If you're given a second chance at life, a chance to escape the void awaiting your eternal soul, its best you don't think too hard about the price. If your new master wants you to kill, you kill, and if he wants you to plunge a world filled with overpowered heroes and villains into pure terror, you had better get to work. The Guild aren't known for their patience or understanding.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.
Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain and TheDonFluffles
The Guild of Gamers: The Nightmare
Chapter 07: The Hunt is On
— Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) —
He knew his place in the League was on shaky ground right now. Trying to murder a captured villain in front of two of the council was always going to have consequences.
He'd been told to stay in the Watchtower while they argued about how he should be punished for his actions, but that was before the news from Star City arrived.
Firing another arrow, he watched as the bloodthirsty corpse fell to the ground, the arrow embedded in her brain.
He'd fucked up and helped legion escape, and Legion had immediately made him pay for his mistake as he turned his attention to Star City.
Legion had obviously been here, because there was a communications blackout in the area where the first zombie arrived, preventing people from calling for help as the infection spread.
Legion has picked a fairly active street, with several bars and clubs meaning it had been full of people despite the late time the attack started.
By the time word had spread, it had gone from a single zombie to a horde numbering in the thousands, all thanks to the undead Roy (or his clone, but that was another thing he couldn't think about right now).
To make it worse, Legion had timed it perfectly as Superman was caught up dealing with a plot to destroy Metropolis when this started, though he had no idea if that was by chance or if Legion knew Superman was busy.
The reports of the undead Roy's actions had been horrifying because while even the 'regular' zombies had proven to be incredibly dangerous, Roy was on a different level entirely.
The regular zombies were strong and fast, but their capabilities were entirely within human limits, and their resilience made them such a threat.
If you didn't destroy the head, they'd keep fighting. If they lost their legs, they'd just crawl after you, and they only needed a single bite for the infection to set in.
Roy was far more dangerous, proving to be unnaturally fast and strong. He'd seen what the police had started calling the 'Alpha' zombie once, and he'd almost died before Canary had managed to send Ro- the Alpha flying away from him with a well-placed scream.
But while the other zombies were seemingly mindless, focused on nothing but feeding, the Alpha was smarter than that.
Canary's cry had blown his arm off, making him do something they hadn't seen before, he let out a screech that drew every zombie that heard it to their location and then fled.
When they heard his next report, he had both arms.
The police and military had actually managed to quarantine the zombies into a couple of districts at first, gunning down any zombie that attempted to head into the rest of the city, and while the casualties were still high at that point, things seemed manageable.
Until Roy managed to bypass the quarantine, attacking people nearly a mile outside it.
Now, the military had downright abandoned the city, forming a quarantine outside the city as more and more reinforcements arrived.
He'd even heard that they were shooting anyone who tried to leave the city, unwilling to risk any of the infected escaping and spreading their disease further.
General Wade Eiling had been put in charge of quarantining the city, and while he understood the reasoning, the idea of just abandoning the city infuriated him.
There were hundreds of thousands of people still trapped inside the city, and while the army had started to set up camps to test the civilians and make sure they weren't infected…
To make things worse, he couldn't get into contact with his mother who was still trapped in the Quarantine, or Felicity for that matter, plus Thea was fighting the hordes as well…
How many were going to die because he'd let Legion get into his head?
The League hadn't outright said this was his fault, but the civilians weren't so kind. The people who saw him as their protector had turned on him almost immediately, realising that this was in retaliation for his attempt on Legion's life.
One man had even tried to shoot him, hoping that his death would end the nightmare.
He did this.
— Thea Queen (Red Arrow) —
She'd always understood that the hero's life was going to be dangerous, but when she'd thought 'danger', it had always been gunshots, or some thug getting the better of her and beating her up.
She even understood that she might die, but it had always seemed like such an unlikely scenario. The good guys always seemed to win in the end after all…
And then she watched a video of Roy, someone she knew and liked, begging for his life as Legion tortured him endlessly.
Suddenly the risks were all the more real, and her sleep was haunted by nightmares of her in his place.
Her nightmares seemed tame in comparison to the horrific reality she'd found herself in as she shot another zombie, watching the barely teenage boy fall to the floor with a red arrow sticking out of his forehead.
She was running out of arrows, and she'd have nightmares about just how many men, women and even children she'd had to put down if she survived this.
Using her grappling hook, she took to the roofs and thanked God that the zombies were bad at climbing.
"Green, there are a large group of survivors barricading themselves in the hospital, but there are hundreds of zombies around it. They need help and I don't have nearly enough arrows," Thea said into her radio.
The communications blackout had thankfully ended, which made them believe that Legion had left the scene. She didn't know if that relieved her or scared her, not knowing where Legion was… and knowing he'd mentioned her by name.
The video of Roy's death had a timer to let the audience know how long he lasted before the begging started, there had even been sick jokes about his lack of staying power online, and she doubted she'd last that long herself.
"Understood, stay safe Red," Ollie's voice replied, sounding utterly defeated. "We will arrange for someone to—"
"Negative, this is a message to all units still inside the Star City quarantine zone, pull back and leave the city," a new, harsh voice said as she blinked.
"What? Who is-" Ollie started.
"This is General Eiling, we have bombers inbound to purge this virus before it spreads further, they'll be dropping their bombs whether you're inside the city or not," Eiling responded coldly.
They couldn't be serious? They were going to bomb the city? But-
Her distraction cost her, focused on her communicator and convinced she was safe on the rooftop, she didn't see her stalker coming until it was too late.
Hearing a sound, she turned around, her eyes widening as she saw Roy's face coming towards her at horrifying speeds, half-rotted and coated in blood.
Her training and reflexes saved her from having her throat torn out, moving to the side as she delivered a textbook kick to Roy's side, trying to knock him away.
He didn't even budge, and instead grabbed her leg and used it to pull her in closer, trying to bite her again as those long, sharp claws dug into her flesh.
She could vaguely hear an intense argument over the comms, but she couldn't focus on the words as she tried to ward off Roy's bite, a scream of pain leaving her as he simply bit down on the arm she'd used to try and push him away, biting clear to the bone.
And then as soon as it started, the assault ended, Roy letting her go as he leapt from the rooftop.
She knew why he didn't bother killing her, staring down at the gruesome bite mark on her arm, watching as it started to fester and blacken.
She could hear Ollie calling her name, but slumping against a chimney with a pained grunt, she could only stare at her wound in horror.
She knew what would happen next, and whether from the infection, the pain or sheer shock, she collapsed, exhausted from hours of fighting.
— Moira Queen —
Watching her bodyguard desperately try to reload as the undead swarmed towards her, she turned and ran for her life.
She knew she was running towards a dead end, heading further into the building, but she didn't have much of a choice given the swarm outside.
She couldn't outrun the horde, already pursuing her as she desperately fled for her life, cursing herself for wearing heels today.
She didn't exactly have time to take them off now, fleeing upstairs as she spotted more of the undead stumbling towards her.
Running into a room, she slammed the door closed and tried to push some of the furniture in front of it, hoping to buy time for someone to find her as she struggled to move the heavy furniture, already hearing the monsters banging on the door in an attempt to get inside and kill her as they had everyone else in the building.
Backing away, she looked to the window, seeing the horde below. Turning back to the door, she flinched back as it burst open, knowing she was out of options.
Why was she so shocked when hundreds of chains started appearing from small blue… portals?
They almost looked like tears in the air, from which chains sprung forth and covered the doorway, preventing the undead from entering as they dug into the walls.
For a brief moment she let herself hope one of Oliver's League friends had found her, that she was going to be saved.
Then she heard a noise and turned to see the masked man sitting in one of the chairs, and her heart dropped.
She didn't really follow the 'hero' scene that much, but she knew that mask.
"Hello, Mrs Queen. So tell me, would you rather be eaten alive or take your chances with me?" Legion asked almost mockingly as he stood up and walked towards her.
She knew what he'd done to Arsenal, even if she hadn't watched the video herself.
"I'd rather die than let a monster like you take me captive," Moira said with her head held high, backing away towards the window as she took a deep breath.
Turning and running for it, she climbed out of the window and jumped towards the horde below, closing her eyes as she fell.
Her eyes immediately sprung open again as she felt a sharp sensation, seeing the hooked chains digging into her as they pulled her back up to the window, Legion grabbing her and pulling her back inside.
"I'm gonna be honest, that was a rhetorical question. You don't have a choice in the matter," Legion said easily, and she could almost see the smug smile under his mask as he tossed her to the ground. "But don't worry, you'll probably survive this."
— Clark Kent (Superman) —
It had taken him physically grabbing the two bombers out of the air and placing them on the ground to stop them, and even then it would have consequences even if the virus didn't spread.
It had been a presidential order to bomb Star City, and the military weren't happy that he'd stopped them.
Thankfully, Amanda Waller of all people had helped, and he wasn't surprised to know that she'd worked on plans for quarantining an entire city already.
Watching as the high-tech barrier formed, creating a dome over the city, he sighed.
He'd been trying to track down Lex, who had predictably immediately gone to ground when Legion's accusations had been posted online.
Then a giant robot started smashing up Metropolis, which was an unfortunately common occurrence and he was almost certain it was Lex trying to buy himself more time, which drew his attention long enough for this to happen.
Flash was fighting Gorilla Grodd, Wonder Woman had needed to deal with one of Circe's schemes, Green Lantern was needed to deal with Sinestro.
Legion was either incredibly lucky with his timing or something bigger was going on, conspiring to keep the League busy.
Flying into the city to find more survivors, he frowned to himself.
— Vandal Savage —
Watching the chaos, he admired Legion's handiwork with an approving smile. He expected Legion wouldn't wait long before he sought his revenge, and pulling some strings to keep the rest of the League's heavy hitters busy was easy enough, but even he didn't expect things to be this impressive.
The people of Star City were so used to their problems being solved by their beloved Emerald Archer, but he wasn't so beloved anymore was he?
Already they turned on their saviour, cursing him for drawing Legion's ire onto them, or for failing to just put him down when the heroes had the chance.
He'd have to speak to Legion about the recklessness of unleashing such a dangerous weapon, their goal wasn't to wipe out humanity after all, but to help them evolve, but aside from that, the survivors of this chaos would be stronger for it.
Getting a message, he paused as he read the report on the virus from their scientists.
He'd immediately had some of the undead captured after all.
Reading the initial conclusion, he burst out laughing as he raised his glass in a toast to Legion.
'Each 'generation', holds a less potent version of the unknown virus. By only the 'third' generation, the zombie can no longer infect other hosts. As such, a global outbreak is almost impossible. Further testing would be needed to confirm.'
Sending an order for the 'Alpha' zombie to be captured, he sat back with a smile.
Well played, Legion, well played indeed.
— Clark Kent (Superman) —
Dropping the unconscious Red Arrow onto the bed, he briefly glanced at the wound that was already excreting black pus.
They had already worked out that the virus wouldn't spread that far, apparently, it was engineered so that it couldn't cause a complete outbreak.
Any zombie created by the 'Alpha' could turn other people with a bite, but the people they turned couldn't turn anyone.
Thea hadn't been so lucky, the infection obviously already setting in. Once bitten, the infection could take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to actually take hold, unless the infected individual died in which case it activated almost immediately after their death.
Legion wasn't completely mad, this was a targeted attack at Star City, not an attempt to 'burn it all down,' as he put it.
But the fact that Legion had the capability to design a virus like this meant he was suddenly one of the most wanted men in the world.
The theory that the Legion they briefly captured was just the face of a large group was looking more and more likely. This didn't match the usual MO of the Legion they knew, but if Legion was a group then they could have a bio-terrorist capable of making viruses like this.
It also meant it was possible that Legion had died or was still badly injured from the powerful explosion, and that other members of 'Legion' were acting in his stead.
He partially hoped that was true, because it meant that this could have happened even if Green Arrow hadn't accidentally freed Legion, if he had noticed the bomb inside the arrow.
A brief lapse in judgement that had cost them all dearly. He could have thrown that arrow into the sun before it detonated, but Oliver had made his explosive arrows look almost identical to his regular arrows to stop his enemies from knowing which ones he was using and he hadn't thought Oliver would go that far.
"Superman," a voice said, shaking him out of his dark thoughts as he turned to face the speaker.
"Waller," he replied, Amanda had offered an unusual olive branch with her support of him stopping the bombs, but he still didn't trust her. "Any luck?"
"No, this virus is… unnatural. One of our scientists claimed it was an insult to biology because it simply doesn't follow the laws of nature," Waller admitted, her eyes narrowing as he reacted ever so slightly.
The virus didn't make sense for their dimension, but he'd heard the same about the technology Legion used for his website.
"You know something," Waller said bluntly, making him pause before he made a decision. Waller helped stop Eiling from trying to nuke Star City, he didn't have to like her to see they were on the same side here.
"Legion might be from a different dimension, but we can't confirm yet. He's extremely good at not leaving any traces," Clark admitted, making her scowl.
"Just what we need, a shame Arrow fucked everything up," Waller said pitilessly. "Do you think Legion was telling the truth about Arsenal?"
He hoped so, he truly did.
"I do," Clark admitted, before narrowing his eyes at her. "You don't know anything about that? I know Lex has worked with Cadmus before, and this isn't the first time you guys have cloned a hero."
The Galatea situation was still fresh in his mind, even with Kara's clone locked away.
"I don't, neither does Emil. Trust me, I checked, we don't need that heat. I don't even know where Luthor is, nobody has seen him in months. I can't deny it's possible he stole the technology and did it himself, but it's nothing Cadmus agreed to," Amanda replied, and despite their history, he trusted her.
Well, as much as he could ever trust Amanda Waller.
"General Eiling-"
"Is an idiot, so is the President for that matter. He jumped straight to bombing the city and fear-mongered the President into agreeing before we even had any real details. They won't try it again," Waller said bluntly, making him nod.
He didn't mention Waller's confidence that she could keep a high-ranking general and the President of the United States in line. He might not like her but he couldn't deny she was very good at what she did.
It was just a shame that what she did was usually focused on weakening the League. He understood their concerns, America really didn't like not having the big stick, and their realisation that the League outgunned them made them extremely nervous.
Not to mention, the recent invasions had shown the world that Earth was a very small pond, filled with goldfish that had convinced themselves they were sharks.
There were a thousand empires out there that could destroy Earth in a day, if it wasn't for the Superheroes protecting it, and the Governments didn't like that at all.
Flying back towards the city, he spotted another group of survivors desperately running from a horde of zombies, speeding up as he went to save them.
The worst had passed, but Legion had proven just how merciless he could be when angered, making him worry for Metropolis.
Could Legion be planning an attack there while he was busy in Star City?
Legion had also proven he knew a lot about Ollie's personal life. Was that information he extracted from Roy or did he know all their identities?
Were his parents safe? A quick glance back showed them still on the Kent farm, making him grateful for just how powerful his vision was, but he couldn't confirm they were truly safe.
Legion had already proven he was very easily distracted, did he have to pause before every crime he stopped to make sure it wasn't just bait? Could he ignore it even if it was bait?
— Thea Queen —
Looking around the empty streets, she clutched her bow carefully as she moved. She passed out on the roof, so why had she woken up in the streets, no bite or undead to be seen?
"Because you never woke up at all," a voice said as she spun around, firing the arrow the moment she spotted Legion's grinning mask.
To her shock, the arrow disintegrated into mist as it struck his chest, making him chuckle.
"Trying to kill me doesn't usually… work," Legion said, making her pause as she considered his words.
"This is a dream," Thea said, making him nod.
"It is, and it isn't. This is real, I am the real Legion, I'm just.. paying you a visit in a way your minders won't notice. You're actually asleep in a private quarantine room, because they know you're going to turn soon," Legion said, and as her arm suddenly started aching, she looked down to see the bite mark reappear, the flesh around it blackened and rotting as she clutched it, biting her lip to stop herself from crying out in pain.
"They- they'll cure me," Thea said, making him laugh.
"No, they won't," Legion said calmly, and as she went to speak, an unmistakable voice cut her off.
"Any luck?" A shadowy Superman asked, hovering in between her and Legion as he looked down at a far older woman.
"No, this virus is… unnatural. One of our scientists claimed it was an insult to biology because it simply doesn't follow the laws of nature," she admitted, making Superman frown as they faded away.
"They haven't got a clue how to cure it, and while they might find a cure eventually, to prepare for possible future attacks, it won't be fast enough to save you," Legion said, her eyes widening as a new scene formed.
Ollie, sitting on a bench, head in his hands as he outright cried, Black Canary trying to comfort him.
"He blames himself, and he knows he's going to lose you as well as Roy. Once the virus takes hold, you will die, and your corpse will wander around trying to feed, Oliver will have no choice but to put you down," Legion said with a pleased tone. "I wonder if his mind will survive the experience… especially when it becomes clear that I grabbed mommy Moira in the chaos."
"You have- let her go, she has nothing to do with-" Thea demanded, making Legion chuckle.
It was then that she realised that her bow was missing, having disappeared from her hands.
"So defenceless, hours from death, and you're still making demands?" Legion asked, making her face flush in anger. "Don't mistake me, I'm impressed. You're terrified of me, I can taste it, but you don't let your fear paralyse you."
Going silent, she glared at him. He wasn't wrong, she was terrified of him. Terrified of dying. Terrified of becoming the next Roy.
"Tell me, would you like a chance to earn your life?" Legion asked, approaching her. "And the life of your dear mother?"
"I'm not going to kill innocent people for you, I know how you work," Thea said with a glare, making him laugh.
"Nothing like that. I simply want you to take part in one of my games, with the cure for your infection and your mother's freedom as your prize," Legion said, making her narrow her eyes. "Will you enjoy it? Of course not, the entire point is that the participants suffer, but I believe you're strong enough to survive the game, to prove you are strong."
"If I say no?" Thea asked, making him chuckle.
"Your mother plays in your place, and you die slowly as your body rots from the inside out," Legion said easily. "I don't particularly care, it would be a disappointment for you to die without a chance to prove your worth, but this world is full of people just waiting to be tested."
Her mother wasn't a fighter, she was a woman on the wrong side of 'middle-aged' who spent most of her time behind a desk. She'd be eaten alive in Legion's 'games'.
"…fine, I'll play," Thea said with a growl.
She tried to ignore that she also had something to gain, to squash the little voice telling her that she was doing this for herself.
"When you wake up, I'll open the portal in your cell. If you get caught before getting to it, I'll take that as you failing the game immediately," Legion said happily and as she went to speak, her vision grew incredibly dark.
Opening her eyes again, she looked around the clinical room she'd been placed inside, a large glass window replacing one of the walls as some doctor looked in at her, making a call.
A foul smell made her gag before she realised that she was the source, the festering wound smelling of rot and death.
Ollie came running into view, staring at her through the glass and she could see the pain in his eyes as he looked at the wound, the way the blackened flesh had moved up to her shoulder.
As a glowing white portal shaped like a door opened on the wall, they both froze, staring at it in confusion.
She recovered first, making her decision as she mouthed 'I'm sorry' to Ollie, running towards the portal as he tried to shout something, watching her run through the portal which promptly closed behind her.
Finding herself face to face with Legion in the flesh this time, in nothing but a hospital gown, she couldn't deny she was scared, even as he gestured to her outfit and weapons.
"Get changed, you'll need them for what comes next," Legion ordered.
"Where's my mother?" Thea asked instead, making him chuckle.
"You'll see. Get changed, or you can play without your bow, in nothing but a flimsy gown," Legion said, making her scowl as she grabbed her clothes.
They were in what seemed like a small wooden hut, and she could see a forest outside the one window.
"Aren't you going to give me some privacy?" Thea asked, watching as he leaned against a table, crossing his arms.
"No, last chance," Legion said, making her shudder as she reached up and undid her gown, letting it drop.
Not wanting to give him a show, she quickly grabbed her Red Arrow costume and pulled it on, wincing as the leather rubbed against her wound.
"One last thing," Legion said, watching as she pulled her trousers up. He hadn't deemed it necessary to give her any underwear, making her outfit a little more uncomfortable than usual.
Moving forwards, she flinched back as he pulled out a needle, but didn't resist as the liquid was injected into her neck.
Almost immediately the pain in her arm, that had been slowly travelling up towards her chest, faded.
"The cure, since it's not fair for you to be forced to play while you're slowly dying," Legion said, making her narrow her eyes.
"What's to stop me from refusing to play, or attacking you?" Thea asked, making him laugh,
"Tell me, what do you see around here?" Legion asked, making her pause.
"A hut, and a forest?" Thea answered, making him nod.
"Do you know what you don't see? Your mother, or a way out. Feel free to sit here until you starve to death, I can even appreciate that kind of stubbornness, I'll be sure to appreciate it while Moira provides me with a different kind of entertainment," Legion deadpanned as she scowled.
Yeah, that's about what she expected.
"Get ready, you won't want to lose this game," Legion said as he turned around, another portal opening up as he stepped through it and left her inside the hut, which she found out was locked, making her sit and wait for the 'game' to start.
It wasn't long before she heard his voice echoing through the forest.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to a very special stream. I'll skip to the fun part, since that's what you're all here for, the games!" Legion said cheerfully, making her frown and make sure her hood was up correctly since this was definitely being broadcast. "The rules are simple, we have two teams who are fighting for freedom and glamourous prizes, such as their lives. On one team, we have Green Arrow's own little sister, Red Arrow! Here to prove she's more than just her brother's sidekick, that she is one of the strong. On the other team, we have… a couple dozen of Star City's worst murderers, rapists and criminals, hand-picked and grabbed out of the prison Green Arrow placed them in before they could be killed by the… little incident I caused to teach Green Arrow an important lesson."
Oh fuck.
"What lesson you may ask? While I imagine many of you think I'm upset he tried to kill me, the truth couldn't be more wrong. I'm thrilled that he tried to end my life, demonstrating his drive and commitment to keeping people safe unlike the pathetic fools treating it all like a game! If Superman had just stopped being such a coward and simply ripped my head off, Star City wouldn't be a zombie-infested hellhole! But while I approve of Green Arrow's resolve, his tactics could use a little work since all he achieved was freeing me. I'm grateful, but if you're going to try and kill me, you better make sure I don't walk away," Legion said happily.
"Now, onto the rules. Our intrepid hero simply needs to rescue our VIP, Moira Queen, from the depths of the castle, and the clutches of the other team before the daybreak. Oh, and she needs to prove her resolve, just like her brother, and put the other team down!" Legion said as her blood ran cold.
"Once the sun rises, they are permitted to execute Moira Queen, and that is their win condition. If they win, they'll be freed back into the world, with some special prizes from yours truly. The game ends when either Moira dies, or the entire other team is slain by Red Arrow!" Legion continued. "Of course, I hear prison can be rough, and some of these men have been locked up for a long time. I suggest you don't get taken alive, Red!"
That bastard…
Stepping out of the hut, she could barely see the castle in the distance.
She saw Legion's game, she could either sit here and refuse to play, in which case she left her mother in the hands of a bunch of sadistic psychopaths who would then be set free, or she could play his game and kill for him.
He won, and she lost either way, but… maybe her mother didn't have to lose.
Wait, Legion said they couldn't kill her before dawn, but did that mean they couldn't hurt her? Legion hadn't said they couldn't…
And did they know that she was the Green Arrow's mother?
— Moira Queen —
"So all we have to do is kill Green Arrow's little sidekick?" one of them said as she tried not to draw attention to herself.
Someone had a sick sense of rumour, leaving her chained to a bed at the top of a tower, a princess for Thea to save.
"Easy enough, I kicked the shit out of her before I got locked up. Would have done it ages ago if her big brother hadn't come to the rescue," another scoffed, grabbing a mace and swinging it experimentally.
"And the first vote is in! The viewers don't like the odds, and have decided to even them… by giving the defenders some better firepower!"
As Legion's words finished, a box of guns appeared in the middle of the group, making them freeze before they laughed, arming themselves with better firepower.
"All we have to do is hold down this tower, and we win," one of them said, making another shake their head.
"Nah, that'd tell her exactly where the hostage is. Take some of the rifles and go to the walls, you'll be able to see her coming, we have enough men to spread out and cover the castle, make this hard for her," one of them suggested, another nodding as they grabbed a high-velocity sniper rifle. "Looks like our loving viewers sent us some pretty good shit. We even have some grenades."
"A couple of us should stick here, make sure she can't run off with the hostage," another said, grabbing a shotgun.
It didn't take long for the band of lunatics and murderers to make a semblance of a plan, sharing the weapons between them and working out who was going where.
Soon enough she was left in the room with a single prisoner, armed with a powerful shotgun as he aimed it at the only entrance to the room they were in.
Legion hadn't made it easy, bars over the window meaning that Thea would have to go up the stairs, which now had a lot of armed and angry criminals waiting for her.
"You know, it would have been smarter for us to just stay in this room," the man left behind said, making her blink.
He'd been the one who had convinced the others that they should split up.
"I've been in prison for seven years, thanks to your brat. Don't look so surprised, it wasn't that hard to work out. I figured out the Green Arrow's identity the moment Legion mentioned 'Thea', which would be the Red Arrow, Thea Queen- well-behaved prisoners get some internet access," he explained as he put the shotgun down. "I still can't walk properly after Ollie put an arrow through my knee, so it makes sense that I'd be the one left here. With you."
"Legion said I couldn't be killed until sunrise," Moira said quickly, making him chuckle.
"Oh, I know. Believe me, I know. Our gracious host freed more of us than this group, but some of us… didn't want to play his game, he made examples of them. We all know far too well what will happen if we break his precious rules, and I'd rather go back to prison with another arrow in my leg than risk Legion's wrath," the thug said, making her let out a sigh of relief. "Legion said you couldn't be killed before sunrise."
And there it was, she couldn't be killed until the timer was up, but anything else was fair game.
As the thug came closer, she tried to move away, the shackles preventing her from escaping as he pulled out a medieval-style dagger, slashing a vertical line along her top, cutting into her flesh as he slashed her top and bra, pulling them apart making her freeze as her breasts were revealed.
Oh no, he didn't mean to…
Her answer became clear as the thug cut her skirt apart as well, pulling it away with a smirk.
"Seven years is a long time to not feel the touch of a woman, and since your son is to blame…" he said, undoing his jumpsuit.
"Just a moment," Legion said, making her would-be rapist pause as he went to strip off. "While you're correct that this isn't against the rules, I've decided to hold a bit of a vote on whether this is allowed before sunrise. In half an hour, it'll be decided whether you're allowed to play with the hostage."
So her fate was in the hands of the viewers who'd already voted for the criminals to be given better weapons?
"As you wish, Legion."
— Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) —
Why would Thea willingly go into the portal? Did she know Legion had Moira?
But how? She hadn't mentioned anything before she was attacked, and the moment she woke up she jumped through the portal.
Thea looked surprised when Legion announced the game, but she was obviously there 'willingly', in some capacity.
How had Legion gotten in contact with her?
As the game started, he was forced to watch helplessly as Thea started heading towards the castle, and as the criminals grabbed weapons and got excited about the chance to kill Thea, because Legion had picked the worst of the scum that he'd personally put in prison.
Then gave them all weapons and a chance to hurt him.
And now this… forced to watch as his identity was revealed (though the audience had also already worked it out), and an audience of seemingly sadistic viewers voted on whether his mother could be raped on stream or not.
Another crime that could be placed at his feet, he freed Legion and allowed him to do this; he'd drawn Legion's ire onto Star City.
But it wasn't even ire, Legion respected him for trying to execute him, he was grateful for Oliver's reckless attack that freed him from Superman's grasp.
Legion just saw this as a chance for the people of Star City to prove they were strong, to cull the weak. He probably thought he was doing them a favour.
Watching the vote, constantly changing as the two options raced, he knew a lot of people were voting for Moira to be raped to hurt him, Oliver Queen, Green Arrow… the destroyer of Star City.
Legion's fanboys hated him for attacking their new idol, Legion's haters blamed him for freeing Legion, the people of Star City wanted him to pay for drawing Legion's attention towards them, and the trolls just wanted to see people suffer.
Rape was apparently a step above the torture they'd voted for Alexis Kaye to go through, and a lot of the viewers were hesitant to go for it, which was the only reason it was even close to even, but even still it was looking increasingly like the criminals would be allowed to play with his mother.
And he could do nothing to stop it, because for all the League's technology and magic, they couldn't track the portals Legion used to come and go as he pleased.
So once again, he was forced to watch as his family was made to suffer, only this time it was live and there was still nothing he could do.
All his training, all the villains he'd taken down, and he was still left sitting on his ass, with no more control over the chaos than a single vote, amongst countless.
— Bruce Wayne (Batman) —
Legion had a way to contact people without anyone noticing, and Thea had been showing signs of having a nightmare before she woke up.
She wasn't surprised by the appearance of the portal, and she barely hesitated before moving through it.
She'd even apologised, she knew what was on the other side, that Legion was waiting for her, and she'd gone through anyway.
Another power under Legion's belt, making it increasingly more likely Legion was a group.
It wasn't that unusual for a single metahuman to have multiple powers, one needed to look no further than Superman to see that, but it was rather rare.
He hated how little they knew about Legion, constantly on the defensive.
And despite everything, he couldn't deny the sliver of fear that stabbed into his heart as he glanced at Oliver, wondering if one day he'd be the one sitting there watching as Alfred or Robin were forced to play his games.
Legion was ruthless. He didn't care about secret identities, he didn't hesitate to target their loved ones, and worst of all…
People were supporting him.
Legion already had copycats and fans, and with every attack his influence only grew. They listened to his message and felt it resonate within them.
People had been watching the heroes capture the villains, only for the villains to escape again and again, and now someone was 'calling them out', a villain that was downright praising Green Arrow for being willing to try and kill him.
They thought about how much death and destruction would have been solved if he'd snapped the Joker's neck, if Superman had just disintegrated Lex instead of sending him to a jail he'd bribe his way out of in a week.
Some people had even made spreadsheets showing how many crimes each villain had committed after their first arrest.
Waylon Jones, Killer Croc, killed eight people before he was arrested. He killed fourteen more (that they knew of) between his first escape and second arrest and was currently on his seventh visit to Arkham Asylum.
So people were asking why Waylon should be spared at the expense of his future victims, why his past victims should go unavenged.
They'd done the same for almost all of his villains, and it painted a picture the public hated.
Some people had stirred the pot by claiming the reason he didn't kill his villains was because he wanted to 'play hero', and he couldn't do that with no one to 'play' with.
It couldn't be further from the truth, even if he couldn't imagine what he'd do in a world that didn't need Batman.
But the public didn't want to hear that, because Legion understood a simple truth, the only thing the public loved more than a hero was to see them fall.
Legion was turning the world against them, and he couldn't even work out whether it was deliberate or just a side-effect of Legion's own agenda.
— Thea Queen —
She wasn't as good as Ollie, or even as good as Roy. She might not even be as good as Artemis, as much as that angered her.
But she was still a part of Team Arrow, and scaling a castle wall hadn't even been difficult, with the snipers watching the front entrance she'd been able to sneak in from the side.
"And we have our first fatality! Did I forget to mention the traps? Perhaps you should watch where you step boys," Legion's voice called out, sounding highly amused as she blinked.
Well, better them than her. It sounded cruel but she was here to kill them.
The simple truth was that it was them or her and her mother, trapped in Legion's world. Only one group was leaving, and…
Seeing a man in a prison jumpsuit carrying a shotgun walking down the corridor, she stared down at him from her perch on one of the arches, she pulled out an arrow and took aim.
It wasn't going to be them.
— Felicity Smoak —
This wasn't the first time she'd been kidnapped, it came with being Oliver's tech support. She'd been kidnapped by villains, assassins and gangs.
As far as cells went, the fancy room she'd been locked inside seemed downright luxurious, but somehow she couldn't help but think she'd be safer in the hands of Oliver's older enemies, because Legion…
The video of Roy fresh in her mind, she started to search the room in desperation, trying to find any way to get out before Legion came back from wherever he'd gone.
— Michelle Torres —
Sitting on the bed in the room she and Zoe had been locked in, she already knew exactly why she had been saved from the zombies by this 'Legion'.
She was nobody, a former escort and junkie who managed to go clean and get a dead-end job, she barely had any money, but…
She was the ex-wife of a supervillain, and Zoe was their child. The only thing interesting about her is that Deadshot knocked her up years ago, and this wasn't the first time his enemies had tried to use her and Zoe against the deadly assassin.
Of course, if Legion hadn't saved them, they'd have been eaten alive by a horde of undead.
Only time would tell whether that would have been a kinder fate.
— Markus Gray —
It turns out, causing a city-wide undead apocalypse is a rather efficient method of generating fear.
No shit, you're really on that grind.
Neo's still… working on your 'prize' for impressing her, but shit at this point even I'm almost impressed.
Heh, just almost? I'll have to try harder then.
Causes an area to grow incredibly dark and covered in an extremely thick fog which you can see through. While trapped in the darkness, people will hear whispers, distant screams and unnatural. In addition you can see perfectly in the dark.
Range: 0.5 miles
[He's Here]
Your presence can cause lights to start to flicker and dim, the bulbs bursting if you get too close. TV screens and radios will also start to turn to pure static and white noise. The effect grows stronger the closer you are.
[You shouldn't have looked]
When you enter someone's field of view, you can twist and warp their senses, distorting their vision, causing a feeling of vertigo and filling their ears with static which gets more intense as you get closer. This also grows more intense the longer they keep you in their vision.
Oh, I can definitely use this. I'm definitely becoming quite the little horror.
— Bonus Scene — Lex Luthor
He'd long since gotten used to the fact that he could have a flawless plan and things could still go utterly wrong for reasons completely outside his control.
Especially when he played the long-con, such as replacing the sidekick of a member of the Justice League with a clone, without even Batman noticing the swap.
Years of waiting for his plant to get into the League proper, and what happens?
An unknown villain kills him at the finish line, for seemingly no reason beyond because he felt like it.
Then, because things weren't bad enough, the villain reveals the clone's true nature to Superman and Batman, pointing the finger at him.
Technically, he was currently a free man (thanks to his careful manipulation of the American justice system), but that didn't change the fact that Superman and Batman had teamed up to track him down. Batman was bound to find ample evidence to lock him back up by pure chance as they searched for the real Roy Harper.
He'd had the original Roy moved to a different base that had no connection to Lexcorp, Cadmus or the Light. If nothing else it was a bargaining chip he could use if everything went wrong, and he was loath to waste resources like that.
He wouldn't stay in jail of course, but he would also lose his ability to move freely, which would limit him considerably.
He wished he'd never heard the name 'Legion', but nobody could say he couldn't adapt to unexpected situations.
He'd been forced to rebuild his powerbase over and over again after being arrested when his plans went awry, usually thanks to his incompetent underlings or equally uncontrollable circumstances.
Legion was just another thorn in his side that he could turn into a weapon.
Author’s Note: So, after the last chapter about seven hundred people mentioned Prototype and the Blacklight virus, either surprised I didn’t go for it or thinking I did.
What the fuck is a Blacklight virus? I never played Prototype games, and the wiki is pretty shit.
Also, I'm gonna take a break from this to write my other fics.
I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I’ll probably write faster.
I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd
I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro