
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

the test (3)

Although I asked, he replied that he woke up and found himself like this, not knowing what happened

I looked at my watch, and found that there were three minutes left until the start of the exam

I decided to carry him and run to the exam site, while thinking about what happened with this boy

But no matter how much I think about it, I can't find a convincing reason for the human appearance to change like this

I arrived at the building where the exam will take place

All this time Elia remained silent, even when Princess Sia and Ren spoke, he answered them with a few words.

As if he was trying to hide something. Does he know why this change occurred? But why doesn't he tell me, is it something he can't tell others

The Frost bastards came, and started making a fuss about Elia's appearance , well, I can't blame them, the change in his appearance was so great, you'd mistake him for someone else

But Edward ordered the staff to run a DNA analysis, fingerprint and iris scans

And all of them proved that he was Elia

But they could not explain the change in his appearance, and asked that they perform more tests on Elia

But Edward refused them

What were these foolish scientists trying to do? We are here to conduct an examination, not to experiment on this boy

With all these events, Elia, who was the cause of this uproar, remained silent , calm, and did not speak to anyone all this time.

In the end it was decided to start the test, but before Elia entered the class, he suddenly stopped

He said he wanted to go to the bathroom, he looked tense, and the calm face he had kept all this time disappeared.

Is he nervous because of the exam? I would have considered this possibility under normal circumstances

But after seeing the duel, and how calm this boy was as he smashed Sylvia's face on the ground, I'm sure that just an exam couldn't make him worry.

I managed to convince Edward to let Elia go to the bathroom

And I saw that Edward's patience was running out, he was under a lot of pressure from the central government on the one hand, and from the noble families on the other.

Elia came back from the restroom, but his spirits appear to be low

His back was slightly bent, with his hands drooping and his gait almost like a zombie, with a depressed look on his face.

Elia tripped and fell on his face

"...." Seriously, is this kid okay?

I helped him get up, his body was trembling and tears gathered in his eyes, and it seemed like he was going to cry at any moment.

I became more worried about him, "Is there a problem, Elia? We can postpone the exam if you want..."

Elia looked at me with teary eyes, "No....let's finish...this...now..."

He was speaking with difficulty, as if he was choking

Elia entered the examination room with two professors

It was decided that he would be supervised by two professors, one of whom would be decided by the central government, and the other by the Frost family, in order to ensure that no party would object.

Ten minutes passed

Elia walked out of the exam room

"..." Everyone looked at Elia in shock, only ten minutes had passed, is it possible that he couldn't answer anything?

There was a wide smile on Katarina's face as she looked at Elia's condition

Elia looked like someone who had been sentenced to death

I approached him, "What's wrong, Elia..."

But Elia ignored my question and went to the food machine, and ordered coffee

He sat at one of the tables while drinking his coffee and tears started on his face

It was a strange sight, a person sitting drinking coffee, tears falling from his eyes, but his face was devoid of emotions.

Ren tried to approach Elia, but Princess Sia stopped him, "I think he needs some time alone..."

Ren nodded his head as he looked at Elia worriedly

The examiners exited the examination room

One of them was Simon

He's one of the people who work under the central government, and he's one of the two people who were watching Elia during the exam.

The other professor was Logan, and he belonged to a noble family that had enmity with the Gracefield family

Simon was walking towards me quickly with a strange look on his face

But when he reached me, he opened his mouth several times and closed it without saying anything, as if he could not find the right words to say.

I became worried about his behavior, "Is there a problem, Simon? What is the result of Elia?"

Everyone in the room wanted to know what the result was

Me, Ren, Sia, Katarina, Edward, and the rest of the professors

Simon looked at Elia in confusion. "Elia got...100 points in the test…"

"..." Everyone stared at Simon

It took a few seconds for us to comprehend what he said

"What do you mean by that…" Katarina was the first to respond to this news

She grabbed Professor Logan by the shoulders and began to question him, "Professor Logan, what happened? What does this man mean when he says that Elia got 100 points in the test?..."

Logan had been staring at Elia the whole time with disbelieving eyes

After Katarina grabbed him, he seemed to regain consciousness

He looked at Katarina as he shook his head resignedly, "I checked his answers more than once, but I couldn't find any mistake, everything was incredibly perfect..."

Silence prevailed, neither of us knew how we would like to respond to this news

The news was very shocking

There is a classification for the students who got the highest score in the test

The highest score achieved was 93

And the person who got this is, Maxwell Magmaier, the current head of the central government

Each race had a leader representing it, and this leader is the symbol of this race, and he is the most important person who makes the fateful decisions

The Demon Race possessed the Demon Emperor

And vampires have blood ancestor

The elf race had imperial high elf

As for the human race, they have the head of the central government

Maxwell Magmaier is like an emperor to humans, who regulates matters between noble families and powerful clans

He does not control everything, after all, there was a council that could oppose his decisions

But this council is made up of the most powerful families in the human race, who have come together to rein in the Magmaier family

For they are well aware, that if they do not cooperate with each other, the Magmaiers will subjugate them one by one.

And now we are witnessing how someone was able to get a higher result than Maxwell Magmaier

Katarina turned to Edward with a fierce look on her face, "Cheat! ... he must have cheated somehow..."

Elia got up and started walking toward us

Everyone fell silent as they focused on Elia , trying to find out what this strange boy was planning

Elia stopped


He fell and started rolling on the ground, screaming and crying, "Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

"...." Everyone stared at Elia in shock as they thought of one thing

What the hell is this kid doing?

Edward frowned and approached Elia. When he became close to Elia, Elia hugged his foot while wiping his mucus on Edward's clothes.

Edward smiled upon watching Elia's action

It was the first time I saw him smile

It looked as if he was about to kill someone, everyone seemed to notice that Edward was in a bad mood so they moved away several steps from him

Edward took a deep breath and pointed his nose at Elia, "Apprentice Elia, did you cheat?…"

Elia raised his head with tears still running down his eyes, "No..."

"Then why are you crying and screaming?…"

Everyone focused on Elia, everyone was curious, to know why Elia was crying even though he got such a result that will be immortalized in history.

Elia closed his eyes and seemed to be having a hard time speaking, "This… This is because… Because no one… likes me…."

"...." What the hell is he talking about?