
The Guardian gods

Join the story of five new gods and their creation, as they try and navigate and understand their universe while making sure their own world is safe from any outside danger. Disclaimer: If you expect things should just work out for the main characters, this isn't the novel for you. My antagonist are people with thought and their own plans, they are capable of adjusting if things don't work out their way. Have a fun time reading.

Emmanuel_Onyechesi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
309 Chs


Ikem frowned, hearing that he felt nothing foreign before Wardenwild started absorbing the leftover trace. After his fight he made sure that no traces of the demon was left "It seems I still don't know enough about this race"

Looking at Brix and Aqua, Ikem asked "Do you both know about this pollution"

Brix and Aqua nodded, "We are connected to nature so we know when something foreign begins to take place, Unlike the demon on the western part who made his pollution become a part of nature. This one was easily noticed, probably because the demon was killed and the pollution became something uncontrollable"

Brix walked toward the edge of the hole as he raised his hand while speaking "We so happen to know a friend who know things about the demon which is why we are here to today, without him we planning on building up a station here to monitor and see what we can do about the pollution"