
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

The secret weapon

I entered the orb

We were all sitting around the wooden table, we were all silent

Alexander spoke first. "Why can Daniel see that woman, when we can't?..."

Kepler was putting his hand on his cheek, looking bored, "Is it possible that she is a ghost?..."

We looked at Kepler as if he was an idiot

Kepler was annoyed by our looks, "Don't look at me like that, I mean, we are spirits from another world who were transferred into the body of a teenager in a world that contains supernatural powers. Do you think that the existence of ghosts is a fictional idea?..."

"..." He is right, what happened to us is beyond imagination, if it were a novel I am sure its author would make a fortune out of this nonsense

Thomas put his hands on his chin. "Is it possible that this woman has a power that makes her invisible?"

Alexander shook his head and denied Thomas's words. "No, that doesn't explain why we can't see her. I can detect any living creature near us using Vitae energy even if I can't see it directly...."

Silence settled over the place again

Kepler was the only one who didn't seem interested in the current situation. He was playing chess with himself while drinking juice. Suddenly, Kepler raised his head and looked at us. "Space...."

"What?…" I raised my eyebrow

Kepler narrowed his eyes as he looked at the chessboard, "What if that woman had a special ability, But rather than being able to make herself invisible, what if her ability was related to space..."

Alexander opened his eyes in shock, "No way, you are saying that this woman used a force to separate the space around her from the rest of this world, and only allow Daniel to enter that space…"

"But…" Thomas looked at Alexander. "It is theoretically possible, isn't it?…"

"Only theoretically…" Alexander frowned, "Controlling space-time is not as simple as theories and laws would say. Even with all the knowledge and power we have, all we can do is open portals through space-time. Do you think that I will be convinced that there is a person who is able to control space-time so easily?…"

Thomas calmly replied, "I know this is hard to believe… But there are people with different abilities all over the world, so we can't rule out that there might be someone with such ability…."

I interrupted them. "Well, suppose there is such a powerful ability, the important question is, what does this woman want from me…."

Thomas looked at me. "What did you talk to the twins about?..."

"Hmm, I met Victor when I was visiting the library to search for energy types, because I couldn't collect aura so I thought to research this topic…"

Thomas knitted his eyebrows, "What did that person named Victor do?…."

"He helped me research the different references, and explained to me the types of energy…."

Thomas and Alexander frowned and looked at each other

"And what about that woman?" Thomas asked

"As for Victoria, she asked me if I knew any information about the death of Katarina and Sylvia...."

Alexander's gaze became sharp. "She is most likely an enemy, we must prepare ourselves to confront her..."

Thomas sighed, "We can't even see her, it would be risky to make such a powerful person our enemy, we should wait and see their goal…"

Alexander looked at Thomas. "Do you want us to stand still?..."

"Of course not…." Thomas raised his hand. "You're right. We should have a back-up escape plan if these people try to attack us…."

I clapped my hands and I smiled. "Why don't I use that cube Alexander gave me…"

We all looked at Alexander

"...." Alexander remained silent, with a strange look on his face. "I don't think it's a good idea…."

"Why? Isn't this the weapon that's supposed to protect me?..." I asked Alexander

Alexander did not reply

Thomas narrowed his eyes. "Alexander, what is that cube?…"

Alexander spoke at the end under Thomas's pressure, "That cube is very powerful. If you use it, this entire island will probably be destroyed...."

I let out a cold breath. "Is this cube that strong?…."

"It's more powerful than you can imagine. It's the most powerful weapon I've ever made..."

There was a look of doubt on Kepler's face, "Then what is the use of this weapon if we don't use it, at least we should learn to use it and control it..."

"I still think it's a bad idea..." Alexander still hesitated

"You know something…" Thomas looked at Alexander deeply, "At first you told me that the cube was a weapon that would buy Daniel time to escape from danger, but now I'm starting to suspect that you're hiding something…"

The atmosphere became charged and tense, Alexander and Thomas stared at each other for several minutes

I was watching them quietly and beads of sweat began to form on my forehead, while Kepler continued to play chess and seemed not interested in this conversation

"Well…" Alexander seemed to choose to back off, "This cube is a monster that I summoned from another world…."

"..." We stared at Alexander in shock


Thomas hit the table with an angry smile on his face, "How could you hide such an important matter from us?..."

Alexander crossed his hands and seemed unconcerned about Thomas' annoyance. "He's my secret weapon, and it wouldn't be a secret if I told you..."

Thomas became even more angry, "Do you think it's time to joke, are you saying that there is a monster from another world inside this body, how did you summon it in the first place?…"

"You remember when I told you that I obtained tremendous powers when our souls entered the orb…"

"I remember..." I replied

"Well, when I gained that power I fought the shadow and at the same time used a kind of ritual to summon a powerful being, so that it would come to my aid in case something unexpected happened…"

"One moment…" Thomas raised his hands, "As for that monster, do you have complete control over it…"


"How did you convince him to follow you..."

"He is a creature that feeds on Vitae energy, so it was easy to get his help in return for giving him Vitae...."

I listened to Thomas' questions and Alexander's answers, but there was only one question in my mind, "What is the power of this monster?...."

"Heh, you better see it for yourself." Alexander smiled

"....." Normally when I see someone smiling I become happy

But why do I feel uncomfortable when I see this man's smile