

Jack and Joel hurriedly approach the chairman to greet him. To give respect I also walk towards to their direction to greet him also.

"Good Evening Chairman"-Demetri

"So you are the person Jack is talking about, I am David Vasquez, nice to meet you"-Chairman

"Demetri Vierra"-Demetri

"Jack informed us that you have information's you would like to share with us"-Chairman

"Yes I do, it could help you all a lot in the endless battle we have with the dungeons and portals"-Demetri

"I suppose you want payment for that information Mr. Demetri?"-Chairman

"Of course, nothing is free nowadays but it will not be too much and I know you can give it to me, and besides the information I will give you is important and will advance the knowledge that you have and exchange for it, all I'm asking is a few resources not money"-Demetri.

"Let's see what we can do about that, but first show us what you know"-Chairman.

I walk away from them, and walks towards to the center of the space. I ask Kaya if I have enough mana for the orb but unfortunately, I don't, so I called out Jack's name an he walks towards mmy direction.

"Jack I need your help on this one, I don't have enough mana"-Demetri.

Jack walks towards to my direction and do what I tell him to do. He began sharing his mana to the orb and because of it, the orb begin to glow and when it have enough mana, it glows as bright like a light bulb and the runes appears too. Jack lost his balance, maybe because of the mana exhaustion.

Joel runs towards our direction and help Jack.

"What did you do?"-Joel

"I need mana to activate the orb and as you can see it is activated"-Demetri

"We already did that, but nothing happened"-Joel

"Infusing mana on it is not enough, well I can't blame you if you can't use the orb, you will not be able to read the symbols written on it"-Demetri.

He stayed frozen for a while, before berating again.

"Can you just get on with it, and show us what it is for"-Joel.

"You don't have a large span of patience do you, you see after infusing mana on it, you twist it until you finish reading the symbols on it then you break it, that is how it works, and remember this, the orbs are the keys to open dungeons and portals, I will tell you later which orb is for what type of Dungeon and which one is for the portal"-Demetri

After doing what I have to do, I successfully opened a D-rank dungeon in the evaluation facility, and shock are written in all of their faces.

"You can do whatever you want with this information, you can even sell it if you want too, its up to you, shall we?"-Demetri

We all enter the dungeon and not for long, defeated all the monsters present inside. In every monster, I can feel its corruption, these poor things, I need to move fast and bring my old powers back, to save what I can save. When dealing with the aftermath of the dungeon, I told the collectors to get all the plants, colorful stones they could find besides the mana crystals and monster carcass, and if they could find a wall with a magic circle drawn on it, call out for me. The Chairman also excuses himself.

"Sir Demetri"-Collector

I walk towards to where the collectors are and there it is the magic circle of Daya. After filling the missing symbols on it, I chant the written symbols on it before infusing mana and the wall disappear, showing us the lake of the tears of the water nymphs. I'm glad doing this doesn't take that much mana, I have very few mana unlike before.

"What is this? I've never seen a water this blue and beautiful"-Joel

"This is the tears of the water nymphs, you must also get this, it is one of the ingredients you need in what I will be teaching you later"-Demetri

"You hear the man, collect this one too"-Joel

As I was observing, Kaya alerted me that there is something on the water.

"Boss there's something on the lake"-Kaya

I look on the lake to see what Kaya is talking about and when I realize what it is, I jump immediately. What does Daya's vessel doing in this place? I left it in there? Did something happen in that place after I was gone?

Everyone was shock, when I resurface myself from the lake with Daya's vessel that I mask into a human form so one will know her real form, Joel remove his lab coat and cover Daya's body.

"We'll leave first, make sure to take care and collect everything that this guy said to collect, follow me Demetri, I don't know what is happening here and why is that girl in that lake, but I know you have an explanation to it"-Joel

We went back to the underground lab, so that Daya's vessel could be taken care of. Arriving, I place Daya's vessel in one of the beds and check her if everything is okay. Using a spell to check on her vessel takes too much mana that it quickly depletes, I never felt this weak. I really need to work myself to get strong again. I sat down in one of the chairs and keep my composure. I am still curious how this new body of mine gain its own ability to have a new life and Daya's body is not.

"Here some water, are you okay?"-Jack

"Yes, I'm okay, I just used too much mana for Daya, that's why"-Demetri

"How did you know all those things? anf who is she? why is she inside the dungeon?"-Joel.

"This might be not the right time to tell you two how, but I will tell you in the future, I promise"-Demetri.

"Okay we will not force you to say anything but you will still share what you know right?"-Joel.

"Of course, but before that let's discuss the conditions for the information's I have while I'm recovering my mana"-Demetri.

We left Daya's vessel to Joel's assistant's care. Upon arriving to the Chairman's office who is waiting for us. We discussed my conditions and some of it are, every time I participate in a raid, I will get two percent of the mana crystals collected for only a year and a half, because according Kaya's calculation I will be able to get old power back in less than a year. Another one is that in every raid I participated, I get to keep the orbs, and for the other request, it will be next time.

Listing my concerns, they consult it to chairman, and to my surprise, the chairman allowed it, and his exact words are, "this is just a small price for all the help we will receive from you in the future". I don't know why but I have a feeling that he knows something.