
The Greatest Challenge...Fatherhood

So the god thought it would be cool to make me op, with a few twist. Well not like it’s that bad

PAIN_41 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter 6: Dad?...

"What Is going on Kai?" Yui asked, looking back at Kai, aiko and anzu. Not understanding.

Kai just bite her lip, not knowing what to say, thinking that there mothers should explain to them.

"He called our moms love..." anzu said, thinking for a while.

Aiko thought of what the man said. 'Your eyes are beautiful' putting her hand up to her patch on her left eye. Thinking of something that happened 2 year ago.

[flash back]

"Mom! What is wrong with me?!" Aiko said, looking at her mother with wet eyes.

"Aiko, what's wrong?" Airin said, coming over to her.

"Why am I so different, why do I have to cover my eye? Why am I so ugly? Is that why you make me cover it?!" Aiko said, crying while she placed her hand on her patch.

Airin ran to her, leaning down and hugged her. Grabbing her chin so she could look at her face.

"No, no...I know you don't understand, I know it's hard because you think something wrong with you, this eye, it's not ugly....listen to me Aiko, it is a gift from your father" airin said, kissing Aiko forehead, taking her hand and pulling the patch off showing her ringed eye.

"And it's just as beautiful as his are...." airin said, smiling as she wiped Aiko tears. Along with her own.

"I got this from...." Aiko said, looking at her reflection in a mirror.

[end flash back]

"...Dad?" Aiko said, looking at me who leaned up from the ground.

I look over at Aiko face who was confused, as yui and anzu spoke to her.

"What do you mean, aiko? Your dad?" Yui said, looking at Aiko pull her patch away.

"Aiko....what's wrong?! Don't cry" anzu said, seeing tears come from her eyes.

"Aiko, let me explain" airin said.

"Tell me! Are you my father?!" Aiko yells, her eye opening. The ground cracked around her as her confusion grew.

Disappearing I appear infront of her leaning down and hugging her.

"Yes Aiko, I know you don't know me but I always wanted to meet all of you" I said, looking at the other girls.

"Us...?" Yui and anzu said, looking at me who opened my eyes to look at them.

"Yes, yui, anzu, this...this is your father" Aykane and Kiyomi said, walking over.

"What?! How.....that means we are..." yui said.

"Sisters?.." anzu said.

Aiko pushes me away, stepping Back to the other girls.

"Where were you?! Mom why didn't you tell us we were sisters?! And, and, and why does he have that!" Aiko said, pushing airin hand away, pointing at the rouge ninja head band.

"Listen, aiko, yui, anzu...." I tried to speak.

"Is that why we can't have friends?!" Yui said, her emotions all over.

"Yui..." Aykane said.

"Is that why we had to hide?! Why we couldn't go see the village?..because...." anzu said as there isolation got to them.

"Anzu...listen.." Kiyomi tried to say.

"Because our dad is a rouge ninja....what did you do?! Why did you let him come back....why didn't you come back to us?!....why come back now?!" Aiko said, they all felt strange inside as a force came from there body they couldn't understand as the air started to shake.

"Yama!" The women yelled.

"I know" I said, release a bit of my same force, stopping them as they were suppressed, for a moment the whole village felt heavy, like they were being pushed to the ground, Naruto, Sasuke felt this and immediately disappeared.

"What's happening to us..." the girls said, feeling the draw back as they dropped to there knees.

"Yama...what are you doing.." a voice came as a blonde hair man stood infront of the girls.

While Sasuke sat on top of the building, looking down at us.

"Oh so you came, Naruto and nice to see you again Sasuke..." I said looking at Naruto and up to where I felt Sasuke.