
The Guild of Gamers: The Craftsman

Enemies are just resources you haven’t harvested yet

DarkWolfShiro · Derivasi dari game
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4 Chs

Elves can have versatile roles in any group

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain, TheDonFluffles and Mike, God of Lore

The Guild of Gamers: The Craftsman

Chapter 02: Elves can have versatile roles in any group

— Arko'narin —

The trip back to the Emerald Sanctuary was a long one, having to cross over much of the massive Felwood on foot, but she quickly realised it wouldn't be a particularly dangerous one with Flynn by her side.

She honestly wasn't sure what to think of her giant companion and saviour, beyond her immense gratitude for him saving her from a no doubt horrendous fate at the hands of the Shadow Council.

They spoke as she led him towards the Sanctuary, and she quickly realised that Flynn truly didn't have a singular clue where he was, he didn't know about the Burning Legion, he didn't know about the Horde or Alliance, and this world was a complete mystery to him.

He killed the orcs because they attacked him and he delved into the dangerous Shadow Hold thinking that exploring it would be fun and profitable.

She'd been saved on a whim, nothing more.

Flynn was also no dumb brute despite his love of hitting things with exploding hammers, he'd questioned her on this world, the races and just about everything else as they wandered across Felwood, there was a keen mind driving that massive body, one that loved fighting but that didn't make him dumb.

Admittedly she'd probably been a little biased in her explanations, but who wouldn't be?

"So let me get this straight, this Ashenvale is sacred to you guys and you're just letting the orcs cut it down?" Flynn asked, rubbing his chin as she sighed.

"It's not exactly that simple-"

"Fuck that, the orcs are invaders and they're desecrating a place sacred to your people, all while being part of a group you're basically at war with, it couldn't be simpler. Kill them all, drive them out of your lands," Flynn scoffed, making her chuckle quietly at his blunt words. Flynn didn't like politics, she learnt that quickly.

"It's not that easy, they're well-entrenched and there are many other threats who have moved into Ashenvale," Arko explained, though it sounded like excuses even to her.

What the orcs were doing was terrible and practically spat on the history of the Kaldorei, it was an utter disregard for both the land and her people's history.

"Excuses, they're clearly trying to provoke your people, all the forests in the world and they choose that one? I'd kill them all and send their heads to their warchief what's-his-face, Throg?"

"Thrall," Arko corrected.

"That's a dumb name, who the fuck goes around calling himself 'slave'?" Flynn scoffed, uncaring that he was insulting one of the most powerful men around. "I'd send the heads of the orcs in Ashenvale to him, make it clear that he and his kind aren't welcome in my lands, you lot are just being pushovers."

"Not everyone has your strength, Flynn," Arko pointed out, her eyes flickering to his bulging muscles. "And Ashenvale is just one of the many places my people are fighting. Even if we gathered enough strength to wipe them out, the Horde would retaliate the moment we had to relocate the Sentinels away from Ashenvale."

"Tch, it still sounds like excuses to me. You can't let your enemies walk all over you, just blow up their lumber camp and call it a day. If they try and start again, blow them up again," Flynn scoffed as she giggled.

She'd quickly realised that Flynn had three solutions for every problem.

Blow it up, build something to fix it or just hit it really hard.

If blowing it up didn't work, blow it up again but with more force this time.

Their oddly lighthearted conversation continued as they travelled through the forest, with her enlightening him to more of Azeroth's history, broken up by the occasional fight.

With Trey's sword in hand, she couldn't deny she took some of her rage and frustration out on the occasional demon or satyr they came across, but honestly she barely got to do anything.

Flynn was fast, and he could throw his hammer even faster. It was funny watching a satyr's eyes widen as a massive hunk of metal was simply thrown at them at terrifying speeds.

She thought it was impractical to throw his weapon away, but it turned out he had enchanted it so he could summon it back to his hand. He just threw it then clicked his fingers, making it reappear in his grasp.

It made his preferred method of fighting far more reasonable, in truth he was basically an archer who replaced their bow with a massive explosive hammer that he could throw over and over again with no real consequences.

And may Elune have mercy on those who got close enough to him for Flynn to decide to swing the chunk of metal.

She also learnt more about Flynn as they found a place to spend the night. Firstly, he carried way more than she expected in his little pocket inventory, pulling out enough materials to build a small campsite with bedrolls and tents.

He grumbled about not having time to build a proper lodge, even after throwing together a camp in what felt like mere moments.

Secondly, he was an amazing cook, since cooking was a form of crafting as far as he was concerned, not all that different from alchemy in the grand scheme of things. She'd never really thought about it that way, but she couldn't say he was wrong.

He even had a collection of herbs and spices in his 'inventory', because bland food was apparently a crime.

She'd had food at restaurants Jessir had dragged her out to that tasted worse than what Flynn made over a campfire, he was a true artist. He also ate enough for ten people, and scolded her for not eating enough after her partial starvation during her imprisonment.

She had already eaten about three times as much as she usually would at that point, but he still acted like she hadn't touched her food.

Thirdly, Flynn could craft 'wards', magical barriers that protected an area. He claimed he could make them cover a kingdom with enough time and resources, but for now he simply carved a small gem and used it to make a barrier over their campsite to deter any trouble.

And finally, he slept in the nude and had exactly zero shame. That wasn't any real surprise, so did Jessir, much to Trey's chagrin and her amusement as the noble paladin tried to avoid looking at Jessir when she stripped down, but now she was the one desperately trying to not look as Flynn laid down on his bedroll, not going inside it thanks to how nice the night was.

All she had to say was that he was suitably large everywhere, and she was almost certain that thing would not fit in a girl as small as her.

Night Elves were taller than humans, but Flynn was truly giant. He reminded her of stories of the vrykul, the massive half-giant warriors from Northrend, but she truly believed he wasn't from Azeroth.

Her dreams were far from sweet, uneasy sleep preventing her from getting any true rest, looking over at where the massive Flynn was sleeping she blushed a deeper pink as she moved her bedroll into his tent, trying not to think about the manhood so close to her as she took comfort in his presence, even as he rumbled in his sleep and rolled over.

With an arm over her body, he pulled her closer in his sleep, surprisingly not crushing her as he grumbled quietly in his sleep before he settled again, and as she drifted off in his massive muscular arms, she fell into a deep comfortable slumber.

— Flynn — Next Morning —

I hate waking up, a trait for which I entirely blame my dear old dad. I'm perfectly fine when I'm up and about but the initial stage of actually getting up frankly pisses me off.

Back home I had a bed that would explode sixty seconds after I woke up if I was still in it, a little encouragement to get my ass moving so I didn't waste precious hours laying around.

Yes, I know I enjoy making things that blow up too much but it was an easy solution for my slothful nature.

…admittedly I should have put some kind of override to slow me to turn it off if I had company. Boy, was my booty call surprised but I healed her so it's all good.

Still, my reluctance to get up (it takes a lot of energy when you're this big) means I can pretend that I don't notice Arko slipping away shortly after daybreak, I'll be a gentleman and not bring up her decision to use me like a giant muscly teddy bear since I doubt she wants to admit she was having issues sleeping.

She puts up a strong front, but between her friend's death (I've seen her staring at his sword when she thinks I'm not paying attention) and her fear and anger towards the demons and satyrs that were unfortunate enough to come across us, I'm pretty sure she's not as over what happened as she claims.

Considering the fresh-looking scars I saw when she changed out of her armour, I'm guessing her time with the folks I blew up wasn't exactly peaceful. Speaking of scars, when I've got my alchemy lab set up, I'll brew something to handle those.

Still, if using me as a safety blanket helps then she can push that sexy little elf ass against me for as many nights as she wants. Like I said I'm a gentleman.

At least I confirmed that some of my knowledge from before can be adapted to my system, it would have sucked to have had to start over.

[Cooking Mastery - Master]

You are a true artisan of the kitchen, able to craft meals worthy of royalty out of the simplest ingredients.

[Wardcrafting Mastery - Adept]

You are skilled in the art of crafting wards and wardstones, able to make powerful varied types of wards.

I studied damn near every form of crafting under mother, I'd be pissed if all that work didn't carry over to my system. I might not be as adverse to effort as dad, but wasted effort is a different story entirely.

Packing up the camp, we continue the trip through the tainted forest, the very ground corrupted by the demons, my mind at work.

I'm fairly certain I can get rid of this corruption, or at least absorb the corruption in a local area. It wouldn't be that hard to make a runic pillar to absorb the corruption from the surrounding area and store it inside a gem.

I don't have an infinite supply of gems and stone to work with. My inventory has a lot of my materials I grabbed in preparation for this adventure but I need to be mindful of how many I use, considering what I have planned.

Arko had been a great source of information on the ins and outs of this world, the races and threats. She's helped me work out what I want to do first.

I need to set up my workshop before I can truly start crafting, and while I could set up in one of the pre-existing kingdoms, I'd be putting myself under the whims of the leader of that particular city.

Arko didn't have nice things to say about this King Varian Wrynn who is apparently the most important human, as while there's plenty of human kingdoms,it sounds like Stormwind is the only one really worth paying attention to.

Plus, while I'm technically human if you squint enough I don't particularly look like it and I'll stand out a lot, which I don't normally mind, but I don't need some bigoted mortal getting offended at me for being too big.

I'd have to kill them, and then the guards would get involved and I'd have to kill them too. Next thing you know, no Stormwind.

Arko was obviously biassed when it came to her own people, which is fine of course. She obviously holds an immense amount of respect for this Tyrande, but I don't really want to live in the Night Elf city either.

The fact is, I'm going to be making gear that would make the gods jealous, and that kind of gear inevitably attracts attention.

No matter what kingdom I'm in, no matter how nice the leader is, that kind of equipment will be one hell of a temptation especially considering the three way war between the Alliance, Horde and the Burning Legion.

Desperation can make the justest ruler become a tyrant, and if they're fighting a war for survival and I'm sitting there in their kingdom on a pile of divine-tier equipment things are going to get unpleasant for everyone involved.

I also need more materials which I can't get if I'm stuck in a city, so I had an idea. The Plaguelands, overrun with undead.

Basically abandoned by the humans who once inhabited them thanks to this Scourge and their Lich King leader, entire cities have been left inhabited by nothing but shambling corpses.

I'm a Craftsman, I can rebuild a city with enough time and resources. I can build runic barriers that ward off the undead, I can even create servants to help with the rebuilding.

Once I've secured part of one of the fallen cities, I can fortify the location and expand outwards, and once the Scourge has been driven away, I'll have an entire kingdom of abandoned resources to claim.

I can deal with the corruption left behind by the undead. No offence to this Arthas guy but I doubt he's even half the Necromancer my old man is, and if the liches become an issue?

Well, the dread lord and succubus trapped in my inventory can attest to me knowing how to deal with stubborn souls.

Some alchemical solutions can help with bringing life back to the land, and I have some plans for how to hold onto it once I've claimed it.

I'm thinking Andorhal, as apparently it used to be one of the largest and most populated cities in Lordaeron, now inhabited by the Scourge. I'm sure some of the surviving nobles of Lordaeron will cry and demand I return their land once I've done the hard work of clearing it, but if they want to try and take it from me they'll find my defences just as able to deal with the living as the dead.

If they annoy me too much I'll declare myself the new king of Lordaeron, make myself a fancy crown. I don't want to be king but it'd be funny to watch them get so offended at some outlander giant stealing their kingdom.

Using our time to press Arko for more information, I smile to myself as I start making mental schematics for the tools I'll use to claim my little slice of this world.

— Jessir Moonbow —

When she lost contact with Arko and Trey, she knew something had gone terribly wrong. It was why she left Darnassus and came to Felwood looking for her missing friends, with very little to go on.

Apparently they'd set off to investigate the presence of the Shadow Council in Felwood but nobody seemed to know exactly where they'd gone and they'd lost contact with the pair shortly after they'd left.

That was weeks ago, and despite her own searches she'd found very little to go on.

So when she received word that Arko and a man were spotted in the distance, she let out a sigh of relief and laughed at herself, having come running all this way for nothing.

Then she actually saw them for herself and her relief vanished as quickly as it appeared.

The man by her side was certainly not Trey, and the sword at Arko's waist told her that she wouldn't see their friend again.

The man stood out, towering over Arko as he chuckled in response to something her friend had said, but her attention was on her friend.

She could see several things she really didn't like about Arko already, even as she brightened up as she spotted her, some scars she definitely didn't have before, the way her usually sensual body was looking rather gaunt.

Arko had been captured, probably tortured and starved, and from the closeness the shy Arko had with the giant of man beside her, he probably saved her.

An adventurer? He had the look, even if his choice of clothing made her pause. Leather pants and an apron were hardly the clothing of choice she'd expect from a warrior, but that hammer certainly looked like the weapon of a powerful adventurer.

"Jessir!" Arko shouted, rushing forwards as she pulled the giant along with her. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you, obviously. When you and Trey stopped replying I came down here myself," Jessir explained. "Arko, what happened? Where's Trey?"

She already knew but she had to be sure.

"Trey- Trey's dead, Jessir. We stumbled upon the Shadow Council's main stronghold on Azeroth, we were captured immediately," Arko replied quietly, Jessir's eyes widening in shock. "They took Trey away, I would have been next if Flynn hadn't showed up. He saved me and helped me retrieve Trey's body and sword."

"Then I owe you a great deal, Flynn. I am Jessir Moonbow, a Sentinel of Darnassus and a very old friend of Arko," Jessir said as she turned to the giant of a man.

She and Arko had been friends for centuries, nearing a millennium, and losing someone after that long was a truly painful experience.

Not that the loss of Trey didn't stab her in the heart. She hadn't known the human paladin for anywhere near as long as Arko but he was still a close friend and trusted ally, to know he died such a horrific death at the hands of the legion's minions was a hard truth to bear.

"It's all good, I just happened to be in the area, thought smashing my way through some danger-filled dungeon would be fun, and didn't even know Arko was down there until I stumbled across her," Flynn said easily, waving her off.

"Flynn, can you bring Trey out of your inventory, please, I ne- want to handle his burial rites. He's waited long enough," Arko asked, her voice breaking slightly, making him nod as he shoved his hand into an invisible gap in the air, extracting a carefully wrapped package.

The shape was unmistakable, and Jessir sighed deeply at the sight of her friend's wrapped body. At least he was treated with respect in death. Laying it down, Flynn stepped back and shared a look with her, his eyes flickering to Arko.

Jessir nodded, getting the message that her friend wasn't exactly doing okay.

"I'll gather some of the druids, Trey will be taken care of. We can have the service later tonight," Jessir said soothingly.

Giving Arko a small hug, a nod of gratitude to the fiery-haired warrior who'd brought her friend back to her.

— Later —

With the full story, she sighed to herself as she watched the druids put Trey to rest, the state his body had been in wasn't a pleasant sight at all.

Arko had been lucky, in a way, because while she'd clearly been tortured (Jessir had dragged her to bathe since she obviously hadn't since her capture), and the scars and poorly-healed wounds told a story even if Arko wouldn't, she hadn't been defiled, even with there being satyrs and orcs amongst her captors.

They had apparently had plans for her, and Flynn had arrived before she could be put through whatever horrors they planned to inflict upon her, but Trey hadn't been so lucky.

The druids claimed his very spirit had been twisted, but this wasn't their first time dealing with such a tragedy. It was all too common amongst those the legion captured.

Arko's story had drawn considerably more attention, her claims of Flynn practically single-handedly destroying the Shadow Council's stronghold and slaying both their leader Fel'dan and a Dreadlord.

Flynn explained that he did it by cheating and just blowing up the stronghold with them still inside it, but who cared how unfairly he fought if it ended with a dead and captured Dreadlord.

And wasn't that a shock. She'd never fought a Dreadlord herself- she knew she wasn't that powerful- but she'd heard tales of them.

Even if you slew them they just went to the Twisting Nether and they'd return once someone summoned them to Azeroth again, and with the seemingly endless amount of warlocks willing to sell their souls to the Legion, it was never too long.

And once they returned? They'd go out of their way to punish whoever killed them, going for their family and friends to hurt their slayer.

The fact that Flynn was apparently carrying the soul of a Dreadlord around was a cause for concern, but he seemed rather certain that it wasn't going anywhere, and frankly this was above her pay grade.

This was why Arko had decided to take Flynn to Darnassus, because if anyone would know what to do about Flynn and his pocket Dreadlord, it would be Lady Tyrande.

Of course they weren't just going to show up and explain that they had brought a Dreadlord into their Capital city so they were sending word ahead first, thankfully Flynn didn't seem in a hurry to go anywhere.

Which was what led to this, as she looked around the celebrating camp, because no matter what else happened, the destruction of Shadow Hold was a major victory against the demonic forces in Felwood, which made Flynn the hero of the hour.

The fact that he'd been able to brew a very potent alcohol in the time she and Arko had been away handling Trey's burial was also probably helping.

Arko hadn't approved at first, but Trey wouldn't want them all miserable after such a victory, even if it came at the cost of his life. While paladins did have something of a reputation for being killjoys, Trey wasn't like that.

Gods, he'd probably have been one of the ones drunkenly singing and generally making a fool of himself, which made her smile as she sipped the booze Flynn had brewed.

Apparently he made it from nothing but ingredients they already had, after an argument with one of the Tauren druids over… something?

She didn't know the specifics, but watching as Flynn wrestled a large male Tauren druid in the middle of a cheering crowd, she didn't think it was a serious argument.

Flynn laughed as he ducked under the huge Tauren's wild (drunken) swing, and it was amusing to see that Flynn was actually not the tallest person around.

Tauren were massive by nature, most males reaching around ten feet tall, and the one Flynn was currently wrestling was probably around eleven or twelve feet tall, not that it was helping the Tauren avoid the one-sided ass whooping he was currently getting.

Slipping around the Tauren, Flynn wrapped his massive arms around the Tauren's waist before he threw himself back, arching his back as he lifted the Tauren into the air and slammed him back down on his head.

Flynn was probably stronger, despite the size difference, because he lifted that Tauren like he was a Gnome

But then, she'd seen some of the Tauren struggling to lift the hammer Flynn apparently liked to use as a projectile, so that wasn't much of a surprise.

…speaking of Gnomes, when did the Emerald Sanctuary get a gnome? She didn't know everyone here, true, but she was pretty sure she'd never seen the blonde gnome that was currently cheering on the fighters.

The Tauren recovered easily, and in true male fashion it seemed like beating each other up had made them fast friends as he and Flynn clasped each other's forearm in a gesture of mutual respect between them.

Then they drank, and the fighting started again. You'd think druids would be less wild but you'd also be wrong.

Arko was sipping her own drink, at a much more sedate pace than any of the other celebrators, watching as Flynn joked around with the other partygoers.

She was doing somewhat better now that Trey's burial had been seen to, but her oldest friend was still very much not alright, even ignoring how much time she spent staring at Trey's sword with a multitude of unpleasant emotions.

Arko would occasionally slip into unpleasant memories and dark thoughts, when she thought nobody was watching, shuddering and shaking until she was distracted. Whenever she did so, she'd look towards Flynn, his presence seeming to calm her nerves.

Arko was not a party goer, too shy and introverted for this kind of celebration, but even now she would move around the party so she'd always be within eyesight of Flynn.

She wasn't sure if Flynn had noticed, but she suspected he had. Flynn was not the brute he appeared to be, she'd quickly seen that.

If Arko couldn't see Flynn, she'd start to panic, which stabbed Jessir in the heart to see, and until Arko was better, Jessir suspected they'd be going wherever Flynn was going.

Arko wouldn't want to leave her saviour's side, and Jessir wasn't leaving her friend alone until she was sure Arko had mentally and physically recovered from her ordeal.

Of course, they first needed to wait for a reply and most likely take Flynn to Darnassus. After that, they could talk about their plans, where Flynn planned to go next, and if he'd mind a pair of night elf companions along for the ride.

But that was for later. For now she'd just enjoy the sight of the shirtless muscular man getting sweaty, muscles bulging as he threw around massive Tauren.

Hey, at least if she was going to be following him around for the foreseeable future she'd get some eye candy out of it.

"Do you think he's that big everywhere?" Jessir asked, teasing Arko to distract her from her thoughts.

"He is," Arko replied immediately and without thinking, and maybe a little drunkenly as Jessir paused, one of her eyebrows rising.

Arko always had been a lightweight, and this was a rather strong drink. It took Arko almost five full seconds to catch what she just said, her cheeks immediately darkening as she quickly looked over at Jessir, seeing the smirk on Jessir's face rapidly growing.

"Wait, that's not- it's not what it sounds like," Arko said pleadingly, hands flailing wildly as Jessir's smirk only grew deeper.

"Oh, do tell~" Jessir teased, already knowing that Arko hadn't slept with Flynn. Arko was too shy for that, but that wouldn't stop her from teasing the life out of her best friend.

Because while she was blushing and trying to explain herself, Arko wasn't thinking about what happened to her, or about Trey's fate.

Still, Flynn was that big everywhere, huh? How interesting~

— Tyrande Whisperwind —

She received news from all over Azeroth, almost daily she had piles of reports to go through, it was simply one of the perils of leadership.

And yet, even before she knew the contents she knew that the report from the Emerald Sanctuary in Felwood was more important than the rest, for one simple reason.

As the chosen high priestess of Elune, she held a connection with the goddess of her people, and admittedly it was a connection that was usually silent.

Even before she opened the letter, she could feel Elune's… anticipation? Sometimes it was hard to understand what she was feeling from her goddess, but Elune was clearly excited and interested in whatever this letter was about.

After reading it, she understood a little more but still couldn't quite put her finger on why Elune felt so happy.

The ability to seal away Dreadlords was a useful one, even if she was rather concerned about them escaping their gems.

Of course she was also concerned to find out that there had been a Dreadlord in Felwood at all, as the forces she had there were entirely insufficient to handle such a threat, and it was a dangerous lack of knowledge that could have ended in disaster.

The fact that the Shadow Council had been dealt such a severe blow to was also something to be happy about, and perhaps now they could actually make some progress in cleansing the Felwood.

But that wasn't what held Elune's interest, she could tell that much by the connection she had with her goddess.

No, Elune was interested in Flynn. Arko'narin had put his alleged background in her report, an otherworldly being who claimed to have godlike parents.

She didn't believe such wild claims at first, but Elune sent reassurances that he was telling the truth. Flynn was either the child of Titans, or the child of something of equal power, and both prospects made her pause.

She knew something was going on with the dragons, especially the Bronze dragonflight, but they rarely included other races in their business so she didn't have the specifics, but she had to wonder if the appearance of a possible Titan on Azeroth played a part?

Elune simply felt amused when Tyrande wondered about what was going on with the dragons, providing no explanation.

She was left unsure what to do, a rare position for her and one she couldn't admit to. Her people looked to her for guidance and it wouldn't do to have them see her floundering like this, but as always Elune provided her with guidance.

It was hard to explain the images and emotions she felt from her goddess, but as she gasped, she had an intrinsic understanding of what Elune was trying to tell her.

Elune believed that Flynn was essential in finally defeating the legion, images of Night Elves equipped with weapons and armour forged by a divine craftsman slaying hordes of demons flashing through her mind, Flynn cutting down Dreadlords with contemptuous ease.

But he lacked the motivation to help Azeroth with their war, as different images flashed through her mind.

Flynn slinking off to the furthest corners of the world, hiding away as he forged in secret, ignoring the destruction of the world around him, only leaving to get more resources before he vanished again.

The world trembling and burning under the shadow of an enormous pair of wings, her beloved Teldrassil in flames as her people suffered, the sky itself bursting open all while Flynn ignored the suffering of the world around him, focused only on his craft.

Flynn was not of this world, he held no concern for its fate, no connection to its people, and left alone he wouldn't concern himself with the fate of the world. He simply didn't see it as his problem, and saw no reason to interfere with the fate of this foreign world.

She needed to convince the baby Titan to care, to help avoid the horrific future Elune showed her, it was incredibly important and quite possibly held the fate of the world, so why did Elune still feel so amused?

She was missing something, and she very much didn't like it.

— Bonus Scene — Alexstrasza —

Despite their power, the dragons had always known they weren't the strongest beings out there, and even her powers as the Aspect of Life came because of her empowerment by one of the Titans.

They weren't invincible, not even the Aspects, she knew this.

That said, they were powerful, so it was reasonable to be surprised to hear that an entire dragonflight had been defeated by a single being.

Surprised was an incredible understatement of course, shocked, horrified, and perhaps even terrified would be more accurate.

But she couldn't deny the truth, the bronze dragonflight had been decimated in ways that even Deathwing's betrayal hadn't managed, all because of their determination to keep the 'prime' timeline pure of changes.

Evidently a new soul had found its way into the prime timeline, where it never should have existed, a large humanoid named Flynn who was apparently such a threat to the prime timeline that Nozdormu himself decided to erase this anomaly, which was his fatal mistake.

Flynn was the son of a Titan, or something stronger than a Titan, only known as 'Kuro'.

Kuro took offence to Nozdormu's attempt and made it clear that if he tried again, there would be consequences. Nozdormu took his duty too seriously, anyone who knew him could have predicted that he wouldn't have heeded such a warning.

So Nozdormu tried again with the assistance of his flight, to banish this Flynn to another 'less important' timeline, and once more Kuro took offence.

She felt the battle between Kuro and the bronze dragons. By the time she had arrived to investigate (fearing the return of Deathwing), it was too late.

Kuro, in an act of pure pettiness and a terrifying demonstration of power, wiped out every other timeline, this timeline wasn't the primary one anymore, it was the only one. She didn't even know how that was possible, but it terrified the remaining bronze dragons in ways she'd never seen before.

He shrugged off the attacks of Nozdormu and his entire flight, uncaring of the immense power being thrown his way as he casually extinguished countless timelines, before he turned his attention to the dragons themselves.

Creating a 'timelock' around this timeline, he blocked any and all time manipulation or travel, and then he simply erased any dragons that hadn't stopped trying to attack him, with the exception of Nozdormu himself who he casually rewound back to an unhatched egg.

She only knew this much because Chromie had survived to tell the tale of just how outmatched they had been.

Kuro stripped away the blessing of Aman'Thul with ease, claiming to be far older and infinitely stronger. Aman'Thul was allegedly the oldest of the Titans, whether it was the truth or not, it was undeniable that Kuro's power was truly immense, possibly even surpassing that of Sargeras.

And then Kuro left, apparently having only shown up because someone was ruining his son's adventure, his son who had no idea that his father had followed him or that the bronze dragons had tried to get rid of him.

So, now the bronze dragons were practically powerless, an incredibly powerful being was watching Azeroth, and they had a baby Titan or something similar wandering around.

Finding Flynn wasn't particularly hard, his entrance into this world hadn't exactly been quiet and he was far from subtle as he wandered through Felwood, hitting things with a large exploding hammer.

That many of those things were orcs maybe put a smile on her face but she'd deny that. Aspect or not, she was allowed to hold a grudge.

The question was what to do about it?

Not that she planned on trying to kill him, she wasn't so foolish as to believe she could do what Nozdormu couldn't and had no intention of being rewound back to before she even hatched.

But a baby Titan wandering around unattended sounded like a tragedy waiting to happen, she didn't want to think about what would happen if the burning legion got their hands on him, or any of the other threats to Azeroth.

Author’s Note: The April fools joke was that it wasn’t an April fools joke, fuckin gottem.

World of Warcraft has some immensely deep lore that I both don’t know and don’t want to learn, so any lore inaccuracies are because I’m making things up as I go. I will accept no complaints.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it’s expired, add my (The Pumpkin King#1234) and I’ll invite you myself.

I’ve finally started to use my pat reon for something, mostly I’ve just added some discord integration so that my pat reons can read early previews of chapters. This won’t affect regular posting, but if you wanna read my works a day or two early then consider checking it out

Link: Pat reon. com/TheDarkWolfShiro

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts