
The Greatest Challenge...Fatherhood

So the god thought it would be cool to make me op, with a few twist. Well not like it’s that bad

PAIN_41 · Komik
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22 Chs

Chapter 9: How?!

"There is something more I must tell you, for now we should not stay like this, Aykane, Kiyomi and airin go. Look after the children" I said, looking at them.

"Love you just returned to us...Can it not wait" Aykane said, feeling me kiss her forehead.

"She is right, there is much you need to know, Aiko can not control it nor can any of them" airin said, coming to my side.

"It is something only they can speak of, why else would he have us leave, we will see him soon right Yama" Kiyomi said, coming up and kissing my lips.

"Yes, Naruto, Sasuke let's go" I said, hugging them and appearing next to naurto.

"Before we go, I think it's best we deal with the matter now, after talking to the elders, granny and lord 6th. I think it's time to move you guys back into the village" Naruto said with a small smile.

"Still the same as always huh naurto" I said, looking back at my girls.

"Yeah, not much has changed" Sasuke said, turning it back.

"Come back when your done, you still have a lot explaining to do" airin said, with a smirk.

"Make sure he doesn't get in to trouble" Kiyomi said, laughing.

"If you don't come back again, I'll kick your ass" airin said but then started laughing and backing away.

"How when I still know your weakness" I said, coming behind airin and tickling her.

"Idiot" airin said, making sure I didn't tickle her again.

"Same as always, let's go" I said disappearing as Sasuke and naurto followed.

"He got you there, airin" Aykane laughed walking to the door.

"Yeah, you think he'd forget your weakness, not him" Kiyomi said, looking at the place I was standing and laughing.

"Stop laughing, let's cook before he returns and we still have to..." airin said stomping towards the door while she stopped.

"Talk uhhh" Aykane said stopping as well.

"To the girls" Kiyomi said, stopping seeing the girls sitting on there knees infront of the door.

"Mom! Tell us what's going on!" The 3 girls yelled out, while Kai hit her hand on her head.

[with the mc]

"Where is it we are going Yama" Sasuke said, jumping on the outer rim of the village.

"First I'll deal with this" disappearing and appearing in a ally.

"What are you doing Yama!" Naruto said, seeing me hold down a Jounin by the back of the neck on the ground.

"Shut up both of you and watch" i said lifting my head as a dark chakra came out of his body into my hand.

"What is that Yama?" Naruto said.

"Some kind of parasite latched onto his chakra, but the connection was cut off, wait" I said, thinking.

"Someone was using this mans body, without being able to track it there isnt much to do, put anbu stationed around the routes Jounin take and see if they notice anything unusual" I said, as naurto waved his hand and two anbu appeared.

After explaining to a concerned naurto, that I would personally take part in finding out what's going on we moved out of the village, to the forest to the east, in the night our 3 figures stood.

"Alright Yama, tell us what's going on" Sasuke said leaning against a tree, only to stand straight as he hear a voice.

"Still on edge huh little brother" a voice came from the trees as a man stepped out from behind one.

I leaned on the tree as naurto and Sasuke stood there. Looking dumb founded.

"How?!" Naurto said, seeing the mans face.

"Itachi?" Sasuke said, looking at the man that had long hair in a pony tail, no head band, a fishnet shirt under the cloak much like my, his arm coming through center of his cloak, his red eyes shining.

"Yes, Sasuke, looks like you got stronger again, what do you think Yama" itachi said, looking at my smirk.