
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

The cruel world

"No, he managed to escape, and after several days they found the body of that general thrown in a hole in a forest, and it seems that he was killed a month ago..."

I remained silent while thinking of this mysterious organization

I would have suspected this organization if I didn't know who the real culprit was

"But isn't assassinating a demon lord and demonic general a benefit to the human race?"

"Two days after the assassination of the Demon Lord, the Trinity Organization killed a member of the Supreme Council of the Human Race…"

"But how do they choose their targets? They don't kill random characters...."

"Of course not. They often target people who stand in their way. The Demon Lord killed some of their members, so they assassinated him. As for the council member, he was in charge of interrogating the Trinity members who were arrested…."

"This organization seems so powerful, why didn't the Supreme Council consider allying with Trinity?…"

Christopher sighed, "The Trinity Organization opposes all authorities, regardless of their orientations. In their view, the Savior is the only person who can rule this world, so as long as the central government does not recognize the Savior as the ruler, Trinity will not ally with us…."

We talked for a while before Christopher got up to leave

He told me that the curfew will end tomorrow, and the lessons will stop for two days, until the investigations are over

He warned me not to wander alone in secluded areas, and stressed the need for someone to accompany me when I went out, and to report anything suspicious

After some instructions and warnings Christopher left

-------------- ----------------- ------------------- -------------------

After Christopher left, the smile disappeared from my face and was replaced by a cold look

I headed to bed, took a meditation position, and entered the orb

When I entered, I saw the wooden table, and the three of them were sitting, looking at me silently

I looked at Alexander and moved towards him

Alexander stood up and started walking towards me as well

When we stood facing each other, I punched him in the face

He didn't dodge the blow, he allowed me to punch him, but that didn't lessen my anger, and my hatred increased even more because of the look on his face.

He looked like an adult trying to calm and comfort a child

He looked at me pityingly, "Are you satisfied now…."

"She was just a child, Alexander" I said, with the hatred clear in my voice. "She was only a child..."

"Child? She was our enemy, she deserves this fate…."

"You defeated and humiliated her in front of everyone, you should have stopped like that…."

Alexander smiled coldly, "Yes, I can stop, but do you think the Frost Family will stop?…."

I hesitated for a moment when I heard his words, in the end I said hesitantly, "She was taking orders from the Frost family, there was no hatred between us…."

Alexander came closer to me, his voice was low and deep like a devil's whisper. "yes , there was no hate between us. But think for a moment, Daniel. What would you have done if I hadn't been there to help you? I know you've seen videos of dueling , you know that girl was trying to seriously injure Elia and paralyze him. Think of what would have happened if it was Elia who confronted her. This kid will be expelled from the academy, and live in that cold palace paralyzed for the rest of his life....."

I couldn't reply to Alexander, he was right, Sylvia was targeting vital areas of Elia's body

If she managed to injure him in those areas, he would definitely not recover from them easily, and he would need many medications and medical attention

But who was willing to spend this fortune on Elia?

Nobody is ready for that

Alexander pointed at my chest with his finger, "You should not show mercy to your enemy, no matter how old or what he looks like.

I looked down and bit my lip

Kepler was sitting and looking nervously at us, while Thomas seemed indifferent

Alexander approached me with an eerie smile on his face. "How did you feel when you heard about the Shadow again?" Alexander stopped when he saw my face distorted and signs of fear appear on me. His smile widened, "Exactly. This is what I want, Daniel. I want to instill fear in them. I want them to look behind them every time they go outside their homes. They will not be able to be sure of that, but Inside they will suspect that the death of Katarina and Sylvia is related to Elia , they will be afraid of us and will not dare to stand up to us, because they will drag themselves and the people associated with them into the abyss…."

Thomas got up from his seat. "Don't pressure him, Alexander..."

Alexander looked at Thomas sharply. "No, I have to teach him how the world works, so that he doesn't do any stupid things..."

Thomas looked at me. "Daniel…." There was a complicated look on his face and he looked down for a moment and then looked back at me "I know this is hard to accept, but in this world where the strong rule everything, if we don't have the power, you will die alone... It's hard to think you're surrounded by people who care about you but in the end you find out that you're all alone...."

"But…there is another way to gain strength…" I muttered in a low voice

And I'm looking at Kepler and Thomas

I wanted someone to tell me I wasn't wrong

I want someone who says killing people isn't always the only option

Alexander smiled sarcastically, "Do you think that Kepler and Thomas share your thoughts? You don't know anything about them, Daniel. They have blood on their hands just like me..."

"Alexander…." Thomas interrupted Alexander, casting menacing glances at him

But Alexander didn't even look at Thomas

Alexander was looking into my eyes the whole time, "Daniel, none of us are innocent, even you... Believe me, in order to survive, you are willing to do anything...." Alexander grabbed my face and made me look into his bloodshot eyes, "Anything..."

"Enough..." Thomas stood between us and pushed Alexander away from me

"Hmph…" Alexander snored, and adjusted his clothes

"Daniel…" Thomas grabbed my shoulder, "How about you leave now? Try to clear your head, and we can talk about it later…"

I looked at Thomas for a moment, then left the orb to the outside world without saying a word

I don't know who my allies are anymore