

The chief, wiping sweat from his brow, finally straightened himself, though his hands were still trembling. "We need to gather the council and decide quickly. This isn't a simple matter. If we refuse, we could be wiped out by the Emperor's forces, but if we accept... we're marching our people into a war we barely understand, If we are to do that at least they should have a say in it"

Togg nodded. "But if what Gurnak said is true, we're already at war. That creature is just the beginning. We've lost ratmen to it already without knowing it." His eyes flicked to the rest of the gathered leaders. "We can't let that continue."

One of the older ratmen, his whiskers gray and eyes weary, spoke up. "A war above or a slow death below... those are the choices we're left with. If we fight with the Emperor's army, maybe we'll have a chance to save our people. At least they offer us a way out."