
Chapter 24: The controversy

' After the Villain attack, katsuki bakugo and kota was kidnapped, some villains were arrested such Muscular and moonfish. Cops and heroes quarantied the mountain.

Meanwhile at the UA directors room

" I told you, there is a traitor among us" Prisent Mic says to prove his point the current teachers.

" And I told you do you have any proof" Snipe snaps back.

" Proof!? A UA student and a heroes kid got kidnapped how did villains who look nothing like they are associated with us were able to pull that feet TWICE!?" an angry present mic says which perks the ears of the others.

" Hang on boys, you see we dont need to fight about it we will need to look after our students first which is more of a priority" Midnight softens the atmosphere with her voice.

" Thats right the students are recovering from their injuries." ectoplasm adds

" Where is All might and gran torino?" Cementoss questions

" Oh they are planning on that mission" Midnight says



This is urgent news as there is a another villain attack on UA and they succedded in kidnapping a UA student, Katsuki Bakugo the winner of the UA festival no less. It has been heard that the villains attack was to capture the UA festival winner, why they did this heinous act time will only tell.

Thank you, we are informing you now that the administration of UA is answering questions right now.

In the room with cameras and lights everywhere pointing at the UA administration

" WE the UA adminatration apoligise for the result of the kidnapping of our prime student Katsuki Bakugo. Kidnapped by villains while he and his team were training to become excelent heroes in the future. We fully regret not being able to save him in time"

All three stand up. Azaiwa and Nezu are present with regret on their faces. Aizawas face was more off constrained anger, that this situation has happened. As they stand up they bow to the reporters who are about to bombard them with questions.


cameras shuttering every second after the admin bows to them.

A reporter says in a condensending tone

" You fully regret not saving him, how can we trust you student safety if this keeps occuring?"

Azaiwa with same face bowed down replies.

" Last time Villains attacked us because there target was all might. Because all mights presence was troublesome for students, we decided to limit the amount of heroes around students to prevent them from attracting highly dangerous villains."

Another reporter chimes in

"This time their target was an UA student and he got captured how do you plan to rescue, what about his family?"

Nezu answers

" We will bring katsuki bakugo back with us, with all our might in a quick manner, please have paitence as all authorities are involved?"

" Why is UA repeatingly getting attacked?"

" What do you to say the families that their child is not attacked?"

" How many students were injured during this attack?"

" What about the heroes?"

" Why wasnt the police fast enough"

Even with reassurance the reporters were still restless, with more and more questions on the way.


Before the interview.

" Hey" Todoroki says with a sad face.

" Hey" every class 1A student replies with the same sad face but some are extremely sad and some are sad mixed with rage and some are sad but is contradicting with courage in their hearts.

" I feel so guilty not being able to save them. As class representive I FEEL SO USELESS!!!" Sota says. These are words representing the atmosphere, after several calls from the their families the students want to be able save their friends right now but the teachers and authorities are restricting them from doing so.

" Dont worry Bakugo and Kota will be saved NO MATTER WHAT!!" Kirishima shouts which lifts the spirit of some of the students.

Tokayami bows. " Thank you everyone for rescueing and Im very sorry for making you worry"

" No problem thats what friends are for." Shoji says lifting Tokyami on his feet.

" But man is it depressing habing to be in the facility and not being able to save them" Sero adds with his arms crossed.

" I agree it was teachers who stopped us for our safety but even then they had to face a firey villain" Ojiri adds

" If only I could of use my ants as communicators I could have helped in the situation"

" Unlikely, There was a lot of fire and gas it would have harmed your insects." todoroki chimes in.

Ida is mumbling too himself, his face is mixed with sadness and rage while keeping a smile.

Yaoyarozu approaches Ida.

"First Stain and now this, first stain and now this, first stain and now this"

"Ida are you okay?"

Ida stops his mumbling as he senses rhe attention coming towards him, he raises his smile a little bit and says.

" Yes, Im fine but bakugo and kota arent"

" I know, even I tried to save them but I couldnt do anything after that monster attacked me."

Todoroki approaches.

" Dont beat yourself up, we did what we could, we cant act reckless or the police wont let us go with a warning remember."

Ida sighs

" Yes and thank you."

" But its not lost yet, lend me your ears."

Yaoyarozu whsipers to Todoroki and Idas ears.

Asui is being cuddled by Uraraka,

" What happened to her?" jiro asks uraraka why asui isnt like what she was before.

" Tsu do you want me to tell her"

"Yes" she replies

" I want to know too" " Me too" Ashido and Hagakure approach the three to form a circle.

Then Uraraka explains what Toga did when she attacked them, hearing this again ignited the memory in asuis mind. While she is stuck on the tree.

" Youre so cute tsu" Toga opens her mouth and swallows and bites into her tounge. She creeps up and up sucking up blood until she reaches her mouth, forcing it open and twirling her tounge in asuis, she then raises her leg to get deeper together while biting to her tounge even more sucking on more and more blood. Asui tries to resist because of the pain and unwanted pleasure she is recieving but Toga stops each attempt as her pleasure for blood overriddes rational thinking. All the girls are horrified but they dont make a noise they go and cuddle Asui to comfort her in her struggles.

Shoji then asks.

" Who was the guy in green. he looked like he was our age"

" Yes, I was suprised he managed to stop dark shadow," Tokyami says.

" His name is the green demon he has a fire type quirk just like me, but his is unique with green flames. My father and I with several heroes tried to find him after he commited multiple murders across japan but we couldnt find him until My father had a report that he might be in the B.R.I base." Todoroki explains.

" So does that mean he was the one fighting Stain" Ida asks.

"Yes I assume as we didnt see his face and he had black hair but the flames were the same."

" He must be stopped" Ida says

" Yes and thats not all, he knows Bakugo personally, when he approached us Bakugo said 'DEKU' thats a nickname for useless. so he might have been quirkless before" Todoroki says.

" Yes I heard him say that eventhough I was knocked out"

The name 'Deku' rings in both asui and urarakas heads

" Isnt that"

" Yes he is Togas boyfriend" Asui claims.

" No way" Uraraka says.

Todoroki also contemplates who was the man with blue flames as he looks like he knows Todoroki aswell. ' was he an enemy of my father' he says in his mind.

Aoyama and mineta are standing next to the wall shocked at what they heard that they couldnt speak but just listen, Mineta definitely heard the girls speak and Aoyama heard what Todoroki said.


Present Mic opens the door and says " Are you kids okay?" Everyone says yes. " Thats good it is recommended that all of you get sleep its been rough day so thank you for everything."


Present mic begins to leave but yaoyoruzu opens grabs his hand.

" Wait Sir we have something to help track down Bakugo is all might nearby."

Present mic is shocked with no time to react yaoyoruzu opens her hand with a tracker.

" Lets go. Yaoyoruzu, Todoroki and Ida follows present Mic while everyone goes to rest, eventhough Asui looked behind for a second.


Police station.


An enraged All might bangs the table almost breaking it.

" We have narrowed down the area where they might be hiding however we need to confirm." Naomasa Tsukauchi, the detective on this case known as True Man replies to All might. He is a very close friend of all might and has worked with him in numerous cases.

" We dont have time, who knows what they are going to do those kids."

" Yes by how secret this operation was I can only think of one person to pull this off"

" Yess.. Him.. which is why I am anxious. He must be behind USJ attack aswell instructing the league of villains to do his bidding."

All might says.

" Indeed it something he would do. True Man says.

*Knock* Knock*

Present mic and the three students enter the room.

" Present Mic, Todoroki, Ida, Yaoyaruzu what are you guys doing here? " All might questions.

" These kids have information on the assailants" " Hmm!!??" True man and all might shockingly questions.

Yaoyoruzu opens her hand places the tracker on the table. The tracker beeps at the same coordinates.

" I was able to place this tracker on the monster that attacked me" Yaoyaruzu says.

" We also have information on the guy who took Bakugo away, His nickname is Deku also called the Green Demon he seemed to know Bakugo alot I think they were in the same middle school." Todoroki says

" Also he was the one was fighting stain and sent those monsters after us to escape."

All might shocked by this information says. " So this green demon is someone abkut your age" " Yes" everyone says. All mights anger begins to boil up while keeping a smile as he remembers the girl who Deku tormented.

"Okay thank you for this all of you, Now get back to school and rest allow us to take care of this"

" Roger!!" Everyone says, Present Mic escorts them back to their dorms so they can sleep.

"Okay, yes, yes, we have a location." all might cheers.

" And it is within the area we have marked, it seems like it is a has to be legit." True man glees

" Okay lets form this plan, Ill will rally some heroes to raid the location, Tsukauchi inform Aizawa and nezu because we will raid when they are being interviewed."

"Yes All might" True Man rushes.


Todoroki, yaoyaruze and Ida return back to school, they wave Present Mic off as they pretend to go back to their rooms however they went back outside with someone else. Kirishima, he is determined to save Bakugo his best friend at all costs. But a mysterious person approaches the group.

" Who is he"

" I dont know"

" Wait isnt that"

Its Hotoshi Shinso from Class 1C.

" Hmm it looks like you guys are also going to save him" shinso says.

" Why do you want to come?" Ida questions.

" Its because I want to be hero, I will save him and bw a vreater hero than all of you"

Everyone is slightly angry from that answer, because of how smug it is but.

" We dont have time for this lets go" Todoroki says.

" First we need to disguse ourselves not from the villains but from heroes and we have to save him without using our quirks." Ida claims

" Yes and I have new and improved tracker."

" haha Great" Kirishima says.

They all go to store to disguise themselves, they change outfits, hair and shoes. Yoyaruzu wears a hat and glasses, Ida has a fake mustache, Todoroki has piercings and a blue shirt, Kirishima has red and brown striped shirt and earrings and Shinso has pulled his hair back wearing glasses and blue shirt.

Now that they are ready they go to bar where the League of villains are residing.