
Mission 1cat in a tree

When they reached class all the other students had reached but had not started to study. "All right everyone grab some ground. your RAs are going to be the teaching assistants for this...so in the evenings you can beg them for help you are undoubtedly going to need. We like to stick to the traditional firstJob here." "That's it!" One student asked

"That's what they all say at first. and then... by the and it's all yowling and scratching.

"Isn't that kind of mean to the cat?" Stephen asked " I am talking to the students" "Stephen We wouldn't inflict you guys on a real cat."

The teacher said"Your first mission- Your first mission is to---" the cat interrupted, "Mia- OWW Mia - OWW."

"As I was saying your first mission is get the cat out of the tree unharmed

My Power's making illusions what Good is that here? one student asked

None whatsoever. teacher replied

" Trial start tomorrow, You get three chances to make it work, then you fail this mission, Fail three missions, you fail this course, fail this course you fail out of this school class dismissed." The teacher concluded.

The next day, everyone came with his and her trick. They tried but many failed.

Paul came with ladders and climbed up the tree got the cat and came down the students who were not smart said that he had cheated.

Leah used powers and when she was about to Succeed Jeremy used a remote controller that changed everything. The tree fell and then Yuzana was injured and many other students were hurt.

This is the last chapter, I am giving today, I will give the other chapters on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Please, Like this book, please vote me for the sake of this enjoyable book and comment. I LOVE YOU guys.

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