
The Greatest Challenge...Fatherhood

So the god thought it would be cool to make me op, with a few twist. Well not like it’s that bad

PAIN_41 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter 14: The other side of my father.

"Dad!!" Anzu said, but seeing his face that looked blank, just like that picture.

"Mom....what's wrong with dad?" Anzu said, pulling her moms clothes.

"Love calm down please!" Kiyomi said, worried.

Holding my head up, the blades going towards my loved ones stopped.

"Tch" the man named shin said.

"Not only my wife but my daughter.." I said, my deep voice completely different.

"Everyone move now!" Kiyomi said as she grabbed Anzu moving back.

"Sasuke!" Naurto yelled.

"I know" Sasuke said moving away.

Sakura grabbed sarada dashing away, with a serious face.

"We need..to.." shin tried to say before, his head was smashed into the ground as the side of the cliff shock under the pressure.

"What just happened mom?!" Sarada said.

"Sarada please just stay behind me" Sakura said.

"I kept you alive, you shouldn't die so fast" i said, reaching down and grabbed his neck lifting him up.

"You....uhhh, you were his.." shin tried to say getting his neck squeezed. Signaling to the other shin to come.

"Weak" I said, reaching my hand to the side catching the giant blade the boy shin tried to hit me with.

"So weak, now get out of my sight" I said turning as a massive amount of chakra came from me forming as giant red oni face appeared, it's mouth open bent teeth, muscle strains wrapping its face, as smoke came out its mouth as its 6 eyes opened.

It wasn't real or the only avatar I had but everyone saw it, the rest covered the girls eyes as it scared them.

"Mom? Wh-wh-what is that?" Anzu said, seeing it differently with her eyes.

"No don't look, please anzu" Kiyomi said.

Shin looked at the being and dropped as I kick him away his head coming off as he flew.

The older father shin, opened a portal but before he could I crushed his throat, unable to move I picked him up with almighty push and back down over and over.

"Is what they say true, tell me shin am I a monster, am I a demon, tell me! What do you see me as, is it the same as the rest..." I said, as shin hit the ground, his eyes loosing light as all he could see was my ringed eyes.

"Tell me am I a monster?" I said as a chakra receiver came from my hand about to slam it it to his face.

"Noooooo! Please don't say that!" Anzu said, getting free from Kiyomi arm, wrapping her arms around my back hugging me.

"Anzu" I said, feeling her shake knowing she was crying.

"Why do you sound so lonely when you say those things! Your not a monster! Dad!" Anzu said crying as she dropped to her knees.

"Anzu, you felt it too.." Kiyomi said under her breathe.

"Your not alone anymore, you have mom, the rest and me!" Anzu said, with hope in her voice.

Feeling me turn she put her head down as tears fell, her eyes widen when she felt me place my head on hers, then kissing the back of her head, looking up she saw it, that warm smile that was like when he was younger.

'It seems you have to be special to bring that smile to his face' Kiyomi words echoed in her ear, seeing him reach up as he tapped her forehead.

"Thank you Anzu" I said.

Anzu heart raced, feeling the warm that came from that smile and from the place I tapped.

"Dad!....I.....I glad your home" Anzu said.

"Anzu,I, I love you" I said as I pulled her into a hug. Anzu shook and cried. Hearing the words that she dreamed about when she thought of who her father could be.