
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs


Edward did not reply. he was a person with flexible thinking and could change his mind according to circumstances. If he found himself wrong, he would apologize and try to fix his mistake. There are many fools who insist on holding on to their wrong opinions, because they think that they will lose their dignity if they confess by their fault

But Edward wasn't that kind of person, so it was surprising to see Edward being so stubborn

An awkward silence settled over the place, I was uncomfortable, and I wanted to get out of this place

I got up from my place and headed towards the door, waving my hand without looking behind me, "I will leave now, I will inform you if something new happens...."

After I left Edward's office, I went to Elia's room. The security men reported that they saw Elia wandering near Central Park last night.

But according to the central government agents who checked the surveillance cameras, Elia was training in one of the training units, and then went straight to his room.

Therefore, Elia was not interrogated, but I decided to visit him and check if he noticed anything strange

knock! knock! knock!

After a few moments, Elia opened the door, and he was rubbing his eyes because of his sleepiness

"....." The world outside was turned upside down and this boy was sleeping peacefully

-------- ------------ -------------- ----------- ---------- -------------

I was awakened by a knocking on the door

knock! knock! knock!

I gave up trying to remember the dream and headed towards the door, rubbing my eyes

I opened the door and saw Christopher

I invited him to enter, he entered directly without speaking a word, and turned on the TV on one of the news channels, where the announcer was broadcasting the news

|| The heads of Professor Katarina Frost and student Sylvia Underwood were found in Lily Frost's room.

While their bodies were dismembered in their own chambers

The authorities have not yet been able to determine who is responsible for this crime, as surveillance cameras did not show anyone entering or exiting the crime scene ||

My mind went blank upon hearing this news

Katarina and Sylvia are dead? how? why?

How did the killer avoid all the surveillance cameras?

I remembered the strange feeling of someone watching me as I passed Central Park

I trembled when I thought of this thing, was the killer watching me?

| Alexander killed them ....| I heard Kepler talking to me in a somber voice


Panic spread inside me, what did this lunatic do?

' Alexander…you bastard, talk to me…'

Despite my attempts, I did not receive any response

I became more agitated and angry at his actions

Why should he kill Sylvia? she's just a child

' Crazy killer, do you like killing children....'

| It's no use, Alexander won't answer you, you can talk to him when you enter the orb....| Thomas tried to stop me from continuing to curse

I tried to control my fear, panic and restlessness and listened to the announcer

|| No party has claimed responsibility for this operation, as the race of demons and vampires denied the accusations leveled against them...||

Well, I think it's normal, if a demon or vampire can kill a professor and a student inside the academy, I'm sure he will be considered a hero, so the demons and vampires will announce this achievement

But if they do not carry out this mission, then the matter is completely different, they cannot do something reckless like saying that they are the ones who killed Katarina and Sylvia

Because if the killer is discovered and it turns out that he is not a demon or a vampire, this will put them in an embarrassing situation.

| | While some officials pointed the finger at Trinity, and that the Trinity organization carried out this crime | |

Christopher sneered when he heard the announcer's words, " Trinity? Really? Couldn't they have found a better excuse..."

I gave a curious look at Christopher. "What is the Trinity?...."

Christopher's face became serious. "They are a group of crazy extremists. Trinity were created by a person who calls himself the Knight of the Temple. No one knows his true identity. And no one knows how many members this organization has and how they operate. They have a belief that the savior will descend into this world And he purifies it from evil..."

"You mean that he will exterminate the race of demons and vampires?…"

"No, we do not know what race the Knight of the Temple belongs to, but according to their belief, the savior possesses absolute power and knowledge, and he is the prophet sent by God to spread justice and equality among all races..."

"Are you saying that the savior will rule over all races?…."

"That's what they say, in their view there is no difference between humans , elf, dwarf, demon and vampire, all are equal…" Christopher paused for a moment as he muted the TV " A world where there is no rich and poor, there is no strong and weak, a world Where everyone is equal..."

"Their goals seem noble…."

"Yes, but they are trying to achieve it in the worst possible way…."

"What do you mean?..."

"They are famous for carrying out assassinations. Many important people of different races have been assassinated by them…"

"Are they so good…" I remembered about a religious group that used to be in the Middle East

The Hashashin sect, they are the most famous assassins in history

They assassinated many people in Islamic and Christian empires

So I felt the Trinity System familiar

"They are very skilled, and the strangest thing is that they have strange methods of assassinating their targets, and even unknown technology…."

I became more curious. "What is this technology?...."

"A lot of inventions. Once, one of the generals in the demon race killed a demonic lord who was on an inspection tour in one of the conflict zones, and after that general was trapped, it turned out that he was a member of the Trinity Organization, but he had a mask capable of changing the shape and appearance of the face and body ....."

I was shocked by this information, such a mask would make killing very easy. "Were they able to catch him?…"