
The Greatest Challenge...Fatherhood

So the god thought it would be cool to make me op, with a few twist. Well not like it’s that bad

PAIN_41 · Komik
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22 Chs

Chapter 2: clash

[flash back]

Sparks flew as two figures collided, the man in a cloak, his hair covering one eye, dodged backward as the women ricocheted kunai, landing in a erratic pattern infront of him.

"Who are you?" The man spoke as vapor came from his mouth. Spinning his sword, blocking a attack from the women's sword.

"Still not strong enough, Sasuke" the women's sweet voice said as she spun kicking out.

"Tch, how do you know me" Sasuke said as his position changed with that of a stone.

"Not so fast" the women said, appearing behind. Seeing him spinning his sword as he looked back with his red eye.


The sword came down, throwing snow up, two figure stood there while the snow clears. The women's foot on his swords blade driving it into the ground.

"Nice reactions" the women said as she looked into the mans eye, her eyes being blood red.

"Those eyes, your a....ahh" Sasuke said as he felt a kick at his side, making him fly back.

"Don't get distracted" the women said, kicking up the mans sword and kicking it towards him.

Sasuke caught it, as he blocked kunai thrown at him.

"Fire style - fireball Jutsu" they both said as they spit out flames, the women's had a bluish look to it as they collided melting snow and rock.

Sasuke appeared behind her cutting out as her figure fractured turning into dark mist.

"Where" Sasuke said, feeling his cloak he pulled as hit was picked up and slammed into the ground.

"Better" the women said, bringing her foot up and then down as he rolled. The ground cracked and exploded.

"Enough, yuiko" a deep voice said, sitting on top of a ruin looking over them.

"Tch...More" Sasuke said, looking up. Seeing 3 figures, the one at the center was squatted down, his hand on his chin. Looking in the dark at the purple ringed eyes that seemed to glow.

"Rinnegen?...who" Sasuke said but stopped as he saw the women disappeared, leaning on the man at the center, as he saw another set of red eyes and two more he couldn't tell.

"It has been a long time hasn't it, Sasuke"

The man said in a deep voice, as he stood up, looking down at Sasuke.