
The Greatest Challenge...Fatherhood

So the god thought it would be cool to make me op, with a few twist. Well not like it’s that bad

PAIN_41 · Komik
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22 Chs

Chapter 7: My desire.....

"Yama, why are you spreading out your power?, civilians and lower class Shinobi can't handle that.....your.." Naruto said in a heroic way.

"They already know.....I had to, they do not know how to control there.....you know yet....You of all people should know I would not hurt my children.." I said, backing away as Sasuke appeared.

"Are you so sure about that....Yama" Sasuke said, looking at my face.

"Stop it Sasuke.....don't speak of that...they were surprised, that he showed up here, it's our problem" Kiyomi said, looking at her little brother.

"I understand Kiyomi but....you know as well as i what will happen if the village finds out he his here" Naruto said, looking sad.

"Lord 7th, I told you....he's a bad guy would the hokage try and protect us if he wasn't..." Aiko said, putting her patch back on.

"Stop it Aiko.....there's things you don't understand" airin said, looking at Aiko face.

"Yui, he is not a bad guy...he..." Aykane tried to say.

"Then why mom?!.." yui said, looking at her mother for answers.

"I will tell you when the time comes..." Aykane said, looking at yui.

"Why can't you tell us now.....what did he do..." anzu yelled out.

"Anzu.." Kiyomi Said, walking up to anzu.

"Enough....It is ok if they do not know....in the end I told you to keep it this way.....but we know the truth don't we..." I said, looking at Sasuke and Naruto.

"Kai take them, now....We need to speak with Naruto and our husband alone..." Aykane said, looking at Kai who nodded and grabbed the three girls before leaving.

"Stop treating him like a criminal.....you know it is not all his fault....this village..." Aykane wanted to speak.

"Yes, it still does matter, the village sees him as a rouge...there are many who would not understand" Sasuke said, relaxing.

"Sasuke I said early we would have to try....even if the village doesn't understand.....we can not push him out" Naruto said, patting Sasukes shoulder.

"You would do the same if it was itachi..wouldn't you" Kiyomi said, looking at Sasuke turn his head.

"I do not wish to harm the village, I came to see my loved ones and hopefully help my children on a different path...not one filled with the hate, pain and blood that my clan had to go through....there is not best course.....they do not know me....they know a man showed up that said that he was there father.....a rouge that....gave up everything for a path of peace....I just want them to be ready for what they must face, having my blood in there veins, they will need to be more then I ever could" I said, looking up into the sky as I pulled the top part of my robe down, letting it hang around my waist, showing the scars my arm, half my left arm as covered in bandages and was a pale color, I had a mark like a tattoo on my back, the deep cuts and battles scars that made me who I am.

"Because I will not let them try to carry the worlds pain as I did....for all the power I have is for them alone....even if I must destroy this body to bring about the peace that I desire and would have them live a better life then me so be it...because that is my ninja way" I said, turning around, hearing the women speak at the same time as I spoke my last words. While they all had a flash of the pass and what would ultimately be my end. As well as my beginning.

In the moment I said these words, all of them looked at me in there eyes they saw my back. A haori blowing in the wind holding a katana as I walked forward.

[flash back]

"Naruto, Sasuke I need you to do me a favor...." I said as I said appearing next to them, my arm cut off from half way up.

"Yama...why are you..." the team said, looking at my smirk.

"Enough, I need you to take everyone through the gate I will open" I said, looking at the people around me.

"No,what about kaguya" Naruto said, looking at me.

"You can't fight her alone.." Sasuke said, looking over to a body on the ground.

"I have a plan...." I said walking over to itachi leaning down as I watched the girls run to me.

"Your going to do something stupid aren't you....Yama" itach said, looking at my smirk.

"Of course not brother..." I said, tapping his forehead, while he smiled, blood at the sides of his mouth.

"Foolish as always.....I wish I could be there...." itachi said closing his eyes.

"I will join you soon, brother..." I said, feeling the girls come behind me.

"Yama, what is the plan...." Kiyomi said, bitting her lip looking at her twin.

"He wants to fight her alone..." Naruto said.

"Yama, you can't....we can do this.." Aykane wanted to say.

"Enough, should have done so from The beginning" I stressed my eyes a large energy dome covered all of us. Blood coming from my eyes.

"Yama, what are you doing!" Airin said, seeing me stand a walk out of the dome.

"My loves, i know you'd wish to stay with me....but I can't let you...Naruto and Sasuke could not be trusted to stay out of it so I used what little chakra I had left to take you out of here" i said, turning back as I saw the women run to the Barrier but couldn't get out.

"Yama!, stop this!" Aykane said, banging on it.

"We can beat her together and end this war..." Kiyomi said, putting her hand out.

"Have faith in us...." airin said, trying to break the Barrier.

"No, instead of if costing more lives...it will be one life....take care of them...Naruto, Sasuke" I said, turning to them with a smile.

(It's kinda fast but I'll go into more detail later,kaguya is way stronger in this au)

"How will you kill her with no chakra, don't be a idiot! Please love!" The girls said, looking at my smile.

"I don't need it.....I love, everyone one of you I always have...so please live for me" I said, reaching my hand in my chest as the Barrier was being slowly pulled out of this dimension.

Everyone looked as I pulled a katana and sheath out. Blood dripped my from chest as I coughed it out, using the sword to catch myself.

"Yama!, no you can't!!" Aykane screaming, banging even harder on the barrier.

"Yama please stop this! We will fight!" Airin and Kiyomi said, crying.

I only closed my eyes as I smiled, blood coming from the corners of my mouth.

I walked forward as my haori with the kanji for 1 was on it, my arm bleeding my leg broken, I looked up at the women who was off trying to get her form together as I heard yells from my loved ones.

"You know you will die...." a voice echoed in my mind.

"I know..." I said.

"Are you sure.." the voice said, with slight sadness.

"I am...even if I must destroy this body to bring about the peace I desire and would have them live a better life than me so be it.....because that is my ninja way...." I said, letting all hear my voice so that they know this is all I ever wanted.

"Very well, then call out to me....I will give you the strength to fulfill your desire..." the voice said.


"We need to stop him!" Aykane said, looking at the ones around her crying.

"Naruto! Sasuke pleas!" Airin and Kiyomi said, looking at Naruto and the rest beat on the barrier.

"Enough, whatever he has done it has forced us to leave, the time loop that this is in only brings us back to this same space...even I can't" obito said, trying to get his last words out.

The girls dropped to there knees looking out at my back.

"Yama....Is this truly what you wanted..." itachi said, finally letting go with a smile.

"What does he plan to do!" Naruto said not trying to give up.

"There is a technique he told us of long ago.....he said it allows then to shape there soul, using it to give them great power...but there is a price....." Aykane said, seeing the haori fly from my back.

"In Exchange for power...the wielder must be willing to give up.." Kiyomi said, her eyes bleeding.

"Give up what.." Naruto yelled.

"Everything..." airin said, her tattoos going away.

"Why would...he" Sasuke said, still not understanding me

"Because that's who he is...that is his ninja way.." the three women spoke.

Back to Mc

"Awaken..." I said as my haori flew back towards them.

"Awaken... give me the power I desire..."

"Awaken and fulfill my wish. In Exchange I will give you everything...."

"Everything I am, everything that I have ever been.....come and snuff out my light, you find so soothing.....awaken.....grant me the power I wish for what I want to obtain!" I said, as my pressure spread out.

It climbed as the people watching this world shake as the world turned black and white, there is no leaving this place for kagayu, stepping flashes of people walked beside me..itachi, nagato,my father and other stepped forward.

"Then call out my name!!!" The voice screamed, understanding my resolve.

"Come! Dwell with me! Reduce All Creation to Ash...."

".....Ryūjin Jakka"

(Not going lie don't like this chapter might just change it up, the power he has won't be used that much it will be used in some ways but it really won't be explained right now....ahh I really don't like it much)