
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs



I woke up panting, looked around, and found that I was still in my room.

I grabbed my head and pulled in a deep breath , the nightmare came over again, the same tormented screams, and that entity chasing me, it was like torture to me.

I got out of bed, changed my clothes and left the room.

I met a little maid who was carrying cleaning supplies.

"Do you know where my uncle is?" I asked her

The maid stopped and looked at me apprehensively, and trembling.

Seriously, it was an overreaction

"He… in his office…" The little maid finally gathered her courage, and uttered those words before quickly leaving.

Obviously, asking the servants would be of no use, so I decided to look for Alfred, the only one who could guide me in this place, otherwise I would get lost in this huge mansion.

I wandered into the palace at random, and I don't know how long I've been walking.

Why would they need to build such a huge mansion for one family?

Finally I found Alfred issuing orders to some of the servants, they were all on standby, as if they were in an emergency.

Alfred, I've been looking for you everywhere.

"Young master, you're awake, why didn't you use your phone to call me, breakfast is ready and master..."

Alfred approached me when he heard me call him, but when he got to a certain distance he stopped and there was a look of shock on his face, and he kept staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?..."

"Young master, did you see your figure in the mirror after you woke up?"

"No, I went to look for you directly."

Alfred used his phone and took a picture of me, then handed me the phone.

"What is this?.." I looked very shocking, my face was pale, and there were dark circles under my eyes, and the most shocking was the blue eye, which I decided to ignore previously, because it was not clear, but now it has become clearer, rather And it got glowy too.

"Young master, I left you in the best of health yesterday, how did you become like this in one night?..."

"I… I had a nightmare…"

" nightmare?"

"Right, I think that's why I didn't sleep well last night."

"I think it is something that should be reported to master Alex…"

"I don't want to worry him, especially since he's such a busy man."

"No, as long as this is a matter of your health, I should report it to the master as soon as I can…"

"Well... no problem." I gave in, and stopped trying to stop Alfred. After all, he's just a nightmare, and certainly won't attract much attention from Alex or anyone else.

Alfred and I headed towards Alex's office, and Alex was busy reading some documents, when we entered the room.

"Oh, elia, breakfast... what's this?" Alex stood up, shocked.

"Why is your face pale? What are these dark circles under your eyes? What is wrong with your eyes?" Alex asked a barrage of questions

"This…" I hesitated for a moment.

"What is this blue eye? I will call the doctor to come and check up on Elia." Alex became more concerned and took out his phone to call the doctor.

Alfred approached Alex and spoke softly to him

"elia says he had a nightmare..." Alfred replied directly.

"Nightmare? Is this related to your disappearance?"

"I don't think so, it was just a bad dream."

"No, your subconscious mind may contain your memories, and you are slowly retrieving them… You must tell me the contents of this nightmare."

"As you wish.." It seems that I can't get away from them now, it was a stupid mistake to tell Alfred about the nightmare.

I told Alex about the contents of the dream, the dungeons and the screams, but not about that monster that was chasing me, or about the orb I saw inside the room.

Alex and Alfred listened to my words with focus and care, and after I finished my words, the two looked at each other.

"An old-fashioned stone dungeon, a historic castle… Alfred, do you know such specifications?"

"No, most of the historical relics were destroyed during wars with other races."

"However, this means that we can limit the scope of our search, because there are not many such places, and therefore it will not be difficult to find a place with such specifications..."

It seems they are still searching for the place where I disappeared all these months

And now I have to bring up the main topic, which will lead me to the solution of my amnesia.

"Uncle, can I ask you something..."

"Of course, elia, you can ask for anything," Alex said in a refreshing tone. His ability to find a clue to the place where i disappeared seemed to make him happy.

"I want to enter the Central Academy..."

"…" Alex and Alfred They looked at me in shock , they hadn't expected such a request.

"Why do you want to enter the Central Academy?..." Finally Alex spoke, furrowing his eyebrows, looking worried.

"This....I searched about this place, and I heard it's a great place, so I want to go there to study." That was the only argument I could come up with.

"Sigh, elia, you can't enter the Central Academy…"

" Why ?"

"Because the academy started about a month ago, and it is too late to enroll."

"Couldn't you take advantage of your status as a Gracefield member and make me enter the academy?"

"You… do you think it's that easy, this academy gathers elites from everywhere, and is under the direct supervision of the central government?"

"So it looks like I'll have to wait until next year to enter the academy…"

"You can't enter the academy next year."

" what! why? "

"Because as I told you a while ago, the Central Academy is a gathering place for elites only, and one of its entry requirements is that it must have at least an 'A' rank talent."

An A-rank talent?

"We found you inside a strange vehicle, and when we searched that vehicle, we found a bag, a syringe, and also a paper containing a picture of you with your name and talent..."

"Oh, there was such a thing?..." I pretended to be ignorant, not knowing anything.

"I thought you read that paper, well, let me tell you elia, your talent is only B rank."

"Is that a bad thing?…" I asked in astonishment, it seemed to me that a B-rank talent wasn't too far behind an A-rank.

"For ordinary people, this talent is high, but this is for ordinary families, not ours."

" and what's the difference? "

"There is a classification of talents from rank (G-) to rank (SSS+), and as you can see that each letter represents the rank of talent, and each rank is divided into low, medium, and high. In your case, you are of rank (B), and this means You are higher than a person with (B-) talent, but lower in talent than a person with (B+) rank talent…"

This was a lot of information to absorb, but it was enough for me to realize that my plan to enter the academy was facing a huge problem.