
The Guardian Dragon

Ryan never expected to be reborn to be a dragon He was tired of his life, being an outcast and a cog in the system. he was so tired of his life, but he never expected to get reincarnated as none human protagonist like all those heroes It all started with an old man's advice, a phone call to his home and a voice in his head that kept telling him things And it ended with him garnering the attention of an Unimaginable power, and now it's on his shoulder to discover the truth that was hidden in plain sight while fulfilling his responsibility as the Guardian of the multiverse What do you mean Earth has fallen!? What do you mean we were dreaming!? And what do mean I have to be a dragon!? So many questions, he will find answers to all but first, he has to survive. ****** The illustrations on the cover do not belong to me, and constructive criticism is welcomed with both hands

CRimson5 · Fantasi
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10 Chs

mage, home and food

Report from Astronomical Society Chancellor 

Of High tower to Mage Association Master


   We still haven't found out the reason for the sudden illumination of the night sky above Dagraa, the sky was clear that day and there was no change in the constellation and movements of the light of the stars and even our expert divination experts failed to come up with a definite explanation, we did all the inspections and confirmed that there is no involvement of Fate in the event, so we like to notify you that this case is no longer under our expertise.

Official report end

Personal report:

There is nothing more to add, other than a few assumptions of mine, I believe this is a phenomenon related to mana or mana reaction with light or it is a refraction of light, I don't know which one but I like to believe the main reason for the phenomenon is light and mana

Or this would be the ploy of the church to terrorize the citizen or to spread panic, further investigation is required.

Ps: I looked into records for similar incidents in history as you asked, and there is only one when the sky started to illuminate Red colour above the ancient city of Almir 45000 years ago, the record says it signifies the birth of a human stronger than God, and the source is untrustworthy because the one who wrote this record was someone who got kicked out from Magehood due his mental instability and committing numerous frauds.

End of report

Reading the letter, an old man in his '90s let out a tired sigh  "there goes my last hope"

He wore a large silk robe of blue colour and a pointy blue hat that covered his bald head, with a white beard that reached up to his chest. He was currently sitting in his office while reading the report that was given to him by an old friend but alas the report did not contain the results he was looking forward to.

Although something about the last part of the report made him restless, his intuition warned him that something about this premonition about the birth of a powerful human made it oddly awry, although many would just close the case thinking it to be their imagination and would've overlooked it.

He lived too long and was too experienced to do that, his intuition has served him well in the past so no reason to overlook it this time.

He lightly swing his right arm, which made a light blue mist shoot out from his hand and like a small stream it floated in the air and materialised into a small sparrow

If there were any wizards present here, they would have marvelled at the details of this mana creation. Only a grand mage with the highest skill can achieve this.

"Go to Syphilizar and ask Kalrei to check how many childbirths were reported in the last 6 days….. No, ask him to check how many children were born in the last two weeks and if he found them, then put monitoring on every children's home for at least six months, for any abnormalities "

The sparrow chirped in acceptance and took off flying through the window.

"I really hope I was wrong,"

If a child with that kind of power is born then the child is a threat to the world, it does not matter which side they take, a young powerful being likely will not be able to understand the responsibility and the values of society and with power like that, they can easily get presumptuous and selfish.

He can try to take the child under his wings, teaching him the values and virtues, maybe that child can become a great mage and bring glory to Magehood, and pull Magic art into a golden age. but even so, there is always a chance for the child to walk on the path of destruction and he is not willing to risk everything in this world to stand for the glory of a selected group…even if that group is one he belongs to

Such power should be destroyed before it can blossom


Can he do it?

He is said to be the greatest mage that walked through these halls since its foundation and he is one of the strongest people on the entire continent, if anyone out there that can kill such a being then it's him….but does he have the willpower to take a young innocent life of a newborn in the name of the greater good, 

He knows what he has to do but he doesn't know that he can

"I am really hoping I am wrong" his aged voice echoed in the room


The battle was over, the body of my opponent lay on the floor, with blue blood dripping from its wound, I was victorious.

[Congratulations on your first victory] the flying white ball said in its usual monotone voice.

I glared at him "I need answers"

[I will give it to you, but first I believe it wise to find a secure spot, frogs at not the only species in this world]

"Are you telling me I have to fight more dangerous creatures"

[As I said earlier I will answer your question after finding a safe spot and it seems like it's your lucky day because I sense air coming out from the left wall, it's hollow]

I reluctantly nodded, walking to the wall I started to tap on it slowly, yeah the Robot is correct this thing is hollow, using my claws I started to dig.

It didn't take much longer, I was able to break through the wall, but alas there was nothing other than a second wall here but I didn't mind it. I dug further on the sides, removing excess soil, making some space and with time I was able to make a small cave....okay that is an exaggeration it's a small hole in the wall like the one you see in cartoons.

I did my best, no need to judge me.

[Now go inside and take the frog with you]


[Because that's your dinner]

"Excuse me"

[You heard me]

"Be calm… Be calm, look how beautiful the wall is…." I tried to calm myself, no need to blame the floating ball, he is right. Clearly, this will not be the last fight and I don't want to die due to a lack of energy, so I pulled the frog inside the hole.

Soon another problem arose, you see the hole I made was very small, there was barely any space left, I and the dead frog took most of it. Well, I don't think the Robot can enter anyway, it's too big for that….

[You don't need to worry about that] saying it suddenly shrunk to the size of a fly.

Ohhhh. Seems like my worries are unfounded

"So, about my-"

[You should eat first, you will never know from where the attack will come from. or when it will? So fill your stomach and be ready]

"First answer my-...."

[You should eat first, you will never know from where the attack will come from. or when it will? So fill your stomach and be ready]


[You should eat first, you will never know from where the attack will come from. or when it will? So fill your stomach and be ready]

"Okay okay…jeez" I turned towards my dinner "I don't know you will understand cause you are a robot but I have to say my dinner does not look very appetizing"

The dead body was lying on its back, the brutal claw marks on its tummy that were dripping blood and the terrified expression on its face altogether made it very hard to eat.

[Your brain fluctuations indicate that you feel distasteful]

"Of course, I feel distasteful I never eat a cooked frog before much less a raw one"

[Your taste buds are very different from what they used to be, so you might taste things differently from now]


[Yes the place you come from uses multiple flavours to make one simple dish and so your taste buds got used to the quality but things will be different with your new taste buds, you may start to have new likes and dislikes and you will  taste flavours from a different perspective]

"I see" if he thinks like that then it might be true, I should try it. With closed eyes, I opened my mouth and dug into the meat, with a strong bite I was able to take a large chunk of meat, and the blood gushed into my mouth with each chew.


It was bad

[I never stated that it will taste good!] It exclaimed

"Yeah fuck you too"