
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

The legend under the sea: Andrew Ryan

When I sent the signal to Alexander

I felt my vision getting dark

I was wondering what would happen to me when Alexander took control of this body

Will I find myself in a dark place and remain alone there, until I can return to my body

But I found myself in a dream

The first thing I saw in front of me was the giant window through which I could see the water and the fish roaming in the water

I recognized this place

It was the city under the sea that I first found myself in when I woke up

Are these Elia's memories of the city?

But after some time, I could see a reflection in the window

The reflection was of a man in his forties, he had light brown hair, and he thought he would go bald when he got older.

The man had a clean shaven chin and was wearing a brown tuxedo

There was a confident look on his face, as if he could overcome any problem and obstacle he faced

I know this man, because I saw a picture of him when I walked around the city

As far as I remember his name was Andrew Ryan

There were two things that were more common in the city than anything else

Corpses, and photos of Andrew Ryan

Ryan was frowning as he looked out the window, looking deep in thought


I heard the sound of a door opening forcefully

"Ryan…" someone started shouting

Andrew Ryan's frown increased. "What's the problem, Carlos..."

I saw a young man in his thirties, he wears a simple white shirt, but he had a good-looking face.

There was an angry look on Carlos' face, "Are you really asking me what's the problem?....You know very well what's going on Ryan, you're the one who ordered the security forces to do that job..."

"That's right..." Ryan put his hands behind his back as he stood in front of Carlos

"Everyone was so shocked by your decision, they were starting to question your authority…" There was a worried look on Carlos' face.

"I did it for Olympia , and they all know it..." Ryan spoke confidently

"No, they do not know. All they know is that you have violated the principles on which we built Olympia city . Your ordering the security forces to kill Frank Fontaine and issuing a decision to nationalize the Fontaine company was a shock to everyone, and people began to fear that you would establish a dictatorial power as in the central government"

Ryan didn't seem very moved by these words, "Frank Fontaine was a criminal who involved in human trafficking and doing experimented on humans. If we let him go, he will..." Ryan tried to justify his actions.

But Carlos interrupted him, "Come on, Ryan, everyone knows that you were the one who supported Frank Fontaine in secret, that Frank was the one who smuggled those geniuses and scientists to Olympia City..."

Ryan remained silent

But Carlos continued to attack Ryan with his words, "You can't deceive me, Ryan. You're afraid of Fontaine's power growing, so you decided to get rid of him before he got stronger...."

Ryan moved closer to Carlos until his face came close to him, "You don't understand what kind of person Frank Fontaine is, he has disobeyed my orders more than once and tried to communicate with the central government in secret, do you think I'll let those parasites ruin my city.... ."

Carlos stared at Ryan, showing no weakness. " Really? So how do you plan to convince the townspeople of this story? You may not know it but there is a rebellion among the middle-class workers..."

"Since when did this rebellion begin…"

"I heard the news while I was coming here. A strange man named Atlas appeared and he gathered the workers around him, calling on them to demand their rights. There are many who believed his words..."

Ryan went to his desk and sat down on the chair while resting his back. "They are a group of troublemakers. You don't have to be afraid of them. You can calm them down yourself.."

"They're not troublemakers, and d they won't listen to me anymore because they think I'm working for you..." Carlos put his hands on the desk as he leaned forward. "I have received information that they have large quantities of the Adam."

"What? I made sure all of Frank Fontaine's factories were shut down, no one can get access to the Adam without my permission..." Ryan was shocked.

Carlos showed a bitter smile, "I also don't know how they got such large amounts of the Adam, but I think that man named Atlas had a relationship with Frank Fontaine, and it is possible that Fontaine provided him with quantities of the Adam in order to get the support of the workers.."

Ryan remained silent

Carlos pointed a finger at Ryan, "Do you understand what's happening now? You can't use force against these workers, because they have the strength to defend themselves. If you decide to attack them, it would be like declaring a civil war within the city..." Carlos' tone was desperate.

Then Carlos went to the door and left

Ryan remained seated in the chair, staring at the desk in front of him

I don't know what he was thinking, but he was so angry, as if his anger was going to burn everything


Ryan hit the desk with both hands "These parasites, how dare they try to destroy my dream…" Ryan clenched his fists and shouted, "I will kill them all, I will not let anyone steal my dream and my freedom…"