
The Guardian of light and dark (discontinued)

By_someone · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 2

When Nox woke up, he looked around and saw that he was in some kind of seller

"You're finally awake," The Emperor said

"Here see what in here reminds you of your family or something" he continued then threw a bag on the floor and walked off

Nox tried to stand up but staggered a little cause his head started to feel heavy but managed to reach near the bag

'I don't know what that dumb King did but I can't use my powers' he thought angrily

'Wait… these are... My mother's things, did he….?' he thought again in shock as he scrambled through the items

In the end, Nox took a robe, a pocket watch, and a pendant that had our family photo of his parents from the pile, then, after a while, a guard came up to the celler Nox tried to say something like 'What did he want' but nothing came out of his mouth it was like, whenever he tried to something wrapped around his throat preventing him to talk.

"The Emperor has called you," the guard said

Nox closed his eyes

"Agh…" the guard groans then goes ahead to pick him up from the ground

Nox tried to get out of his arms but his body wouldn't move an inch, it was like he was not in control

'What the heck, what magic did that two-faced king use on me?' he questioned himself

After a while, they reached a room, it was a bedroom, it was next to the butler's chamber

The guard went inside and put Nox on the bed

Nox could not do anything but watch as the guard left, closing the door behind him

1-2 hours later, Nox was looking up at the ceiling when the door opened again, Nox saw in the corner of his eyes, the Emperor coming inside his room

"Move," he said

Nox felt that he was getting control over his body but the feeling was so fast that he fell off the bed

"Get up" The Emperor ordered disgust in his eyes

Nox got up and stared at The Emperor

"Talk," he said

"Why the hell did you get my family things?" Nox questioned venom in his voice

"The public knows that your mother is dead, and I also declared that you will stay with me" he replied

Nox caught on and said " So you brought those Items to look like you cared about me"

"Smart," he said smirking

"Why the hell are you here?" he questioned again

Just then Nox felt a sharp pain in his whole body

"Agh….." Nox fell on the floor

"First, respect me"

"Ok! Fine! Just stop!" he pleaded tears in his eyes

The pain stopped and Nox got up from the ground, huffing and wheezing hard

"What is it that you want" he said between huffs

" Some rules you need to follow," he replied


"Because people will be visiting"

"And what if I don't follow"

"I will make sure the pain is ten times worse"

And with that, Nox listened to the Emperor's (dumb) rules

"Am I clear?" The Emperor asked

"Yes" Nox replied then the pain came

"Yes! Your Highness!" he screamed

The pain stopped

"Good," he said in a monotonous voice

With that, the emperor left the room