
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

training (2)

When I got back to my body, I got out of bed and saw that it was 21:03

My body felt energized and energetic

So I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to train

The training units are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Because the academy wants its students to use every second in their training

There are students who practice until late at night, and other students who get up early to practice before lessons

Therefore, places must be provided for them to practice, because they do not want students to do something reckless such as training in their rooms

There have been incidents of students who were training in their rooms, and ended up destroying the room's furniture, or making noises that disturbed their neighbors.

Thus, training in residential areas was strictly prohibited

I put on my training clothes and left my room

The streets were empty at this time

Most of the students are either in their rooms or in the recreational areas

I was walking through a path that goes through Central Park

It was very quiet, the yellow lights illuminating the road, while the darkness overshadowed the bushes on the side of the road.

I stopped walking, and I was looking forward

But I feel like someone is watching me

I turned straight back and took a defensive stance

But there is no one behind me but there is still a feeling of being followed

I decided to walk quickly and grabbed my phone, showing Christopher's number on the screen

If anything serious happens I will call him directly

But when I got out of the garden, that feeling disappeared

I shall never pass through that road again

I got to the training facilities

And entered one of the training units

But I was alone with a girl with silver hair, who was training there , she was carrying a long sword and standing in the middle of the hall, and the atmosphere in the room was cold, although the training units were equipped with a central heating system, which kept the place warm in winter

The hall is wide, and hundreds of students can train in it, but I preferred to look for a place where there is no one

I moved to the next hall, and it was empty. I searched for surveillance cameras that could capture anything strange that I might do.

A stranger might see the techniques I train on, and then I might get in trouble if that person wants to get these techniques.

I took a spear made of light metal material that was in one corner of the hall

I started practicing the twenty moves of the spear

At first it was easy and boring

But gradually it started to get more difficult

I stopped doing these movements, because my body began to convulse, and I could not continue

After I realized that I couldn't do any more of these moves, I decided to train my body using Vitae energy

I took a meditation position, and began to feel the vitae core where Alexander had indicated

I could feel something strange inside my body

Then a warm current started spreading in my body, but soon this warm current became gradually hotter, as if a flame was passing through my body.

It was very painful, but I tried to bear it

I opened my eyes and saw that steam was coming from my body, and my body was covered in sweat

"....." Luckily I decided to practice in an empty hall , it would be suspicious if anyone saw steam emitting from my body.

I tried to get up, but my body was too heavy

| Don't worry, it's normal, you're still on the first day of training...|

I heard a voice in my mind

"Alexander? Is that you?…"

| We can Communication through telepathy , there is no need for you to speak with your mouth... |

Telepathic? This is amazing

' What is this steam emitting from my body?...' I asked Alexander, using the telepathy

| The Vitae energy works to harden your body, and this is done by exposing it to severe pressure. Now you have not endured even thirty seconds of this training. You should know that the more time increases, the greater the pain.... |

' I felt my body burning from the inside, how am I supposed to bear this pain?...'

| It depends entirely on you, you must have the will to bear the physical pain....|

My spirits plummeted when I thought of the pain and agony that awaited me

' By the way, where are Thomas and Kepler?...'

| These idiots got bored of watching you and decided to play chess..|

I looked at my phone, and it was now 22:40

I decided to finish training and go to rest

When I came out of the training hall, I saw several men running, and from their clothes it looked like they were from the academy's security

One of these men noticed me and stopped, "Are you one of the academy students?...."

"Yes…" I took out my ID card

The man took the card and raised his eyebrow while whispering, "Elia Gracefield?!…" The man looked at me strangely, "Where were you at that time…"

"I was in the training hall…"

"Where were you before going there?...."

"I was sleeping in my room, but I woke up and couldn't sleep, so I decided to go to training..."

Was this man interrogating me? I became more anxious

Why are the security men in this place? Did something serious happen?

"What are you doing here! Go to the crime scene right now…"

I heard someone shouting at the security men

The man who was interrogating me turned, "Officer Benson, I noticed that there was a student walking around at this time, so I decided to check on him…."

An old man with a gray mustache approached me and took my ID card from the other man, "Apprentice elia , you should go back to your room, a curfew has been imposed, Do not leave your room until the curfew is over, you can follow the news to see when it ends… "


Officer Benson and his men left the place and seemed to be heading towards the Professors' residences

I went to my room as fast as I could. There seems to be something dangerous going on in the academy, so I mustn't let myself get into trouble.

When I got back to my room, I threw myself on the soft bed

I've been up for an hour, but now I'm so tired

These exercises are very stressful, I don't know how I will handle this training

Thinking of these thoughts, I fell asleep