
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Suicidal Warlord

I looked left and right to find that damn thing that hit me

But I didn't find anything

Kepler put his hand over his mouth to hide his laughter

"Why did you hit me this time?…" I angrily looked at Alexander

"It is because you are an idiot…" There was a look of contempt on his face, "No single factor can determine victory in a fight. If you want to win, you must balance all factors, strength, strategy, environment around you, your mastery of the weapon you carry , the strength of endurance if it is a war of attrition, knowing your strength and the strength of your allies and even your enemies, and you should always have a backup plan to retreat when you are sure of your loss..."

"You mean to escape?..."

"That's right, there is no shame in running away from an enemy stronger than you. As long as you survive, you can take revenge later…."

I thought about Alexander's words, there are a lot of factors to take into account, "What weapon should I use..."

"It's up to you. Each weapon has its own characteristics. The academy provides a weapon manual. You can read it. But for now, I'll teach you the techniques you'll use..."

I was excited to see what those techniques are

A man appeared wearing golden armor that contained black patterns, the golden armor was covering his entire body, and all I could see were his glowing red eyes, they were frightening and looked inhuman.

Alexander pointed at this man, "This is the Suicidal Warlord , he possesses the most powerful martial techniques in all the worlds, if you see his movements and can copy them, that will be better than any technique this world provides…." Alexander stopped speaking when I raised my hand "Do you have a question?.."

"I feel uncomfortable when I hear the word suicidal in this man's name. Are you sure that I will not kill myself…"

I said this while covering my forehead, so as not to be hit, and it seems that my defense has worked because Alexander did not hit me on the forehead

"He was called the Suicidal Warlord , because of the daring and impulsive style he used to kill his opponents. The aim of these techniques is to kill the opponent even if the user of this style is injured…"

"Are you sure this is the best techniques out there? Doesn't it sound reckless…."

"It may seem reckless and ill-conceived to you, but every move in these techniques has a reason. They are all directed towards killing the target. I have seen many techniques before, and I assure you that it is the best techniques I have seen...."

It seems that this technique is great, it is rare to see Alexander praise something in such a way as "Who is the Suicidal Warlord ?..."

Alexander looked into the void and was immersed in memories, "He was one of the greatest fighters, at that time there was a disturbance in the barriers between the worlds, which led to his world being invaded, civilization collapsed in his world, and there were few fighters who were able to withstand in that hell, And the Suicidal Warlord is the strongest of those fighters, he was not only strong, he was fierce, clever, and showed no mercy, all he wanted was to eliminate his opponents, he once wiped out an entire city from existence just to kill his enemies..."

"That city was empty of people, right?…" I smiled nervously

But Alexander did not answer me, I think I know the answer now

Alexander looked at me deeply, "Although he destroyed an entire city because of that fight, he saved dozens of cities because of his victory. He sacrificed a number of people in order to save many times the number of people. He was a decisive person. Do you think he did something wrong?! .."

Sacrificing a person to save a group of people, this was a moral issue, it was difficult to make a right choice, it all seemed wrong and right at the same time

What would I do if I were in his place? Was I going to sacrifice the city to protect the rest of the cities?

"You don't know what burden comes with this decision…" Alexander's tone was heavy, "It is a fateful decision, but the time you have to make this decision is fractions of a second. The Suicidal Warlord was surrounded on all sides, and he didn't have more than a second to make the decision to sacrifice the city, many people think that he was afraid for his life and decided to destroy the city in order to save himself, but I know that he is a man who doesn't care about life and death, he took this step because he knows what will happen if he loses in that fight ....."

"Isn't it better to be called the Demon Warlord?…"

Alexander gave me a strange look. "Actually he had such a title as well. He has many titles, like crazy demon, suicidal demon, undefeated mortal…."

These are a lot of great titles. I looked at the armored man in front of me. I don't know how to describe my feelings for him. I was upset about the fact that he killed innocent people, but I have some respect for him, because he is a strong fighter , fought against the invaders.

At the same time, I was happy because I would learn the techniques of such a powerful person. I am sure that if news was published about the unique techniques of the Suicidal Warlord , the whole world would fight for it. Of course, if they knew who this man was in the first place, after all, he is not from this world

"Now…." Alexander stood next to the Suicidal Warlord , "This is just the avatar I imagined of the Suicidal Warlord , and he will do the moves that I witnessed myself. You will try to learn these moves, and at the same time you will strengthen your body using Vitae energy. ."

Alexander noticed my annoyance when he talked about Vitae energy. "I know you are uncomfortable using Vitae Energy, but you will use the energy stored in the Vitae Core."

Alexander came closer to me and touched a certain area of my chest with his finger. "Here...this is where the vitae core unites. Try to feel it, and let the vitae go through your whole body. It will be painful, but the results are worth the effort."

"What are the benefits of this method?"

"It will increase your body's hardness. When I was at the peak of my strength, even weapons of (SSS+) level weren't able to scratch me…"

"That's right…" Thomas confirmed Alexander's words, "Some humans have tried to strengthen their bodies using aura but only very few have succeeded. Most of those who follow this path, die or become disabled, only the demon race can use the energy to strengthen their bodies…"

"Wait, wait a minute..." I interrupted Thomas, looking at Alexander, "How were you so strong? How do you know about these techniques? Aren't you supposed to be from the same world as me..."

Alexander looked at the Suicidal Warlord , "What kind of weapon do you want to use…."

Did he evade my question? It seems he won't tell me even if I ask him

I pondered what kind of weapon would suit me. "The spear, I think..."

"Spear…" Alexander issued a kind of command

The avatar of Suicidal Warlord King started to move, and performed twenty moves

The moves were very simple. "Are these the moves that can destroy an entire city?"

"Do you think you are qualified to learn these techniques now?…" Alexand sneered scornfully, "These movements are the basics for learning spear techniques, they will make your body able to endure these techniques, because if you learn these techniques now, even if you are a genius and are capable of Understanding all these techniques, your body will not be able to keep up with these movements.."

"So these moves will make me learn all kinds of weapons?…"

"No, these moves are for the spear only. The long sword has eighteen moves. The short sword has nine moves. The bow has five moves. Each weapon has its own moves."

I looked at the avatar of the Suicidal Warlord in admiration. "Was the Suicidal Warlord proficient in all kinds of weapons?"

"yes , he spent his entire life mastering various weapons. He had no talent in martial arts, but he was training as if his life was on the line… There is a person in this world who was born with the talent to master various weapons…."

I became serious when I heard his words, "Who is this person..."

"Conrad Gracefield," Alexander smiled fiercely.

Conrad? So Elia's little brother has such a talent "Do you think he'll become like a suicidal warlord?..."

"I don't know, but the Suicidal Warlord didn't rely on something like talent, he trained like a madman, and fought against enemies stronger than himself, he only rested two hours a day, he didn't care about emotions or things like family and friends, he just wanted to gain strength."

I listened to Alexander calmly, but I felt that the suicidal warlord's way of obtaining strength was not correct, I have no right to pass judgment on others especially on someone as powerful as the warlord, but is it right for him to leave family and friends for the sake of Power?

"Okay, I will leave." I decided to leave and start training

"Wait…" Alexander stopped me, "Actually, you can appear the avatar of Suicidal Warlord in the outside world…"

"Really, but how?…"

Alexander pointed to the void and then a giant circular screen appeared, I could see Elia's body lying on the bed

"This…" I was shocked at the sight in front of me

Even Kepler and Thomas were shocked

Alexander explained the situation, "I'm not sure what happened, but after Daniel went to the dark world, there were some changes. If Daniel went out to the outside world, our souls would still be awake, and would not go into hibernation. I can also see the outside world through a kind of spells that I couldn't activate before , but now surprisingly I can do it..."

"That would be great..." Kepler was excited

Thomas was thinking deeply and looked at Alexander, "Can we communicate with Daniel when he goes to the outside world?..."

"There's only one way to find out..." Alexander looked at me

"Okay, I'll go…." I closed my eyes and focused on the Vitae energy to get out of here.