
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Olympia fall : ATLAS

I went back to my room and collapsed onto the bed

I lost all my strength, and my vision began to blur

After I regained consciousness, I tried to open my eyes, the first thing I saw was a glow coming from a source of light,I raised my hand to protect my eyes from this strong light, and after a few seconds, my eyes were able to adjust to the light

But I found myself in a different place from my room, The place I am in now is a small room

I am sitting on a chair and in front of me is a metal desk on which papers and documents are scattered randomly, and there were books and files thrown on the floor everywhere

I got up, and realized that my body was no longer tired or suffering from the spasms of training.

I looked at my hand but I was shocked, this is not the soft white hand that Elia has

This hand was very rough, and looks like the hand of someone who lived his life while doing hard work

There was a small mirror hanging on the wall, I went to that mirror, and saw the face of a middle-aged man, he had shoulder-length brown hair with a light beard, and blue eyes.

This man is wearing a red shirt.

What the hell is going on here? I'm sure I went back to my room and fell asleep

I wouldn't be surprised if I saw a new dream, but this doesn't sound like a dream to me, I can control this body, it's definitely not a dream

I headed towards the door, stomping on the papers and books scattered on the floor

When I opened the door The first thing that caught my attention was the giant glass dome above the place I was in, through which I could see the outside

the sea

I can see the sea through this glass dome

I knew my place instantly

Olympia City

But how did I get back to this place?

I moved forward a little, and saw that I was now on one of the floors of a tall building, and I could see buildings of different shapes and designs

There were flying cars, and vehicles I saw for the first time, there were even vehicles traveling under the sea that I could see through the glass dome

The city is full of people walking actively with happiness on their faces

I thought about the state of this city when I woke up inside it for the first time. It was a ghost town. I see the same city, but now it looks like a normal city, with ordinary people.

Am I back in time? That was the only explanation I could think of

But how did I go back in time, and why am I in a different body

Suddenly I heard a loud sound, and when I looked at the source of the sound, I saw a square that was crowded with people

I decided to go down and head towards that place

This was my chance to see how the Olympia city was destroyed

I walked the roads and saw the amazing urban buildings inside this city, it is hard to believe that this city is under the sea

How were they able to build it, how much money and effort did it cost them

The yellow lights were a wonderful mixture with the metal from which the city's structure was built. It was giving off a golden glow that dazzled anyone who saw it, as if it were a city made of gold.

I was able to see the other parts of the city through one of the giant windows. The city consisted of several parts, connected by bridges and passages, and that all parts were connected to a central part, which was the largest among them. I assumed that this central part is the place where Andrew Ryan lives and controls this city

There is a giant square in the middle of these buildings, and that square was full of people, and standing in the midst of this huge crowd, and a little higher, stood a man wearing a white shirt, that man had black hair and black eyes

Despite the huge crowd, the square was very quiet, so I rushed through the crowd, trying to get close to the middle.

"Hey, watch where you step." A dark-skinned person shouted when I accidentally stepped on his foot.

"Sorry…" I raised my hand and apologized

I saw different people in this crowd, people wearing expensive clothes, people wearing simple and cheap clothes, young and old, men and women, this crowd included people from different classes of society

Someone broke the silence, it was a man in shabby clothes and had blond hair with a thick beard "We have to defend ourselves…." The blond man looked at the black-haired man "Atlas, we can't stay silent and Ryan's dogs are trying to corner us. .."

Those words were like a bomb, Because the square that was quiet became full of uproar, after this man said his words.

"Silence..." Atlas raised his hand

His words were so quiet and inaudible because of the commotion around him that I could barely hear them even though I was close to him.

But as if his words had magic, the crowd fell silent immediately after Atlas said his words

Atlas looked at the crowd, "We are not criminals, we are here to demand our rights, we want equality among all the residents of the city..." Atlas raised his voice as he raised his fist in the air, "We all gathered so that we can have the city we dreamed of, the city of freedom. Olympia..."

The crowd excitedly shouted as they raised their hands

I looked at Atlas and I remember hearing this man's name when I saw Andrew Ryan's memories

I remember he was the one who got out of the crowd and led the coup against Andrew Ryan, after Andrew Ryan killed Frank Fontaine.

After the crowd calmed down, a man in a elegant suit spoke, "But what are we going to do if Andrew Ryan decides to use force against us...."

Atlas' gaze became sharp. "In this case we will defend ourselves, we are not weaker or inferior to them, we will not let that dictator trample on any of our brothers, we have left the human domain so that we can get away from the tyranny of the central government, I will not allow Olympia city to turn into a dictatorial city... ."

The crowd started whispering among themselves, and the discussion seemed to be burning between them