
Chapter 4

Samui and Naruto in the Uzumaki compound's bathhouse as Samui is informed by Naruto of Coco's plans. Samui says "I can see that the fashion is not that good now. a Garbage bag!" with Naruto nodding to that, "I know right? Like since when does a Garbage Bag count as fashionable?"

"Also I think she is also adding her money with Mirajane, Elesa, Nessa, and myself. So what about you will you invest in Coco's plan?" asked Naruto as both are in the shower as they are washing up for the day. And Naruto is very much drained from too much sex.

Samui says "Oh why not, if it is to help a friend I will pitch in." with Naruto smile, "thank you"

Samui says "Anything for my Fiance's second girlfriend. Oh the girls at school are going to be surprised that Coco Adel is moving back here to make her company." and Naruto smirks "Yeah agreed and many boys will try to get her." with Samui laughs on that.

"As if that would happen," said Samui, and Naruto says "That is true like you she is ruined by me." Samui adds in "and let's not forget that she was already doing way belong you and she got into bed and did it like animals in heat" she smirks.

Naruto smirks "That is true also I think the house next door is up for sale." Samui says "Wait, isn't that the house once belonged to um what were their names? Umm"

Naruto says "oh you mean the Sarutobi's" Samui nods "Yes that house. It is nice to see it be occupied again" with Naruto nodding as he agrees.

After thirty minutes they are dressed and head to see the party is slowing down a bit as Naruto comes up to his mother, Kushina, "Oh mom." said Naruto.

Kushina who is drinking "what's up sweetie?" Naruto says "Well I have a second girlfriend and I am investing in her future company." Kushina says "I see, is it, Coco?"

Naruto smirks "Yup and she is recovering from the fucking she had" with Kushina says "that would explain the screams I heard earlier," Naruto says "Oh I thought that the You know what was activated."

Kushina says "it doesn't bother me" Naruto just stares at his mother "Right~" with Kushina drinking her sake, Naruto then says "Well I have to say that this reunion is going along very well" with Kushina nods to that, "indeed and also, have you seen Mito and others?"

Naruto says "Maybe. Why do you ask?" Kushina says "oh I just want to know if they finally had done with you"

Naruto says "I will not answer that mom." he looks away as he remembers what he did to them. Kushina pouts but before she can say anything she shivers and slowly turns to see Athena Uzumaki, aka Kushina's mother and Naruko's grandmother.

"Oh mom, hi," said a nervous yet smiling Kushina. Athena, despite her age, still looks like a woman in her late 30s, Naruto smiles and hugs Athena and says "Oh grandma good to see you. I would like you to know I am engaged now." Athene looks at him and pinches his cheek which hurts as she says "oh sweetie, I know you don't need to retell me but I do like to know about something" she keeps pinching Naruto's cheek.

Naruto then starts to tickle her making her laugh, well he expected it to happen but it turns out his grandmother isn't the ticklish type as she says "nice try, I'm not ticklish" with a smirk with Naruto thinking 'oh there goes my go-to weapon'

Then Naruto has an idea "Would you like to meet her and my second girlfriend?" Athena says "no, I'm good, and besides, I need to head out" with Naruto "why?"

Athena says "oh I have a match to go to" while Naruto says "to watch right?" with Athena laughs at that, Athena says "Have you forgotten who taught you our fighting style and who taught your mother"

Naruto remembers all the beatings he got as a kid, even to his teen years. "That is true I know you do underground fighting rings while I do MMA," said Naruto with Athena says "damn right" as she heads off but she comes back and says "oh and make sure you take good of Mito and the others, and also keep it down for next time" she leaves. But she hears Naruto say "Kick their ass!" with her replying "I always do!"

With Kushian says "I have a family full of fighters I swear" with Naruto says "well, I do feel like sometimes that I was born in the wrong era"

Kushina nods "That is true. But you are strong. So you did fuck them." Naruto does not answer at all with Kushina smirks "you did, didn't you? I mean it's about time since Mito would go on and on about how she would get in bed with you and Pyrrha had obvious feelings for you an-" with Naruto says "don't make me throw you in the pool" with his eyes closed.

Kushina says "You wouldn't dare." Then she finds herself over his shoulder and he says "Try me." with Kushina thrashing as she says "Naruto Kurama Uzumaki don't dare throw your mother in the pool or you will be in big trouble!"

"Then stop teasing and get into my business," said Naruto with Kushina saying "I'm a mom! It's my job to do it!" Naruto says "As your son, it is my job to prank the hell out of you." he keeps walking to the pool "Also isn't it the tradition to throw the clan head into the pool?" Kushina says "that's bullshit and you kn-" she gets tossed in the pool. The rest of the clan cheer at that, then they throw Naruto in who is laughing as do the other members of the clan.

Kushina pops her head out with narrowed eyes and Naruto gets out of the pool then walks away.

Later into the day

Kushina is pouting with her wearing her back up clothes, Naruto is sitting across from her with Samui next to him Samui says "you should say your sorry Naruto" Naruto says "Sorry mom but I did warn you." with Kushina "your forgiven...for now"

Naruto asks "I believe there's one thing we can tell Samui or do we need to wait?" Kushina says "might as well tell her or else she will bug you nonstop if we don't"

Naruto whistles and the dog Yusuke appears as he wiggles his tail like crazy as many of the Uzumaki members say "Yusuke" as they pet him.

Naruto then says "Normally the tradition is you find out Yusuke's true form when we wed but I think the clan can agree with you finding out. Am I right?" all of them say "she is basically family!"

Naruto says "Yusuke, true form." Yusuke's form starts to shimmer and in its place is a kitsune with Samui has her eyes widened, "This is our clan guardian Yusuke or as we really know him is Kurama named after Kurama the Nine-tailed fox partner of Naruto the first."

Samui says "as in the 2nd or?" one of Uzumakis "oh this is Kurama the 100." Samui's eyes widened with her saying "how? Don't you know Kitsune lives a long life?"

Naruto says "You would be surprised at how quick they pass on but I know Kurama the first I know he is alive out there as the 2nd and others...well, very, unfortunately, events to them"

Then the whole clan hears something "You would be right young Naruto." Everyone looks around until Naruto looks up and sees a fox laying on the roof and to his surprise it has nine tails. Naruto then asks "L-Lord Kurama?"

"That's me" The kitsune hops down and lands on Samui's head and says "I will say that she is a good woman for you kit." then he says "then again, like you, the First did have a taste for woman with large breasts, like Naruto the first's wife"

Samui's eyes twitch when hearing "Can you please stop." Kurama says "why? Does it bother you that much?"

Naruto says "The reason is unlike Naruto the first wife hid her body and Samui was hit on a lot as a kid with her being an early bloomer."

Kurama nods and says "Well I am heading out and I will see you all again. Naruto jr plus, you will make a fine clan head. As you have the gift I gave to the clan when it showed up in Naruto the second" as he leaps into the sky and vanishes.

Naruto says "I knew it! I knew he was still alive!" as he turns to Samui who has passed out, Naruto then gets an evil idea.

A bit later

Samui wakes up then sees that she is tied up in a bunny suit and the little kids are around her as she looks at Naruto as she says "Naruto I know this is your doing!" and Naruto says "Yes it is but you have always been good with kids." with Samui sighs.

The little kids are looking at Samui with stars in their eyes then Samui is untied.

With that, Naruto goes to do something, Naruto then sees his pilot cousin Skyla who is talking on the phone about a flight.

Naruto then smirks and sneaks over to Skyla and before he could do anything, a hand is placed on him as he hears "hold on, Naruto could you wait a bit please?"

Naruto just smirks and stands behind Skyla waiting as she finishes up with her call, then she hangs up and says "jeez that was long." then she hears "Boo!" and Skyla jumps a bit as she says "I forget that you were behind me Naruto!"

Naruto chuckles and then pokes Skyla's cheek "You were the one that was easily startled." Skyla giggles softly while her K-cup breasts bounce lightly.

Naruto then says "Oh I have some news as I know you don't get much info as you fly a lot. But Elesa is not going to model for others anymore as they wanted her to wear a garbage bag." with Skyla blinks for a few then she says "what!" as she was shocked to hear this.

Naruto nods "Up as you see Coco is starting up a clothing company and I, with a few of her friends and my fiance, are investing in it. Elesa will model her clothes with Nessa and Mirajane. Coco hated what they wanted her to wear."

Skyla "I see," said, Naruto then starts to tickle Skyla as she was frowning and Naruto says "you need this!" Skyla is laughing as she says "no please stop Naruto!"

"Not until that frown vanishes!" said Naruto as he keeps tickling her as Skyla laughing more as her frown turns into a smile. Then Skyla screams "Uncle!" and Naruto stops as he smiles. Then a ball hits the back of Naruto's head. Naruto picks up the ball and turns around "Who threw that!" as he hears a group of children laugh.

Naruto throws the ball back but then throws water balloons at them and they start running away from him as Naruto says "You think you kids are funny but you have much to learn!"

Naruto turns back to Skyla who is giggling then Naruto grabs her as he says "come on your joining in!" Skyla is confused "Huh what?" as she handed a water balloon. Skyla smiles as they chase after the kids with water balloons.

With Naruto chasing the kids with Skyla saying "huh?" then a water fight starts, so much so, even the grown-up join in the fight. Then Samui joins as well. And in the end, and somehow, the kids end up winning.

Naruto is laughing at that as he says "can't believe we lost" everyone is laughing as well as it was fun.

Naruto then grabs Skyla and sneaks away with her even more confused. Naruto then takes her to his bedroom and throws her on the bed

In a bedroom

Lemon starts

Skyla moaning loudly as Naruto is kissing her neck while he's removing her clothes, Naruto then starts playing with her breasts with Skyla moaning out "N-Naruto!" as her breasts with her sky blue bra bounce out of the shirt, Naruto smirks "Oh Skyla you enjoy having your breasts played with don't you?" while he gropes her breasts with Skyla moans out "N-Naruto y-your know h-how to g-get me going!"

Naruto smirks as he keeps it up more. With Skyla moaning out "b-but we shouldn't be doing this Naruto!"

Naruto says "Tell that to Mito, Esdeath, Konan, and Pyrrha after I fucked them." with a smirk with Skyla blushing badly at that.

Half an hour later

Skyla is on her knees with her sucking Naruto's cock as she moans loudly as she is sucking it more and more, Naruto is rubbing her head groaning as he says "keep sucking it more" Skyla keeps sucking Naruto's cock.

Naruto is thinking 'she is so fucking good at this!' with Skyla moaning more as she sucks more, Naruto then has her deep throat him with Skyla moaning louder.

After a while, Naruto is close to cumming as he thrusts his cock wildly into Skyla's mouth, then Naruto cums making Skyla moan as he leaks out all of it down her mouth. A shit ton of his cum went into her stomach.

Naruto sighs while Skyla moans loudly as she feels it in her stomach. Skyla then removes her mouth and Naruto then has her on the bed and with his cock at her pussy.

Skyla has her eyes on Naruto, Naruto then thrusts into her pussy while Skyla shouts "Oh kami! Naruto, you're destroying my pussy!" Naruto smirks as he thrusting his cock deep into her, Naruto keeps fucking her pussy.

Skyla screams more and more, Naruto then reaches up and grabs her breasts as they bounce against his hands, Naruto then squeezes her, making her moan, more with Skyla moaning/screaming out "Oh yes keep it up to Naruto please ruin me for others!" Naruto thrusts his cock more in her.

Skyla moans, enjoying this so much with her eyes rolling upward, Naruto then changes position to Missionary with her feet next to her head with her shouting out "Yes please more!"

Naruto says "Oh you will get more and I will make you fully mine!" with him thrusts deeper into her, Skyla screams even more.

Couple hours later

Naruto is fucking her ass as cum is leaking from her pussy as Naruto slams his cock in Skyla's ass like crazy, Skyla is screaming "Yes Naruto keep fucking my ass!"

With Naruto does so by thrusting deeper, harder and faster in her, Skyla is enjoying this so much that she is screaming with her tongue hanging out of her mouth with her mind now gone, Naruto keeps fucking her and even smacking her ass. As the two went on for more hours of sex.

An hour later, Skyla has a fucked stupid look with cum leaking out of her pussy and ass.

Lemon over

Naruto lets out a sigh as he says "Oh that felt good." with Skyla laying on the bed, Naruto gets dressed. And gets Skyla's dress as well.

Naruto then heads out of the room. Naruto then stretches. As he hears "had fun Naruto?" Naruto turns to see Samui with a smile on her face, Naruto says "Oh hell yeah I did." with Samui says "that's good because now I have someone in mind"

Naruto says "That will be another day as I want to enjoy the rest of the reunion, my dear." Samui says "oh I know" Naruto smiles "Good to hear."

The rest of the time they relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the reunion. Until the weekend was over and everyone went home.

The Next Day

Naruto is driving with Samui in the Shotgun seat as to why they are not at school as they are helping out Naruto's second girlfriend Coco Adel.

They find her and pull out. Naruto then pulls out two suitcases as this is the money from both Samui and himself to help her get started on her new business.

They walk over to Coco who is drinking a slushie and she looks up seeing them both, she waves at them as they walk over to her table, Naruto then sits and puts both cases on the table "Our cut of funding." Coco puts the cup down and opens it seeing the money and nods

"With Nessa, Elesa, Myself, Mirajane and you both putting money forth it helps for the new company and you will be shareholders or on the board of directors," said Coco, Naruto nods to that. After they all finish their drinks they go building hunting.

They are looking and people are looking at Coco Adel and they are hoping to meet her. Naruto then finds a building that would be perfect but it needs some work. Naruto then says "I might know someone who can fix this up."

Coco and Samui look at him and say "who?" Naruto makes a call and hears "Hello, how can Uraraka construction help you today." Naruto says " I have a job right up your alley." Naruto then says the address and the man says "I am on my way."

Samui says "Mr. Uraraka?" Naruto says "Ochaco Urakaka's father is a contractor and I think he can help fix this place up." Then Samui remembers Ochaco as she says "oh right the girl who's doing odd jobs to save up money for her family"

Naruto nods "His work might be expensive but it is worth it as he uses the right materials to keep the building strong. I say we hire him, hell if he does a good job then he might get more construction jobs." explained Naruto.

Samui nods to that with Coco just drinking her drink. Thirty minutes later a truck pulls up and out comes a man who has worked hard as he has a good build as he stands at five feet ten inches.

Sometime later

Naruto, Samui, and Coco are relaxing at Naruto and Samui home as the man took the job and they realize that they been too many days off, Coco laughs "remember there is no school Saturday or Sunday" with Samui says "yeah but still, we're taking more off days than most teachers"

Coco says "Ah no you haven't the reunion started on Friday and ended on Sunday and today you were helping me." Naruto blinks as he says "is it Sunday?"

"It is Monday, my silly boyfriend," said Coco as she lightly pats Naruto's cheek. Naruto blushes at the situation with Samui giggling.

Then Samui lets out an eep as Naruto pinches her ass as he laughs. Samui glares at Naruto who then steals a kiss.

Later into the day

Naruto is taking a dip into the pool at this house as Samui is making lemonade in the kitchen when she hears knocking Samui goes to answer and sees Grayfia wearing a lovely silver dress as she says "Grayfia?"

"Hello Samui, may I come in?" asked Grayfia with Samui nods to that, Samui lets her in and says "Naruto is in the pool." Grayfia nods to that as she does over there.

She sees Naruto getting out of the pool and the water dripping from his abs, this making her blush so bad. Naruto then sees Grayfia "Hello Grayfia can I help you?" Grayfia says "U-Um. Yes, could we talk?" asked Grayfia.

Naruto wonders what's up, Naruto says "Sure." while he's come up to her. Grayfia nods as she says "so it's about"

They talk and Naruto learns that Grayfia has feelings, Naruto smiles and says "That is wonderful Grayfia." as she says "and another thing...before I have you make me yours...I want you to do the same with a niece of mine"

Naruto asks "Who is your niece?" Grayfia says "Rias" Naruto thinks of it as he knows that name, "Where have I heard that name before?"

Samui says "Rias, as in Rias Gremory, of the Gremory family, whose riches comes 2nd to your own family, Naruto" Naruto nods "Ah yes I remember we went to school together with Sirzechs If I remember right." said Naruto then he blinked "wait Sirzechs had a kid?!" Grayfia says "No Rias is his little sister," Naruto says "oh, I thought he would have a kid by now"

Grayfia says "Yeah you would think that but he is dating someone with no child." Naruto blinks on that, Naruto says "Yeah I can see that though I am surprised that I am not a father...yet" Samui shouts from the other room "that's because I had to take pills, strong ones! Believe it or not, your sperm is very strong!"

Naruto smirks "I know but I will be a father one day. When we are ready." with him remember that he didn't wear a condom for his aunt and cousins, Samui says "Your cousins and aunt are fine, I gave them some of my pills to prevent pregnancy!" with Naruto "thank you"

"Coco also has the same pills along with the girls!" said Samui as she walks out and holding a jar of lemonade and cups, and she gives them a cup as they both say thanks, Naruto then taps Samui's ass making her giggle.

Grayfia says "now then" Naruto finishes his drink as he says "what-" Grayfia kisses him. Naruto then just kisses back but.

"Hold it!" said Samui as she breaks them up as she says to Grayfia "are you on the pill?" Grayfia says "I am not a fool. I know as his fiance you have the right to have the first kid." Samui nods to that.

Naruto then grabs Grayfia and throws her over his shoulder, Naruto says "gotta be busy" Samui giggles and nods while Grayfia blushes then "eeps" as Naruto smacked her ass.

Naruto carries Grayfia toward the bedroom. Once they get there Naruto throws her onto the bed.

Lemon starts

Grayfia is naked as her K-cup breasts are bouncing and Naruto says "big, they're so big" Naruto is playing with them with Grayfia starts moaning loudly, Naruto then starts to suck on her nipple while Grayfia moans louder.

Naruto is enjoying this so much as he keeps sucking on her nipples more. Grayfia is moaning loudly as she is enjoying this with her moaning out "Naruto!" Naruto keeps going with his free hand and moves on over to her pussy.

Naruto then rubs her pussy with his fingers with her moaning louder, Grayfia is going to heaven as she moans more as she is loving this so much.

Naruto is thinking 'ohh her reaction is a sight to be seen' Naruto keeps it up with Grayfia is just losing it more. Naruto starts to suck her other nipple while Grayfia moans out "N-Naruto you are sending me to heaven!" Naruto keeps it up more until.

Grayfia cums right on Naruto's fingers while Naruto says "Oh my you are cumming like madwoman" as he takes out his fingers from her pussy, and Naruto then licks his fingers "Oh you taste wonderful."

Grayfia is panting, then Naruto has his cock against her mouth as Naruto says "open wide" Grayfia does as she wants to taste him as Naruto says "oh wonderful." Then he has his cock into her mouth while Grayfia moans onto Naruto's cock.

Naruto groans at how Grayfia's mouth feels as he thrusts into Grayfia's mouth as she moans with the cock moving in her mouth more. Naruto keeps thrusting into her mouth.

Grayfia is thinking 'Oh yes his cock tastes so wonderful and the musk is so powerful' as she moans more with Naruto's cock thrust into her mouth.

Naruto keeps groaning as he does it more with Grayfia taking it. Naruto then has her deep throat thus making Grayfia moan louder than before, Naruto keeps it up.

With Samui

Samui is at the door as she sees both Momo and Neo, "Hello girls, how can I help you both?" Momo asks "Samui-sensei, how do you know the famous Coco Adel?!" She shows a magazine as it has a photo of Coco.

Samui lets them in and then gets the old yearbook and finds the page and shows them "We went to school with Coco also we are childhood friends." Momo says "who don't you know!"

Samui says "Look through the book and might be impressed with who we know. Like Nessa, Mirajane and many others." as both are surprised to hear of this.

They look through the book and they see many famous people as their eyes widen more, then they see the Diner owner Kakashi Hatake.

"Wait Mr. Hatake was a sensei?" both ask and Samui says "He had the position of Gym teacher when Naruto and I were at school. The rules of dodgeball we learned from him."

As she has a flashback of Hatake says 'if you can dodge a wrench, then you can dodge a ball' as he holds up a wrench as he's ready to throw it. Samui shivers as she says "those times were...painful"

They blink in shock when they see someone a year under them named "Lisanne Stratuss." Samui turn to them "oh her...she was my rival"

"In what way as she is Mirajane's younger sister?" asked Neo when Samui says "my love rival" They blink "For Naruto-sensei?" they both ask. Samui nods to that.

"Yes, you know how I have had to drag Sakura away from my fiance. Well, I had to do worse to Lisanne but over time she got over her crush. From what Mirajane told me."

Momo says "why does it feel like a lie?" Samui says "I know and I don't believe it either." with both nodding, "I swear that woman tried EVERYTHING to get with my man." said Samui with Neo asking "like what?"

"Oh tried to have him pulled into a broom closet. The next was she tried to seduce him," said Samui as she named all the things she had done.

Back with Naruto

Naruto is fucking Grayfia's pussy as he's fucking her like a raging bull with Grayfia screaming out "Yes fuck me more!" with Naruto doing so, Naruto keeps fucking Grayfia "This is your new place in life by my side as my woman!"

Naruko keeps it up more with Grayfia screaming up the heavens, Naruto then leans down and squeezes her breasts making Grayfia scream.

Naruto says "come on Grayfia! Scream more for me!" as he keeps groping Grayfia's breasts while thrusts more in her, with Grayfia, screams louder as she loses her mind by the second. Naruto plays with her breasts like they were his soft and fluffy toys.

An hour later

Grayfia is blushing badly as she on her knees with Naruto behind her as he grabs onto her arms as he thrusts his cock in her once again with Grayfia shouts "Yes fuck me more Naruto! I want to be one of your lovers from now on!" and Naruto thrusts more in her as he says "Oh you are but I never let any other idiots touch this body of yours!" Grayfia screams louder and louder with her breasts bouncing more along with sweat forming on them.

With Samui

Momo and Neo are tied onto each other along with gags as Samui are about to use dildos on them as she says "Oh girls both of you came at the right time as I need a release and I will be using you both" as she licks her lips as she turns on the dildos as she thrust both in Momo's and Neo's pusses deeply with the moaning though the gags like crazy.

Samus keeps fucking them with the dildos as their pussies leaking so many juices as she thrusting the dildos more into them as they keep moaning nonstop Samui is happy to have girls to fuck as Naruto is busy with Grayfia as Samui stops and starts eating out of Momo first. Momo moans into the gag with Samui licking her pussy more until Samui switches over to Neo's pussy.

Neo moans into the gag then Samui smacks both of their asses.

Half an hour later with Samui moaning loudly as both girls licking Samui's holes as the blonde woman moans out "That is it keeps eating your mistress out!" as both girls keep it up with them, their tongues lick deeper inside of Samui's holes.

Samui is enjoying this as Momo and Neo licking her more until they make Samui cum very hard, they remove themselves from Samui's pussy and ass, with Samui panting "Momo get on Neo now!" but sees both having strap-ons as both are going to do her. As Momo says "sorry sensei but we going to fuck you" with Neo nodding to that.

Then they are both grabbed and they turn to see Coco "When your mistress gives you an order then you follow it. But it seems they need to be punished." Neo and Momo shiver as they know they kinda fucked up

Back with Naruto

Naruto is now fucking Grayfia with no mercy as he is holding onto her legs with Grayfia screaming more and more as she loving this, Grayfia's tongue is hanging out of her mouth with her toes curling with Naruto's thrusts more in her as he keeps at it more and more until.

Naruto cums into her pussy, filling up her womb with Grayfia screams the loudest as she can which it was too much for her to handle as she passes out as she couldn't keep up with Naruto and his lust, Naruto chuckles "Oh I will train her up more." Naruto puts her down then sneaks out of the room.

As he sees Coco and Samui about to give punishment to Momo and Neo, however, he stops in and grabs both Samui and Coco's breasts as he says "sorry ladies but I think I have a better one. Them watching you both getting fucked by me instead. And before I do, what did they do?"

Samui says "they were not listening to me as I told momo to get on Neo but their want to do me instead" with Naruto looks at her as he says "I would love to see that in fact"

Samui says "but" while Naruto says "no buts Samui, Momo, neo, you two may do Samui while I have Coco here" Samui pouts and then turns away. Naruto smirks then ties her arms behind her back and Samui gasps then she finds herself between Neo and Momo.

Naruto is kissing Coco deeply as both are watching momo and Neo start fucking Samui by thrusting into Samui's pussy and ass as she is moaning/screaming as she says "I should've gone with this! Oh kami, yes!"

The girls are moaning as well. As their thrusts more in Samui with them kissing parts of Samui's body from her breasts to back to the neck and so on with Samui moaning louder.

Time skip

Momo is being fucked by Samui while Naruto and Coco are double-teaming Neo who's leash is being held by Naruto as he fucks her pussy while Naruto says "do you miss having me in you Neo?" Neo shouts "yes I do sensei!"

While Samui is having her way with Momo as she says "how is it Momo?!" Momo shouts "More sensei!" Samui smiles as she thrusts the strap-on more in Momo's pussy.

Coco says "oh this just remembers me the time when we have a group sex with Vivi and Nami!"

Naruto says "I know but I have not seen them. If I do, I need to remind them who they belong to!" Naruto keeps fucking Neo with Coco helping him up as Neo screams more.

A few hours later

Lemon over

Naruto is on the couch with Samui and Coco next to him with their heads on his shoulders while drawing hearts on his chest as Samui says "that was amazing Naruto, sorry for not bein-" with Naruto says "it's alright, no need any more alright? Just always let it happen in the future alright?"

Samui giggles and kisses him on the lips as Momo and Neo are out cold with coco say "just you know...I have been in touch with Nami and Vivi and what they have been up to"

Naruto squeezes both their asses. "That is nice but let us relax as we need to," said Naruto, and both of the girls' moan and nod.

Naruto is thinking 'what have they been up to since high school anyway?'