
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

New test

I opened my eyes to find a different ceiling from the ceiling of my room

I looked to the side, to find Ren reading a book sitting next to the bed

Ren looked at me and said in surprise, "You've woken up, Mr. Elia..."

"Yes, where are we?..."

"We're in the clinic..."

I looked at Ren in shock, "Why am I in the clinic? What happened during the match? Did I lose the duel?..."

Ren was confused by the series of questions he was attacked with, "You lost the duel? Do you not remember what happened?..."

"My memory is a bit fuzzy. Can you tell me what happened.." I said with an excuse

Ren was convinced by this excuse, "You won this duel. From my point of view, it looked like a match between an expert and a child. You defeated your enemy with ease..."

"...." I stared at Ren and felt relieved when I was assured of my victory

Ren continued, "But they found you passed out after the duel ended, so they took you to the clinic..."

Alexander's soul seemed to have entered a hibernating state, causing this body to fall because there was no soul controlling it

I looked at Ren curiously, "Why are you here?.."

Ren was confused when he heard my question, "I....I decided to stay here until you wake up..." Ren's voice became lower, "Because we are friends..."

I smiled when I saw the actions of Ren, this child has a kind heart

I put my hand on his head and patted him

Ren froze in place

His expression is funny

"Puff..." I let out a laugh, seeing his embarrassed expression

"Whoa.." He removed my hand and his face turned red, "I am not a child…"

"I don't treat you like a child."

"No, Look at the expression on your face, as if you were dealing with a child..." Ren pointed his finger at me

"Hahaha, well , I'm not going to treat you like a child anymore..."

"You'd better keep your word..." Ren returned to his seat

"Ren, can you keep this conversation a secret between you and me…" I looked at Ren seriously

"You mean about forgetting your victory in the duel?…"


"Of course…if you want to…" Ren smiled

"What a good boy..." I wanted to pat him on the head but he slapped my hand

"Look, you're treating me like a child again..." Ren was annoyed

"Haha, I'm sorry, it's just a habit..." I apologized to Ren

"You guys seem to be having a good time..." Christopher entered, carrying a huge stack of books

"I know visitors bring flowers when visiting the injured in the hospital, but this is the first time I've seen someone bring books..." I smiled as I looked at Christopher

"Haha…" Christopher pretended to laugh at my joke, "I didn't know you could get such a sense of humor after waking up…"

"You can say that..."

I took out my phone and started looking for videos of the duel

I could see how Alexander easily defeated that girl

He is very skilled

"Sheesh, what a poor girl…" I felt pity for her when I saw how Alexander hit her head on the floor.

"..." Christopher and Ren looked at me strangely

"What?.." I asked, raising my eyebrows

Christopher sat on the edge of the bed. "It's strange to show pity to someone with such a strange smile on your face..."

Did i smile?

I touched my face and I felt my lips lifted up

Christopher looked at me, "But I understand your behavior, I couldn't stop myself from laughing when I saw Katarina's angry face..."

"What?...I have to see that…" I said quickly as I searched my phone for more videos, "Hahahaha, look at this.."

I laughed so hard when I found a video showing Katarina screaming at one of the professors angrily

Ren felt uncomfortable, "Laughing at other people's problems is not a good thing..."

But I pretended not to hear him

I replayed the video more than once to see Katarina's angry face

Who is the fool who said that revenge is a dish served cold?

In my opinion, revenge is the most expensive meal in a fancy restaurant

In the end, Ren stopped me, and took the phone from my hand

I looked curiously at the books Christopher had put on the table. "Are you going to read all these books?..."

"It's not mine, it's yours..."

"Me? Why would I need so many books…"

"Because you're going to take the test in two days..."

"....." I looked at Christopher, then I looked at the books, and looked back at Christopher "What?…"

"You have a exam in two days..." Christopher replied

"I heard you from the first time, I mean, why would I need to take an exam if I won the duel…"

"Because all students admitted to the academy need to take a theoretical and a practical exam, so you need to do both…"

"Why didn't anyone tell me that there is a theoretical exam after the duel?…"

Christopher avoided looking at me, "because... no one thought you could win a duel in the first place..."

"...." Am I not that reliable?

"Thank you for trusting me, Christopher..." There was a blank smile on my face

Christopher didn't dare look me in the eye

"Don't worry, Mr. Elia, I will help you study…." Ren smiled

I looked at Ren, "Are you good at studying?..."

There was a look of pride on Ren's face, "I ranked 5th in the theory exams..."

I was shocked by this information, there were thousands of students applying every year, so getting 5th place in the exams was amazing.

I looked at Ren gratefully, "I'll count on you then..."

"No problem..."

I tried to pat his head, but he slapped my hand

Although he was still smiling, I felt that he wanted to hit me

Ren left and we agreed to meet at sunset in one of the cafes that provide private rooms, because he has lessons that he must attend in the morning

Christopher and I were walking to my room, even though I told him I could go back on my own, he insisted on accompanying me.

Looks like I'm about to face another interrogation

"You fought skillfully…" Christopher spoke as he walked beside me.

I pretended embarrassment as I rubbed the back of my head, "Haha, I'm embarrassed by this sudden compliment…"

Christopher still maintained his monotonous tone, "I'm not exaggerating, you're so skilled, it's hard to believe that you're just a teenager who's only been training for five years…"

As I thought, they suspect me

I smiled softly, "Actually, I was very angry, but I calmed myself down and focused on defeating my enemy. I felt like a different person because I had one goal, which was to crush my opponent…"

Christopher nodded, "I have heard of a tribe that has the bloodline of giants. When a member of this tribe gets into a fight, he goes on a rampage, trying to kill his opponent even if he hurts others or even hurts himself…."

"Do you think I got into such a state…"

"You don't have the bloodline of giants, but it seems that you entered into a similar fighting state. When we trained together, you couldn't block or dodge a single blow, but in real combat, you made moves that would be difficult for even professional fighters to do… ."

"Possibly…." I nodded in agreement with Christopher's hypothesis

I was glad he came up with such a logical excuse

I don't think any sane person would think that the person who fought was someone from another world, who lived for more than five centuries and accidentally entered Elia's body.

We got to my room and I invited Christopher in, but he told me he had to report to his boss