
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

The Masked Man

After the end of the lunch break, the students went to their classrooms to take theoretical lessons

Ren and Sia had to leave and return to their class, while Elia kept running, unconcerned with what was happening around him.

"....". Mihara was staring at Elia and the corners of her mouth started to twitch slightly

She was speechless, she expected Elia to collapse soon because his complexion had turned red and his breathing heavy, but instead his speed was increasing and even his complexion had become normal.

How long will this boy last? Mihara admired Elia's stamina, she was classifying her students into three groups

Upper, middle, and lower sections

The top section includes exemplary students like Lily and Seraphina

Mihara had Elia ranked in the middle sections

But looking at his performance today and his ability to finish this punishment perfectly, she couldn't help but re-evaluate this kid

He is definitely one of the best students in terms of stamina and ability to focus on completing his assignment

She looked at her watch for a moment, then looked at Elia. "Sigh, I don't think there's any danger to him..." Mihara whispered to herself as she left the field

It is clear that Elia is able to complete all the laps without collapsing

So there is no need for her to stay by his side

The sky was colored red by sunset, adding a distinctive blood color to the clouds

Alexander finished his laps around the track and sat eating the food Sia and Ren had left for him

Alexander closed his eyes until he savored every bite he took, trying to feel all the flavors in the sandwich.

Kepler: | It seems that you are still a food lover...|

'I don't eat much, but I always try to enjoy every meal....because it might be my last meal...'. Alexander opened his eyes and there was calm and comfort in his eyes

Thomas: | It's the little things like this that give flavor to this life...|

The three were silent and tried to maintain this rare moment of calm

The sun set and the sky was filled with stars, like a dark cloth studded with shining jewels. Alexander lay on the grass floor and looked at the moon

"Will I be able to come back one day..." Alexander whispered in a low voice, as if he was talking to himself

Thomas: | Why do you want to return?....What awaits you there?...|

"There are people still waiting for me." Alexander responded, but he did not use telepathy

Kepler: | Are they important people to you? Your family?...|

"No...they are people waiting for me to kill them."

| master, who are you talking with?...|. inquired Creed, who noticed that his master had begun to talk to himself strangely

'No problem, go to sleep Creed, you should conserve your energy in case of any emergency...'

Creed: | Alright..|

Alexander got up and started walking to his room

He passed through the central garden, the tall trees were blocking the moonlight, and all that illuminated the way were the golden lights on both sides of the walkway, Alexander preferred to pass this way to his apartment, because he wanted to see some landscapes, he was rarely able to To do this because Daniel is the one who controls this body most of the time

The central garden was like a small forest in the middle of the island on which the central academy was built, and it contained different varieties of trees and flowers, as there are many types of birds whose melodies can be heard from dawn until sunset.

That is why many students like to spend their time in this quiet and nice place

Alexander arrived at a huge fountain in the middle of an intersection with four roads branching out from it. Alexander turned his head lightly to the right walkway.

A man stood, covered entirely in black, wearing a white fox mask with red stripes on the sides

Alexander caught a glimpse of this masked man for a moment before turning on his heels and heading to the left walkway 

But the masked man disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Elia

Alexander narrowed his eyes, considering the speed of this person's movement, he was definitely not an ordinary person

Alexander sent a wave of Vitae energy to discover the strength of this masked man

The masked man seemed to have noticed that something strange was going on, because he began to look at his surroundings cautiously

This made Alexander's expression darken. This man could sense the wave of Vitae energy. This meant that he had strong senses

In addition, the Vitae wave had disappeared, as if it had sunk into an abyss, this confirms that the difference in power between him and this masked man is greater than he thought.

Thomas: | Any info...|

'Given his build he is definitely a man....and..'

Kepler: | and?..|

'The difference in strength between us is great, I cannot compensate for this gap in strength...'

Kepler: | Do we use Creed...|

'No.... my reserve of Vitae energy is low, Creed will not be useful at this time...'

| How could you be so careless, you should have saved enough Vitae energy for emergencies...|. Thomas scolded

'Do you think it's easy to get Vitae energy in this damned place? Surveillance cameras are everywhere. I was planning to kidnap some students later....'

Kepler: | I have to admit, I'm impressed that you can talk about kidnapping others so coldly...|

Thomas: | This is not the right time for such talk... We must stay away from this man, because he may be an assassin...|

Kepler: | We need to waste time until the guards notice that there is a student in danger through the cameras, or someone accidentally passes through here and informs the security forces....|

Alexander looked suspiciously at the masked man. "Can I help you, sir?..."

"There is no point in procrastinating..." The masked man spoke in a robot-like voice. "No one will pass through the park this late, and I have disabled the security cameras so no one will come to rescue you…."

Alexander increased his caution as he glanced quickly at the surveillance camera installed on the lamppost near the fountain

Thomas: | It seems that he uses a tool to change his voice...|

'I noticed this... this man's target is still unknown, but he disabled the security camera system and stayed here waiting for me, that means he targeted me from the start...'

Thomas: | Please tell me you have a plan...|

Alexander's expression changed for the first time and a difficult expression appeared on his face. 'There is only one way... The harvesters '