
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

the duel (3)

I understand his bewilderment, the dagger was pointing towards the area between Elia's eyebrows and gradually started moving to the side and passed near elia's head which remained standing in place the whole time.

If the dagger had swerved suddenly, I would have been able to tell that something had caused it to deviate from its target

But the deviation was gradual and as if it deviated on its own

Air resistance cannot affect this dagger, because it is made of a material that reduces the effect of air resistance

Of course, anyone could spread the aura and form a layer of protection around his body and protect him from such an attack

But there is no trace of the aura near elia

And we know that Elia can't use the aura, and that was the problem that got us to this point in the first place

Professors, students, or even ordinary people watching on television may not know what is happening

But Edward and I both know that something strange is going on here

Sylvia lunged at Elia, aiming for Elia's head, even though she had lost a dagger, she still had another.

For ordinary students, this attack was fast, but for me and the academy masters, it was a slow attack due to the strength difference.

Elia still kept his calm face, tilted his head slightly, the dagger passed a few inches from his face, and then He launched an attack by using his knee to hit Sylvia's stomach

The blow was so powerful that it threw Sylvia towards the edge of the ring and crashed into the protection wall

I froze in shock, how could he do that?

His movements were simple, not showing any skill, but that was the essence of his movements

Very simple and very practical

If he had done anything wrong, his face would have been severely injured

But he had acted as if everything was under his control from the start

Sylvia got up from her place, and there was confusion on her face, but she quickly returned to her calmness, she stood there for a moment, and for some seconds panic appeared on her face

elia started moving towards Sylvia, while the girl remained standing where she was and there was a worried look on her face.

Finally Sylvia looked at Elia, and started running towards him quickly

Her speed was higher than the speed of the previous attack, and she tried to stab his neck from the side

When Sylvia started to run, Elia stopped

He was looking forward the whole time

Even when Sylvia was attacking from the side, Elia was looking forward

The dagger was only inches from reaching Elia's neck

But the dagger suddenly stopped in his place

Elia grabbed Sylvia's wrist and stopped her attack

Everyone took a deep breath from this movement. Stopping the dagger from such a close distance required accuracy and skill, especially since Sylvia was level (E+), which means that she is two levels higher than Elia. This is before Elia lost the ability to use the aura, but Now he couldn't use aura, while Sylvia could still use aura

I thought if I was attacked by someone several levels above me, could I stop his attack like this?

No way, that was suicide

I don't have the guts to make such a bold move

I was probably going to retreat and dodge the attack, but I definitely wouldn't stop the attack like that, especially if the enemy was stronger than me.

Sylvia tried to free her hand, but Elia's hand did not budge from its place, and Elia tightened his grip on Sylvia's wrist.

I heard something breaking

Is that the sound of breaking bones?

"keh…" Sylvia let out a groan, looking like she was about to scream

But Elia grabbed her from her mouth and lifted her off the ground

Sylvia tried to stand up to Elia and hit him with a few punches using the hand that remained free, but it was useless, these blows did not affect Elia

Elia was holding Sylvia by her mouth and by her hand


I heard a clear cracking sound coming from Sylvia's wrist

The dagger she had been carrying the whole time fell to the ground

"Foooh-foo…" Sylvia let out a groan from her mouth, which was covered by Elia's hand.

why is this girl not using aura?

She clearly has a strong advantage against Elia

Elia couldn't use aura, so he would easily lose if he faced someone who could use aura

From the beginning of the duel until now, this girl didn't use aura, she only used physical force

However, it is clear that elia is physically stronger than her

Sylvia was struggling to break free from Elia's grip

She was punching her free hand, and she started using her feet to direct kicks towards Elia's stomach, but Elia remained standing in his place like a statue.

He had an indifferent look, as if he was bored

In the end, he lifted Sylvia up and then


Elia hit Sylvia's head on the floor of the ring

The blow was so strong that the floor cracked

"...." Everyone held their breath in shock

No one expected this to be the end

Sylvia stopped moving

I ran towards Sylvia but Edward arrived before me and checked her condition

Edward looked at me. "She passed out, but no serious injuries..."

I let out a breath of relief

And I looked at Elia, who was standing in his place, crossing his hands on his chest. He was waiting for us to finish

The duel that everyone had been waiting for , for several days was over

The result was completely unexpected

The spectators in the stands remained silent, not understanding what had happened

Edward removes the protection wall so that the medical team can enter and transport Sylvia to the clinic

Elia headed towards the exit, and it seemed that he was not affected by the miracle of his victory , as if he expected his victory from the beginning.

I didn't stop him, I just kept staring at his back

Is this the Elia I know?

He was completely different, even the way he walked, looked or moved

He looks like someone else

Edward approached me and whispered, "Does Elia have the power to stop others from using aura..."

I looked at him in shock, "What? What are you talking about?..."

Edward frowned, "Then even you don't know about this..."

"Edward, did you notice something… why didn't Sylvia use her aura during the duel?"

Edward looked towards the ground as he placed his hand on his chin, "It's not that she didn't use the aura, she was trying to use the aura, but there was something preventing the aura from leaving her body..."

"What do you mean?.." My confusion increased

"I don't know either, but I felt light waves of aura coming out of her body. The aura is trying to get out of her body, but something is stopping the aura, and only a small part of the aura is coming out, this amount is small and can't make any difference..."

I remained silent after hearing Edward's words

"But I'm surprised you were able to train him to use such amazing moves..." There was a look of admiration on Edward's face.

I frowned upon hearing his words, "It wasn't me who trained him in these moves…"

"What…but I heard that you trained him in a training hall yesterday…"

"Right, I was trying to make him remember the martial arts he had learned before he lost his memory, but I failed to make him remember them….These moves he used today were very skilled and could only be done by an expert who had fought many fights… ."

"I agree with you...but what..."

Edward was trying to say something

However, a member of the medical staff interrupted us, "Deputy Principal, some students found Apprentice Elia lying on the ground…"

" What.."


Edward and I screamed at the same time

"Where is he?" I asked the paramedic

"At the clinic, sir..."

The paramedic started leading the way and as we were getting out of the ring I saw Katarina Frost

She was talking to one of the professors and she looked very angry

Our eyes met

I smiled at her and did not hide my gloating

Katarina was angry and gnashed her teeth

Hahaha, I never thought I'd be so happy about someone's failure

But the failure of the Frost family's schemes made me very happy

Although I am happy, I still maintain my cold expression

We got to one of the rooms in the clinic inside the training building

I found Elia lying on the bed, his eyes closed

He seems unconscious

"How is he?.." Edward asked the nurse who was in the room

"Some students found him lying in one of the gardens near the training building. When the paramedics arrived and checked him, they found that his heart had stopped beating. They tried to resuscitate him, but they failed... Then they quickly took him to the clinic, and suddenly his heart started beating again."

Edward looked suspiciously at the nurse, "Are you saying that Elia died for a few minutes and then came back to life?..."

The nurse smiled helplessly, "This is what really happened..."

Edward approached Elia and examined his body

Edward had experience in the use of Aura in medical diagnosis

As he sends the aura to the body of the injured person, and then withdraws it again, and thus he can know the injury that the injured person suffers from

The principle may be simple, but the application is very difficult, and it requires prolonged study and training for years in order to master it.

Edward looked at me. "There are no injuries on his body…he is in the best condition…"

I stood there, remembering the strange things that had happened, and said to Edward, "Sigh, all we can do is wait for Elia to wake up and interrogate him..."