
The new guy

'Ah, there we go skateboard fixed' Alex said satisfied. 'Better take it out to test it, mum, Leon,(17), Jake,(16), Justin,(14), Max,(13), I'm going out, hm silence as always when I speak.'

As I left my house I heard a BANG! My heart jumped out of my chest! 'What the heck was that?' I skated over to see what was going on. It was a guy, sitting on a bench. He was pretty cute.

I pulled to a halt in from of the guy's house. 'Hey' I said to him. He jumped knocking over the bench he had just put up. 'Ooohh sorry I didn't mean to scare you' I apologised.

'No no that's ok' he said waking up to me with a soft smile on his face. 'I'm Mason Russo, new guy, I just moved in yesterday from Liverpool .'

I shook his hand.

'Cool, I'm Alex Morgan , I live next door.' I said watching his eyes sparkle.

'Uhhh, nice house.' I said to him.

'Thanks.' He said

We stood there in silence wondering what to say next.

'Well, it was nice meeting you, I need to take my skate board for a test, I'm sure I'll be seeing more of you' I said calmly. 'yes definitely' he almost shouted, I could tell he was nervous. 'Uhh I mean yeah see you around' I waved at him making sure I smiled and skated away.

I had a funny feeling in my stomach, it was like someone was doing at backflip in my tummy. I ignored it and carried on skating. My board was working perfectly.

Ding! My ooh my phone.

Kylie: Hey u want to meet up ;)

Alex: Sure, I'm out anyway where r ya

Kylie: I'm at the library doing maths hw with Levi, should we meet up there

Alex: yh I'm on my way, see you :)

I turned off my phone and continued, concentrating on the road ahead.

Kylie and Levi were my best friends. We've known each other since we were like 3 years old. We all live in the same area so our parents were really good friends.

On a said note now. Levi's mum had passed away when were all 10. Then my dad passed away when we were all 11. Levi had 4 sisters and Kylie was an only child.

As soon as I got to the library I saw Kylie and Levi waiting for me as I pulled up. 'It's a Sunday, we have school tomorrow we have to do as much as we can today before we see Veronica' I gagged as I said her name.

Veronica Baxter is the pink poop of the whole school. All she does is walk around like she owns the whole school with Ivy and Katie behind her every second of every day(those are her idiotic servants). She rude to students, young and old, Lunch ladies and even a few teachers.

For some reason they despise me, Levi and Kylie. Goodness knows what we've done to her. But she's done plenty to us.

They all look like a unicorn threw up on them. Katie and Ivy are soooo dumb it hurts me to even think about them.

'Let's go to Bromley.' Kylie suggested. 'Good idea,' I said

Kylie walked on while Levi and I skated.

But I couldn't thinking about Mason .