that's why there's a schedule for boys and girls to bathe and wash their clothes in the river, right? "Alex asked.

"Yeah! It was my first time yesterday and I really felt awkward, trying to see everybody naked in front of me. That's why I soaked my body into the river for a long time, so that no one can see me from above, unless they swim towards me." Darline said as she continues to put a spoonful of food inside her mouth.

Alex chuckled, "well I haven't washed since we got here. I think I'll check the river soon and tidy myself up."

Darline touched Alex's hand, "I wouldn't mind coming along with you though. I can break the rules for you." Darline said, trying to sound seductive as she winked. Alex immediately removed his hand from Darline's grasp, "Shut up, Darl!" they both laughed. Alex knew Darline was just kidding around. Maybe.

"What's your plan, now? You still have the turtle's syringe, right?" Darline asked, her voice changed in a serious tone.

Alex sighed, remembering again, what their current situation is. "Yeah, I'm planning to acquire it myself, because I need to find Rabi." Alex said.

"So, she's the one you wanted to guard the tunnel for the meantime?" Darline cleared.

Alex nodded, "Yeah."

"But looking for her is impossible, we will never know where she is." Darline argued which Alex knew too.

"But it's better than not doing anything, Rabi said she knows what's happening in the marshland every time, maybe she can just appear if she's called." Alex said.

"Are you going to ask everyone's permission about that?" Darline asked, pertaining to the acquisition of the turtle monster's power.

"Of course, I will. Later." Alex replied, after putting some food in his mouth.

"Well, good luck with that. but so, you know, I'm on your side. And please take a bath after you eat, because you do --" Darline said where she put her pointer finger horizontally in front of her nose and winked and went to put his finished food to the kitchen.

Alex just laughed and signaled Darline by mouthing 'yeah I know'.

It felt like his body went numb after eating so much as he burped loudly. He then put his plate in the kitchen where he saw Jessie busy cleaning the kitchen himself. Jessie really loved cooking, Alex will never question Jessie's cooking because he tasted it before and it was scrumptious.

"You full?" Jessie asked

"Yeah, thank you, chef." Alex replied.

"Shut up. Darline said you're checking the river for a bathe later." Jessie asked.

"Yeah, I smell. That's why." Alex replied.

"I really wish we could have something as convenient as clothes in this world. I'm tired cleaning this kitchen with leaves and torn out clothes from everyone." Jessie exclaimed.

Alex knew exactly how Jessie felt, it must have been tiring wearing the clothes everyday without changing, even the underwear isn't changeable. Alex just smiled, "Yeah, I hope we could." And put his plate on the table and bid Jessie goodbye as he prepared himself to go out to take a bath.

It's not long since Alex was transported below – on land. He asked the nearby stationed guard bee to help him with that. and this yellow summoned predator who once shoot the shit out of them are now in full command of their classmate Kent who their new queen is. Although he also doesn't think it's the same summons.

Alex saw everyone busy with their own tasks outside, some are training with Matt and Jay, almost everyone is training with Matt and Jay as different positions were done, movements of strategized fighting. Jay transformed into his spiky monster and gave his quills to those who are training. Kent is also there, giving some of them with crossbows that she can casually summon, especially those who prefer long-distance combat, and not those who faces enemies with short-distance attacks. Nevertheless, everyone was taught every combat style, it's better to be ready than to feel sorry as you die facing a monster in the future, of course. Alex thought.

Kent saw Alex and waved at him, Alex waved back and gestured that he's going to take a bath in the river. Kent understood by giving him a thumbs up and went back to her training session.

Alex walked happily towards the river; the turquoise blue sky gave out the best weather for a bath as it shines brightly in the marshland. His sole kisses the wetland that it gives a sensation of gentle and a mixture of warmth and coldness.

As Alex went nearer and nearer to his destination, he felt excited. He reached it and the scenery of beauty and wonder faced him as the crystallizing waters of the river has arrogantly went to his eyes, boasting its beauty and elegance. The fresh fish swam abundantly in the river and the river bank were full of freshwater crustaceans as crabs, countless numbers of them, walked sideways running from the predators that swims in the river.

Alex did not hesitate to unclothe himself where he put the syringe on the land, with his clothes and jumped immediately in the water. "This feels great!" He shouted. "Hey! I'm catching a fish, shhhhhh!" Jimmy said, using Jay's spike as a spear to catch one. "Alex chuckled, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you're there." Jimmy sighed and continued to do what he's doing.

Alex swam and swam as the soothing waters pierces his soft but now rugged skin, removing all its painful experiences from the past battles away. The cold temperature is perfect for the day. I can't believe I'm feeling this again, I went here when I first came here in this world, alone. Just wandering around and happened to encounter this beautiful river that we can only see in textbooks and internet for it has been long polluted by the earlier generations, living us with nothing but man-made structures. Alex thought.

Alex thought or relaxing, and he lied openly on the river's water, letting the current take him wherever they do. When he started to hear a familiar scream.

"Ahhhhhh!" Ivan shouted as he ran towards the river where Alex and Jimmy bathed. Alex immediately stood, "What?" he asked the panicking Ivan.

"Thhhhhhhh---- Theeeeerrrrrrrr--," Ivan stuttered. "What?!" Alex asked angrily. Ivan couldn't finish his sentence as what he meant came running towards them, in eight legs.

"That!" Ivan cried. Trying to swim as fast as he could away from the monster who chased him. Jimmy saw the monster and also started to run away. "Alex, run!" Jimmy shouted.

The spider monster was enormous, its black legs were sharp enough to pierce a flesh in pieces, not to mention there are eight of them. Its eyes were glowing with hunger and hostility, convinced that what it is seeing is a set of foods bathing along the river to prepare themselves to be eaten.

Alex looked at the monster where his brain immediately commanded the word 'run'.